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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So... I take a couple of days off after the thread turns into rangers and Celtic fans abusing each other and comparing stadium sizes. Some shit like that.

So, what have I missed. I assume conversation, debate that sort of stuff?

Oh, we've all missed those, Dave.sad.gif

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It's an abortion

Would that be similar to Sevco? No phoenix for sure. Just a pretence of the club it once was, appearing to be normal only because of the loyal but blind support of the original fans, desperate for a lifeline of any sort being offered by anyone.

Call it what you will, but it is still a blood covered foetus with disabilities which means it will never be able to have a normal life in a normal society. sad.gif

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Hopefully it's worth persevering with, for when it grows out of its current phase.

Soon come...

• Charges against a variety of internet warriors

• BDO investigations and subsequent actions/charges

• The title stripping death-dance

• Scottish fitba league reforms

• TV deals/negotiations

• Diddy clubs going arse over tit.

This has barely started - I predict many happy days ahead for our greatest of clubs and support.


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Guest Kincardine

Mostly we are simply having to wade through repetitious cant dressed up as originality.

Would that be similar to Sevco? No phoenix for sure. Just a pretence of the club it once was, appearing to be normal only because of the loyal but blind support of the original fans, desperate for a lifeline of any sort being offered by anyone.


Why the f**k do you bother posting tedious dross that has been posted many thousands of times before? This is just tired, lame, repetitious shite which has no value whatsoever.

Some of us are trying to actually have a conversation yet you feel the need to pollute reasonable discussion with bollocks like this?

Get a fucking grip and try and expres an opinion rather than cut and paste meaningless pap.

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Had Tedi, Youngsy, Bennett, Kincardine and all the wee supporting actors said "We're a new club, let's move on", or "we're the same club and here's how we'd like to pay our debts", most of the antipathy towards their club, whichever version, would not have developed.

Complete and utter pish - the hate for our club was there long before the internauts and, in fact, once had a far richer malevolence than that we see today.

I do hope you see fit to hold your breath in anticipation of Rangers supporters being broadly in agreement with anything you have to say going forward.

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1356296284[/url]' post='6916995']

Fuxake Teds. I'm agreeing with you for the second time in 24 hours. Is this without precedent?

I'd have said that most of the regular posters on here do keep gibes and banter to a civil level. Now and then we have the odd zoomer but mostly we are simply having to wade through repetitious cant dressed up as originality.

The big problem is that this thread has said all it is ever going to say. Nothing new is going to emerge until any either of the following take place:

  • The tribunal from the pathetic and thoroughly asinine SPL plod their weary way through some kind of farrago regarding 'dual contracts'.
  • The discredited HMRC have their tawdry attempt to reopen The Big Tax Case swept aside and, yet again, get handed their arse on a plate.

The salutary fact is that nothing of note is happening in Scottish football except in the 3rd Division.

The SPL is clearly is finished for the year. We know who will win and we know who will get relegated. Moreover, the average attendance is much lower than last season yet the deluded diddies paint it as, 'the best league in years'.

Leagues 1 and 2 are in stasis apart from the phone-box full of Jaggies who are acting like dugs with two dicks and behaving like arrogant fools just because their club has actually managed to win a game or two for the first time since they scored 4 goals in one half against Celtic before most of their maws were even born.

It's a true truth: The only interesting thing in football is happening in Div 3 where we have enjoyable games, great crowds, lots of banter and not a hint of rancour.

The diddies and plastics from the upper divisions hate it.

It hurts me to say this, as you are usually a pretty decent poster: today, you really are depriving a village of it's idiot

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1356300275[/url]' post='6917281']

So... I take a couple of days off after the thread turns into rangers and Celtic fans abusing each other and comparing stadium sizes. Some shit like that.

So, what have I missed. I assume conversation, debate that sort of stuff?

Nah, you've missed f**k all

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Guest Kincardine

It hurts me to say this, as you are usually a pretty decent poster: today, you really are depriving a village of it's idiot

Well may this idiot begin by suggesting you reprise the use of the apostrophe?

May this idiot then ask you to detail which parts of my post you disagree with? It's easy and cheap to use phrases such as you did. Just man up and actually challenge the details of my post.

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It's funny, because even the most hardened newco fan like Kincardine, who tries his best to paint that everything is fine and that he's having a great time knows, deep down, that it's all a big forced charade that the people are keeping up in some bizarre effort to prove that everything is rosy and the best it's ever been. Definitely. No question. Would never swap places with Celtic for anything.

It's a shame, because, if they just admitted that they had to take their medicine and show a little bit of class and humility - whilst it's not particularly nice to see your club die - and support the new club back to where they want to be, the SPL, then you would have a little respect for them.

They know, deep down, that Rangers died, this is a new club and the 140 Year celebration was a sad act of defiance that was looked upon with pity.

They know, deep down, that the use of EBT's were wrong on a moral and sporting level.

They know, deep down, that all the money they spent going to watch the old club in the cheating years was wasted, and all those trophies they celebrated and memories they cherish mean nothing.

They know, deep down, that no matter what they say about not caring what other people think, they clearly do.

They know, deep down, that the rest of us will never forget.

They know, deep down, that the newco has inherited all the disgusting problems of the oldco.

Edited by JMDP
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Well may this idiot begin by suggesting you reprise the use of the apostrophe?

May this idiot then ask you to detail which parts of my post you disagree with? It's easy and cheap to use phrases such as you did. Just man up and actually challenge the details of my post.

I suppose next season the 2nd Division will be the only league worth watching. rolleyes.gif

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Guest Kincardine

I suppose next season the 2nd Division will be the only league worth watching. rolleyes.gif

You're just cribbing from Mason Boyne. He made that very point a few posts back. You can view it here:


Still, nothing like a dose of diddy originality.

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Guest Kincardine

It's funny, because even the most hardened newco fan like Kincardine, who tries his best to paint that everything is fine and that he's having a great time knows, deep down, that it's all a big forced charade that the people are keeping up in some bizarre effort to prove that everything is rosy and the best it's ever been.

Oh for f**k's sake. Please do not try alluding to me in this farce that you call a post.

I have been critical of Rangers even in the past 24 hours so get your facts straight before you use my name to support your ill-considered rant.

Saying that I try to, "paint that everything is fine" is just beyond parody. I have more than one post in the last 24 hours that has been critical of Rangers' fans and of Charles Green.

What's more I am not a, "hardened newco fan". I support Rangers so get my club's name right unless you want to come across as more of a w****r than your post suggests. However, I don't support Rangers uncritically. I can take issue with the club and with the fans and regularly do so. I also take issue with the ignorance that diddies post - such as this unmitigated pap.

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