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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And on the issue of the big media organisations not touching the new documents that have come out...

I was at a football panel Q&A thing a year or so ago, and one of the Herald's sports writers made a convincing case for why the papers don't and can't touch most of the rumours and allegedly incriminating documents that circulate online.

Basically, he said they can't report on anything that they can't get independent confirmation on. So when, for example, HMRC documents about Rangers tax woes get leaked, they ask HMRC and Rangers about it. The first refuses to respond, and the second says it's all lies invented by people trying to kick the club when it's down, etc. etc.

So there's no story there - all they can say without leaving themselves open to lawsuits is "There are some documents on the internet that say this, although their authenticity is in question and we can't draw reliable conclusions from them". Which is pretty weak stuff.

Note though - this is an entirely different situation to, say, Charlie Green claiming that Rangers are going to win the Champions League within forty-seven seconds through the power of their sheer awesomeness, or most of the other shyte that passes for sports journalism. In those cases, they're just reporting what an individual says.

Now, Charlie Green may be talking nonsense, but that doesn't matter. They paper isn't reporting that Green's claims are true. They're reporting that he said it in the first place.

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And on the issue of the big media organisations not touching the new documents that have come out...

I was at a football panel Q&A thing a year or so ago, and one of the Herald's sports writers made a convincing case for why the papers don't and can't touch most of the rumours and allegedly incriminating documents that circulate online.

Basically, he said they can't report on anything that they can't get independent confirmation on. So when, for example, HMRC documents about Rangers tax woes get leaked, they ask HMRC and Rangers about it. The first refuses to respond, and the second says it's all lies invented by people trying to kick the club when it's down, etc. etc.

Whereas online anonymous bloggers can post more or less whatever nonsense they want and certain people will believe anything they so desperately want to believe and spread these rumours throughout internet land. This coupled with the MSM cop out makes it nigh on impossible to know what is truly happening and makes life so much easier for the shysters and conmen.

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Whereas online anonymous bloggers can post more or less whatever nonsense they want and certain people will believe anything they so desperately want to believe and spread these rumours throughout internet land. This coupled with the MSM cop out makes it nigh on impossible to know what is truly happening and makes life so much easier for the shysters and conmen.

It's certainly true that bloggers can post whatever they want and that many will believe everything they hear. That's what made Rangers Tax Case's endless self-puffery* so grating on the ear.

On the other hand, a very large chunk of what emerged online has since been proven to be true, so it's hard to argue that the various blogs and fruitcakes were providing negative value.

*Edit to add: A prime example - I defy anyone to read this http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2012/feb/17/scotland-media-rangers and not be reminded of Father Ted's Get-It-Right-Up-The-Lot-Of-You acceptance speech at the Golden Cleric awards ceremony.

Edited by flyingrodent
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It's certainly true that bloggers can post whatever they want and that many will believe everything they hear. That's what made Rangers Tax Case's endless self-puffery* so grating on the ear.

On the other hand, a very large chunk of what emerged online has since been proven to be true, so it's hard to argue that the various blogs and fruitcakes were providing negative value.

*Edit to add: A prime example - I defy anyone to read this http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2012/feb/17/scotland-media-rangers and not be reminded of Father Ted's Get-It-Right-Up-The-Lot-Of-You acceptance speech at the Golden Cleric awards ceremony.

Yeah agree 100%. Bit its also true that journalists can present their agenda as opinion ala Traynor in the months before his fall. They can print or say anything they like without recourse because "its all about opinions" at the expense of facts.

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Yeah agree 100%. Bit its also true that journalists can present their agenda as opinion ala Traynor in the months before his fall. They can print or say anything they like without recourse because "its all about opinions" at the expense of facts.

This is true but then, anyone thick enough to take Traynor's opinion on anything at face value pretty much deserves to be completely baffled when events in the real world differ wildly from what they've been told.

And I'll say this for the bloggers - many may have been wrong on matters minor and major; they may be partisan and biased and they may get overexcited about basically true facts, but they don't charge you money to read their wild theories.

Again though, it's worth pointing out that people who read those blogs with a critical eye* are more well-informed than those who got all their news from the Record.

*This is what people generally are supposed to do with all current affairs stuff, BTW. They're supposed to try to work out for themselves what's true and what's bollocks, by having a bit of a think about it.

Edited by flyingrodent
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e wont sell as many season tickets this year..imo...Many will use the unrest as an excuse(i am in no way counting you among them). I know many 'Loyal' supporters who simply wont follow follow lower league football and are bored of watching games against part time clubs. I can understand this after watching years of decent football it is difficult and if i am being honest there were times it got to be a bit of chore last season for me.

Replace the word decent with un-affordable and you then get the reason for your lower league football. I can understand how watching part-time teams might become a chore but you are seeking repentance remember!

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Yeah agree 100%. Bit its also true that journalists can present their agenda as opinion ala Traynor in the months before his fall. They can print or say anything they like without recourse because "its all about opinions" at the expense of facts.

Agreed. People, in general, are inclined to believe the media almost without question. As an audience, the mass majority are too lazy to seek out corroborating stories and, consequently, gravitate towards publications and outlets that reflect their own beliefs.

This, in turn, makes the majority of journalists lazy as they simply write to appease their particular target audience.

It also sells.

The internet has put these fat-arsed journalists under closer scrutiny than ever before and only the thickest of our species now accept the spoon fed shite from them.

Question everything they print and you'll be closer to the real story behind the headlines.

If you can be arsed of course.

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Agreed. People, in general, are inclined to believe the media almost without question. As an audience, the mass majority are too lazy to seek out corroborating stories and, consequently, gravitate towards publications and outlets that reflect their own beliefs.

This, in turn, makes the majority of journalists lazy as they simply write to appease their particular target audience.

It also sells.

The internet has put these fat-arsed journalists under closer scrutiny than ever before and only the thickest of our species now accept the spoon fed shite from them.

Question everything they print and you'll be closer to the real story behind the headlines.

If you can be arsed of course.

Maybe if more people adopted my stance of simply not reading the tabloids we would have a better standard of journalist or at least force them to do their jobs.

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If we stop supporting the team then cut backs will be made, people will lose jobs and we will struggle to ever get back to where we belong, no wonder our enemies congratulate and encourage this strategy it would indeed be the end of the club.

I will renew and continue to hope the club survives.

I don't think anyone would advocate you not supporting your team. I think a lot of other supporters are saying don't give them your money in advance.

Pay on the day, your club will still get it's finances, albeit in small installments. This may teach them to live within their means. Then you may see these vultures running away.

The people that stay will be the nucleus of your football club willing to take it forward for the good of the club and the fans.

You wouldn't give a kid a lump sum pocket money at the start of the year. You ration it weekly to teach the child how to not overspend and how to budget. You also have the means of stopping the said money if their behaviour is not what you expect.

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If we stop supporting the team then cut backs will be made, people will lose jobs and we will struggle to ever get back to where we belong, no wonder our enemies congratulate and encourage this strategy it would indeed be the end of the club.

I will renew and continue to hope the club survives.

I'd always been under the impression that football clubs have "rivals" rather than "enemies". There's something very Richard Nixon about your mob these days.

Best of luck with the renewing and hoping, though.

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I don't think anyone would advocate you not supporting your team. I think a lot of other supporters are saying don't give them your money in advance.

Pay on the day, your club will still get it's finances, albeit in small installments. This may teach them to live within their means. Then you may see these vultures running away.

The people that stay will be the nucleus of your football club willing to take it forward for the good of the club and the fans.

You wouldn't give a kid a lump sum pocket money at the start of the year. You ration it weekly to teach the child how to not overspend and how to budget. You also have the means of stopping the said money if their behaviour is not what you expect.

Look at the attendances at cup matches last season and previous seasons...That is what happens when you have to rely on pay on the day support. It would be a huge fall in income and then you have the knock on affect of sponsorship etc etc

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If we stop supporting the team then cut backs will be made, people will lose jobs and we will struggle to ever get back to where we belong, no wonder our enemies congratulate and encourage this strategy it would indeed be the end of the club.


I will renew and continue to hope the club survives.

I tend to be of the opinion that holding off on season ticket renewal is the fans only real power over any board of directors.

Purchasing one is not just a cost saving for the fan (paying LESS) per match, but is also a statement of confidence in the clubs administration which guarantees your attendance over the season and chucks an advance of cash at the club at the same time.

Currently, you have a board of directors whose very existence is designed to rake in money for anything other than the betterment of the club on the football pitch. They want the large numbers of fans to continue to cough up cash and recoup their investment as fast as possible....then get out of town, because football as a money making venture is fucked.

The mob (pun internded) currently trying to run the club are even LESS worthy of your money than the previous shysters.

Giving them plenty 'up front' merely encourages them.

But if all you want is success regardless to get back "where you belong" then.....

Edited by GreenockRover
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If we stop supporting the team then cut backs will be made, people will lose jobs and we will struggle to ever get back to where we belong, no wonder our enemies congratulate and encourage this strategy it would indeed be the end of the club.

I will renew and continue to hope the club survives.

A rangers fan worried about people loosing thier jobs?! Where's that list of creditors again, rangers stiffed for 30mil?

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Many fans understandably want to renew their season tickets, to support the club (as opposed to those who run it at any particular time). However, there is a good deal of unease about certain things e.g. the involvement of the Easdales. If James Easdale is voted onto the board it could lead to many fans not renewing. So, some might even argue it would be a good thing if Easdale were to be voted on as it could trigger many non-renewals and show that fan power can be exercised. We'll see what happens....

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Many fans understandably want to renew their season tickets, to support the club (as opposed to those who run it at any particular time). However, there is a good deal of unease about certain things e.g. the involvement of the Easdales. If James Easdale is voted onto the board it could lead to many fans not renewing. So, some might even argue it would be a good thing if Easdale were to be voted on as it could trigger many non-renewals and show that fan power can be exercised. We'll see what happens....

Yep. The involvement of these brothers, should this enforced EGM be successful, is going to speak volumes to folk, especially west coast people who know the true background they have.

Dirty money is still money to those with a need of it.

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It's certainly true that bloggers can post whatever they want and that many will believe everything they hear. That's what made Rangers Tax Case's endless self-puffery* so grating on the ear.

On the other hand, a very large chunk of what emerged online has since been proven to be true, so it's hard to argue that the various blogs and fruitcakes were providing negative value.

*Edit to add: A prime example - I defy anyone to read this http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2012/feb/17/scotland-media-rangers and not be reminded of Father Ted's Get-It-Right-Up-The-Lot-Of-You acceptance speech at the Golden Cleric awards ceremony.

That was my main issue with the tax case blog. I had a spare afternoon once so set about trying to read it to get up to speed with things (this was about a year ago, before the Armageddon nonsense) but gave up because the bloke was so full of how wonderful he was writing stuff the papers weren't touching.

I had the same problem reading Phil Mac Made Up Name's book, although I struggled on as I was enjoying laughing at how important he felt he was. Between the RTC and Phil Mac there was probably some valid stuff but it got buried under their self congratulatory pish.

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Can't see Rangers losing 2 mill per month, Thought it was supposed to be about 1 mill per month. Whatever it is its too much for them to survive the next season without season ticket money if they only have 8 mill left in that bank account. If they last all of next season then the season after should be fun. Watch for ticket prices going back to SPL levels

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