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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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One simple tasks u guys can do to put all this petty stuff to bed once and for all.

Prove that a football club like say man u are separate from their business and by definition immune from death. Until that time your deid.

Yous are allowed to use all of RFFs funds to prove this but I still reckon it will take yous about a 1000 years at least

i'll do it in 5 minutes,


fiorentina have a history going back decades on UEFA's website, didnt they go bust recently as well, yet their timeline has been continued by UEFA

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I had no idea Italian business law is the same as Scottish

naw but UEFA's FOOTBALLING rule is the same in scotland as is italy, besides unless you have changed teams AGAIN, i was talking to an ayr fan

now toddle on and google some more obscure and pointless law stuff to impress Lord Nimmo Smith with

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well, back to square one it is.

we've suspected for years that scottish football was rigged in favor of 2 clubs, now it's been confirmed.

Thanks to rangers for forcing this confirmation.

No more pennies from my pocket will ever be spent on scottish football again.

And before anyone starts, it's not sour grapes, it's common sense not to spend money on rigged competition.

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well, back to square one it is.

we've suspected for years that scottish football was rigged in favor of 2 clubs, now it's been confirmed.

Thanks to rangers for forcing this confirmation.

No more pennies from my pocket will ever be spent on scottish football again.

And before anyone starts, it's not sour grapes, it's common sense not to spend money on rigged competition.

You wont be missed, bye bye.

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naw but UEFA's FOOTBALLING rule is the same in scotland as is italy, besides unless you have changed teams AGAIN, i was talking to an ayr fan

now toddle on and google some more obscure and pointless law stuff to impress Lord Nimmo Smith with

UEFA take their cue on matters of a clubs history from the SFA. So because the SFA want yous to believe your the same club for obvious reason we are all supposed to as well. We ain't as thick as your average orc mate

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That zombie at the start of snyde was defo an inbred currant bun.

Can you please try to converse by explaining who or what you're referring to.

I had no idea Italian business law is the same as Scottish

It may well be different but in a football context UEFA have recognised the continuation of member clubs from various countries that have went through similar to Rangers,as a member club of UEFA why should Rangers be any different?

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Ah well, all bullshit of course, next you will be like wunf talking about Masons and the Establishment, if all you have left in your argument is paranoia and conspiracy theories and cover ups then I can simply point and laugh, it is just as bad as Rangers fans going on about lists of enemies and Peter Lewell run Kabals, pretty pathetic really but hilarious if you are on the other side.

Well, as best I can tell, the decision recognises that Rangers intentionally broke the rules over a period of years in an effort to seek a financial advantage, but that they shouldn't be punished for it because a) they didn't get caught cheating at the time and b) it can't be proven that they gained any advantage.

Worth remembering if you ever walk into somebody's house to find them in possession of a widescreen TV and a laptop that were nicked out of your house two years ago.

Which sounds like hilarious bullshit to me, but what would I know? I can't even get my head round the idea that a massive, lump-sum payment that never needs repaying can be a "loan", if you can pay a lawyer enough money to convincingly pretend that it is one.

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It shouldn't have came to this it's just made Scottish football even more of a laughing stock.

Just a general point, not neccesarily directed at you, but this does my nut in, the 'laughing stock' shite... no-one gives a f**k outwith Scotland and a few down South.

I have been down south a few times over the last 6 months and they don't have a clue. One guy didnt even know Rangers were in Div 3 FFS.

It's barely reported in the papers whatsoever and only on Talksport to get foaming at the mouth fans calling in.

Same with the 'league is a laughing stock'... utter bollocks no-one cares, do we laugh at the Romanians, Norwegians, Czechs etc?? The majority of the big leagues are already won. The Bundesliga was all but over in October.

Anyway, rant over.

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naw but UEFA's FOOTBALLING rule is the same in scotland as is italy, besides unless you have changed teams AGAIN, i was talking to an ayr fan

now toddle on and google some more obscure and pointless law stuff to impress Lord Nimmo Smith with

But Tedi said Uefa stated the Rangers were not the same legally...who do I believe?

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well, back to square one it is.

we've suspected for years that scottish football was rigged in favor of 2 clubs, now it's been confirmed.

Thanks to rangers for forcing this confirmation.

No more pennies from my pocket will ever be spent on scottish football again.

And before anyone starts, it's not sour grapes, it's common sense not to spend money on rigged competition.

Love posts like this tear stained effort. As meaningless as claims by others that they will buy season tickets for their whole family at club X, Y or Z.

The SPL gave it their best shot by employing ***** lawyers and hand picking a panel to set up the ultimate kangaroo court...and still they couldn't make these nonsense charges stick.

Complete waste of time and money...i believe Charles Green offered to pay them 50p...that is ten bob more than the corrupt b*****ds deserve.

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The abject glee of the Artist formerly known as Ra Gers fans on here is the reason scottish football is rotten to the core. From the SFA to the SAFA its run by a group of blazers with no intrest in right or wrong only in lining their fur lined coats with the hard earned cash of the mug supporter who pays for the right to watch turgid crap from Hampden to Stair Park.

The fact they turned their backs to the sleazy cheating and backhanders from Ipox is of no great shock. This should have been nipped in the bud from the start. To claim a victory by saying that the fine is for an admin error is typical of the new club and the old. There was no way that LNS could come back with a guilty verdict. This way the only people hurt are the poor buggers who lost their money when the club was liquidated

Can you blame LNS for copping out? I cant. Hoardes of death threats would surely have followed from the alledged minority whos knuckles scrape the ground as they sing their bigoted songs.

Take comfort from the words of Gandhi "When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”

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Love posts like this tear stained effort. As meaningless as claims by others that they will buy season tickets for their whole family at club X, Y or Z.

The SPL gave it their best shot by employing ***** lawyers and hand picking a panel to set up the ultimate kangaroo court...and still they couldn't make these nonsense charges stick.

Complete waste of time and money...i believe Charles Green offered to pay them 50p...that is ten bob more than the corrupt b*****ds deserve.

That never happened and well you know it.

And i wont deny that i'm angry about rangers/sevco getting away scot-free.

Scottish football is officially a shambles.

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Love posts like this tear stained effort. As meaningless as claims by others that they will buy season tickets for their whole family at club X, Y or Z.

To be fair, that wasn't really the case.

The fans said they would not go back if Rangers were directly readmitted (purely because it would not even be put to a vote for any other team outwith the OF), They didnt really ever say that fans would fill the grounds (the media tended to perpetuate this)....This was the case for Motherwell fans anyway.

Subtle difference.

Edited by Richie
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