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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes, and Spartans were thrown out the cup for exactly that.

But the Spartans player wasn't eligible to play, whereas the Rangers players were eligible to play. One was given a sporting punishment (an extremely one, I agree) and one wasn't because there was no grounds to do so.

I've always tried to steer clear of conspiracy theories and favouritism all the way through this, and I really don't think Rangers have been shown any here.

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Regardless of this "judgement" the whole of the footballing world knows what went on.

Unaffordable players were paid through a tax scam, some of whom were improperly registered, some maybe sanctioned by the current SFA president, and this financial wizardry eventually killed the club formerly known as Rangers.

We have a situation now where the club formerly known as Sevco is now plying its trade because of a favour granted by the other SFL clubs by voting them into the league, thus avoiding the usual qualification criteria, and is about to win its first ever trophy.

This new club are trying to claim the good parts of the history of the old club, and deny, deflect or ignore the bad parts and there has been no hint of contrition, humility or apology about the shenanigans the old club got up to. To all intents and purposes they fucked up Scottish football and don't care as long as some sort of team is playing at the old stadium.

What this new club's supporters don't realise is that they were conned as much as the rest of us, and no matter how many witty, or otherwise, comebacks they might throw out to the rest of us, they all know that they were wrong, they all know that the old club is dead and buried and a bunch of squatters are in the grave trying to kid on they are still the same. We all know it's not. Over time we will just get used to the fact that they are still the same bunch of supporters with the same attitude and we have all missed a chance to make things better.

There will no doubt be some legalese explanation of how this or that didn't get applied, and ultimately it doesn't matter. All it's done is saved the SFA and SPL a lot of headaches about what to do with record books and how to deal with the angry hordes if it had gone down the route of changing match results, tournament expulsion and ultimately the loss of trophies from the record books.

The old club is still dead. Those associated with the new club will be shouting for evermore about how "wur no a new club".

The rest of us will just remember the last decade or so as being tainted by one club, and one club alone.


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Ah well!! Scottish football hits the absolute gutter with corruption being condoned, But, hey, whos is surprised?? Scottish football is and will disappear up its own arse soon, and deservedly so.

Next is the hideous reconstruction plans.

A pint doon the lodge the night lads, corruption of said game and people complete. WATP!!!

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It seems to me though that they just didn't disclose these letters, and it would have had no effect on their ability to register these players. They've broken the rules, or cheated, whatever people are happier saying, but the weight of it isn't nearly as heavy as I think most people (including most Rangers fans probably) expected. Non-disclosure is obviously quite serious, but in real terms so is a £250k fine.

Not sure anyone can really argue with this as people have been talking about proportionate punishments all the way through this. Considering the commission's findings, this looks fair to me.

Agree with this if I'm being honest, however what happens next time someone makes an admin error registering players for the Scottish Cup etc? Surely this is now a precedent.

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Regardless of this "judgement" the whole of the footballing world knows what went on.

Unaffordable players were paid through a tax scam, some of whom were improperly registered, some maybe sanctioned by the current SFA president, and this financial wizardry eventually killed the club formerly known as Rangers.

We have a situation now where the club formerly known as Sevco is now plying its trade because of a favour granted by the other SFL clubs by voting them into the league, thus avoiding the usual qualification criteria, and is about to win its first ever trophy.

This new club are trying to claim the good parts of the history of the old club, and deny, deflect or ignore the bad parts and there has been no hint of contrition, humility or apology about the shenanigans the old club got up to. To all intents and purposes they fucked up Scottish football and don't care as long as some sort of team is playing at the old stadium.

What this new club's supporters don't realise is that they were conned as much as the rest of us, and no matter how many witty, or otherwise, comebacks they might throw out to the rest of us, they all know that they were wrong, they all know that the old club is dead and buried and a bunch of squatters are in the grave trying to kid on they are still the same. We all know it's not. Over time we will just get used to the fact that they are still the same bunch of supporters with the same attitude and we have all missed a chance to make things better.

There will no doubt be some legalese explanation of how this or that didn't get applied, and ultimately it doesn't matter. All it's done is saved the SFA and SPL a lot of headaches about what to do with record books and how to deal with the angry hordes if it had gone down the route of changing match results, tournament expulsion and ultimately the loss of trophies from the record books.

The old club is still dead. Those associated with the new club will be shouting for evermore about how "wur no a new club".

The rest of us will just remember the last decade or so as being tainted by one club, and one club alone.




Nothing more vile and corrupt than the sweeping that went on with your club and the powers that be. We welcome the chase.

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But the Spartans player wasn't eligible to play, whereas the Rangers players were eligible to play. One was given a sporting punishment (an extremely one, I agree) and one wasn't because there was no grounds to do so.

I've always tried to steer clear of conspiracy theories and favouritism all the way through this, and I really don't think Rangers have been shown any here.

Splitting hairs here. The Spartans player would have been an eligible player if the SFA had accepted that it was just an administrative error rather than an attempt to subvert the rules. Like Nimmo did with Oldco.

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54 titles and still going strong dududududududu WE WELCOME THE CHASE.

Well no. 54 titles will remain untouched but the new club has none and will start at zip, else they would have been responsible for the debt of the team that won those titles.

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On 14 June 2012 a newly incorporated company, Sevco Scotland Limited, purchased
substantially all the business and assets of Oldco, including Rangers FC, by entering into an asset
sale and purchase agreement with the joint administrators. The name of Sevco Scotland Limited
was subsequently changed to The Rangers Football Club Limited. We shall refer to this
company as Newco
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If I were Campbell Ogilvie I would be sitting with a cheesy grin on my face this afternoon.

Just as a benchmark this is how other bodies operating under the SFA deal with admin 'errors'. This one I see as an admin mistake. Rangers took decisions at a corporate level they KNEW were at odds with the rules. Why don't other clubs who were cheated take the members of Rangers board at the time to court for compensation?

Published on Wednesday 27 February 2013 13:44 Edinburgh Evening News

ONE of the Capital’s most successful boys’ football clubs has been thrown out of two major cup competitions – including the under-16s Scottish Cup – over a “clerical error”.

Hutchison Vale FC coaches said they were shocked when the team was ejected from both the national and South East region cups by the Scottish Youth Football Association (SYFA) after a keyboard “slip” led to one of their players being registered incorrectly.

They said the player was accidently registered for the 2011-12 season,instead of the current one, when details for the 15-year-old were submitted online.

Its understood the boy had been properly registered by the club since the age of five

The Capital team – semi-finalists in last year’s SYFA Cup and among the favourites to triumph in 2013 – had progressed to the quarter finals of the national trophy.

Hutchison Vale coaches said the match was handed to rival city side Tynecastle, after SYFA bosses opted to “punish” the team, and said crucial league points could also be deducted.

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Sevco fans seem very upbeat despite the fact Oldco died for nothing and they now have to watch a team filled with utter shite in red, white and blue every week, playing on ploughed fields in small towns.

So, so harrowing for them. Those in the SPL are still pissing themselves over it.

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Can this day get any better?

LNS confirms continuation

(3) Rangers FC was liable to sanctions as provided by the Rules in the event of a breach while it was owned and operated by Oldco; and

(4) There were sanctions which could be imposed in terms of the Rules which were capable of affecting Rangers FC as a continuing entity now owned and operated by Newco.

Aye, it does.

You lot were right, sorry.

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Yes you must be delighted...how long is that now??? 42 weeks or so?? :lol::lol:

Another one spewing at the finding of the SPL Commission.Been over this a thousand times; club continuity ongoing from March 1872, EBT case found for us, SPL Commission findings clear the club of cheating,no titles stripped, history intact and ongoing from March 1872. No matter how you try to read things,those are the facts. Do have a nice day.

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So Rangers did nothing wrong, but they're fined quarter of a million anyway.


"Damned if I can explain that one, son!"

Mmmm, how about "we know they're guilty, but the prospect of further wide scale thuggery from their fans means all we are willing to do is fine them but let them keep the trophies won by cheating to salve their brittle egos since that's all they care about anyway."


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and they now have to watch a team filled with utter shite in red, white and blue every week, playing on ploughed fields in small towns.

We have a club to watch and we follow them. Ploughed fields, youth team players starting, small towns etc etc all the same.

Hard as it is for the haters to understand, we are fans of a football club and will follow it through the rough with the smooth.

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Can this day get any better?

LNS confirms continuation

(3) Rangers FC was liable to sanctions as provided by the Rules in the event of a breach while it was owned and operated by Oldco; and

(4) There were sanctions which could be imposed in terms of the Rules which were capable of affecting Rangers FC as a continuing entity now owned and operated by Newco.

Well no. 54 titles will remain untouched but the new club has none and will start at zip, else they would have been responsible for the debt of the team that won those titles.

Nae luck GiGi.

LNS is fucking with your minds on this great day.

Same club - no titles taken.


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Splitting hairs here. The Spartans player would have been an eligible player if the SFA had accepted that it was just an administrative error rather than an attempt to subvert the rules. Like Nimmo did with Oldco.

Splitting hairs is exactly right I think. I think the decisions here have been based on the decision maker's judgement rather than a set out rule. Only way really to prevent something like that happening again is to use one or the other as a precedent.

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