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I'm so good that you quoted me twice, eh?

What you said was this:

I looked at the newspaper stand in the shop on the way home. The giant, unmissable front-page headline on the Record says that Craigy Whyte is selling part of his shares to an infamous capital-hungry pirate who loots everything he can grab out of every company he touches

This just is not credible. I'll send £20 to charity if the Record said anything like, "Craigy Whyte is selling part of his shares to an infamous capital-hungry pirate"

Honestly, why do you and your fellow plastics make stuff up?

A simple error, now corrected - I meant "Charlie Green". Apologies, but the older I get, the more difficult it's getting to remember which of your conman ex-directors is which.

And you are, of course, correct to say that the Record don't call him an "infamous capital-hungry pirate". I called him that because that's what he is - see In The City in Private Eye, various issues over the last five years or so.

Now the Record, they call him a "finance shark" then note his previous company-looting behaviour. I'd see this as very bad news if it was my club but thankfully, it isn't.

But again, here we are with you parsing some guy on the internet's comments... while a giant, toothy predator circles your season ticket money.

"Some MFs are always trying to ice-skate uphill", as the great philosopher Wesley Snipes once said.

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Apart from being laughably juvenile and revealing about the person that wrote it, is the above actually acceptable?

I dunno. It's certainly done nothing to lower the opinion I already held about the poster.

Monkey, I didn't see the post wherein the guy asked "Are you a poof?" but I'll scroll back and report it. Aye it's juvenile but also we shouldn't be using homophobic language.

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I think you will find there is hardly a Rangers fan that has forgotten the tax blogger.

You think that anyone that wants to see him punished for breaking the law is a mentalist? nice job at defending a criminal then.

I imagine you're right - he is, after all, a convenient distraction from the enormous shite-sandwich on your plate.

And I think that anyone - Rangers fans especially - who give even the vaguest of fvcks about the Rangers Tax Case blogger is a mentalist, and I find your highly selective demands for justice hilarious.

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I imagine you're right - he is, after all, a convenient distraction from the enormous shite-sandwich on your plate.

And I think that anyone - Rangers fans especially - who give even the vaguest of fvcks about the Rangers Tax Case blogger is a mentalist, and I find your highly selective demands for justice hilarious.

You seem to be caring quite a bit about the blogger thou...

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Monkey, I didn't see the post wherein the guy asked "Are you a poof?" but I'll scroll back and report it. Aye it's juvenile but also we shouldn't be using homophobic language.

If you like Kincardine. Reporting things isn't really my style, but what he put is indeed pretty poor form.

When you find the context, I don't think you'll see that it vindicates him any.

As Bennett says though, the evidence of his post is there, and we can all judge it (and him) for ourselves.

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Correct me if I am wrong here;

this giant toothy predator owns 1%?

this giant toothy predator has a history of putting pressure on companies to pay dividends?

Dividends can only be paid when a company is profitable?

So are you now suggesting Rangers are turning a profit and this giant toothy predator wants his 1% of said dividend?

Well, maybe he's turned over a new leaf and won't spend every waking hour kicking up as much shit as possible while trying to extract as much cash from you has he can, like he does everywhere else he goes.

Maybe he's only there to see the Rangers? Probably nothing to worry about.

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A simple error, now corrected - I meant "Charlie Green". Apologies, but the older I get, the more difficult it's getting to remember which of your conman ex-directors is which.

And you are, of course, correct to say that the Record don't call him an "infamous capital-hungry pirate". I called him that because that's what he is - see In The City in Private Eye, various issues over the last five years or so.

Oh aye and you just happened to catch those headlines in Private Eye in a newspaper shop on the way home too?

Forgive me for not believing you since you've already made one c**t of yourself.

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I wouldn't report it, i'd leave it where it is and everyone can judge it for themselves.

Quite right.

If we report it that makes us worse than poofs !

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If you like Kincardine. Reporting things isn't really my style, but what he put is indeed pretty poor form.

When you find the context, I don't think you'll see that it vindicates him any.

As Bennett says though, the evidence of his post is there, and we can all judge it (and him) for ourselves.

I'll go along with Bennett. Pretty poor form from us. We shouldn't be using casual homophobia.

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What we are not capable of wanting justice for someone who has broke the law alongside wanting what is best for our club?

You morals are flying high on this one.

Given that the two are generally mutually exclusive, as has been repeatedly shown, then of course you're incapable of doing both.

As has been repeatedly proven on this very thread, you have to be prodded and poked and provoked into remembering that you're a bit annoyed with Craig Whyte and Sir Dave, and even then it's not a very convincing performance.

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A simple error, now corrected - I meant "Charlie Green". Apologies, but the older I get, the more difficult it's getting to remember which of your conman ex-directors is which.

And you are, of course, correct to say that the Record don't call him an "infamous capital-hungry pirate". I called him that because that's what he is - see In The City in Private Eye, various issues over the last five years or so.

Now the Record, they call him a "finance shark" then note his previous company-looting behaviour. I'd see this as very bad news if it was my club but thankfully, it isn't.

But again, here we are with you parsing some guy on the internet's comments... while a giant, toothy predator circles your season ticket money.

"Some MFs are always trying to ice-skate uphill", as the great philosopher Wesley Snipes once said.

Remind me again what Wesley went on the lam for recently ?

Just curious.

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I'll go along with Bennett. Pretty poor form from us. We shouldn't be using casual homophobia.

There was nothing collective about the poor form. It was the exclusive work of Bad Day.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Oh aye and you just happened to catch those headlines in Private Eye in a newspaper shop on the way home too?

Forgive me for not believing you since you've already made one c**t of yourself.


Yup, Private Eye - a magazine that can apparently predict who's going to buy into Rangers in 2013, from years ago.

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