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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Never, ever, refer to me as a friend.

Let me be absolutely clear, without frothing:

I like baiting you, periodically.

I have no anger issues. Please refer to my comment that it is all in your razor sharp mind.

I am older than you.

I am wiser than you. Of that there is no doubt. I know this.

I do not need to "pound a keyboard" as I am as cold as ice.

Like WRK, I absolutely detest all things related to Celtic and Rangers, in equal magnitude.

And despite the law of the land, I detest homosexuals. The law cannot change my perception of them.

What a nasty, nasty little man. I can't see you getting your hair ruffled by your forum 'pals' ever again after that shameful, hateful revelation.

Lest, of course, they are happy to be stained by association.

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Never, ever, refer to me as a friend.

Let me be absolutely clear, without frothing:

I like baiting you, periodically.

I have no anger issues. Please refer to my comment that it is all in your razor sharp mind.

I am older than you.

I am wiser than you. Of that there is no doubt. I know this.

I do not need to "pound a keyboard" as I am as cold as ice.

Like WRK, I absolutely detest all things related to Celtic and Rangers, in equal magnitude.

And despite the law of the land, I detest homosexuals. The law cannot change my perception of them.

You are certainly NO better than Bennett with that remark. Utterly disgusting statement!

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Not sure how reliable the Drum website is but apparently Whytes Charlotte Fakes website is under police investigation.

Oh dear.

Christ on a stick, this is looking less like "shooting the messenger" than it is a genocide of deliverymen.

It's like they have a firing squad working round the clock, and the penalty for driving a DHL van is death.

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And, let's imagine for a moment that we're not talking about a football club, so we can be a bit less partisan about it. Let's imagine this is Tesco, or Vodafone, or Scottish Power.

What does it tell us about criminal law, if

1) the cops will sit on their hands if you evade vast tax payments by pretending that massive cash gifts that never have to be paid are "loans";

2) the cops won't intervene if you actively obstruct the tax authorities to conceal this, but

3) if you divulge private business emails, the cops will be at your door with handcuffs?

After all, not one of the folk on this thread will ever be able to make use of multimillion pound tax dodges. None of us will ever obstruct HMRC.

But it's conceivable that at least one of us might want to blow the whistle on a dodgy employer at some point.

Isn't that odd, that you get arrested for one of those activities but not the others?

Kind of makes you wonder who, exactly, business law is designed to protect, I reckon.

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Yes you did imagine all that. What an active imagination you have.

Wasting your time - Tedi lives entirely in a fantasy world of his own devising. Delusions of that level generally aren't healthy but at least he's happy.

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Kind of makes you wonder who, exactly, business law is designed to protect, I reckon.

Most laws and rules are designed to protect the wealthy and powerful and to preserve the status quo and to keep the hoi poloi in their place while at the same time creating the illusion that all is fair and just.

Remind you of anything?

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Never, ever, refer to me as a friend.

Let me be absolutely clear, without frothing:

I like baiting you, periodically.

I have no anger issues. Please refer to my comment that it is all in your razor sharp mind.

I am older than you.

I am wiser than you. Of that there is no doubt. I know this.

I do not need to "pound a keyboard" as I am as cold as ice.

Like WRK, I absolutely detest all things related to Celtic and Rangers, in equal magnitude.

And despite the law of the land, I detest homosexuals. The law cannot change my perception of them.


Mhanky b*****d Bennett.

Hammered from my keyboard while still riding my Yamaha, and Sandra Bullock

get to your bed, p***k.

This is probably just some daft wee kid getting his kicks by acting hard online.

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Christ on a stick, this is looking less like "shooting the messenger" than it is a genocide of deliverymen.

It's like they have a firing squad working round the clock, and the penalty for driving a DHL van is death.

If CF hasn't done anything wrong then they have nothing to worry about, if they have broke any laws then they deserve all they get.

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Never, ever, refer to me as a friend.

Let me be absolutely clear, without frothing:

I like baiting you, periodically.

I have no anger issues. Please refer to my comment that it is all in your razor sharp mind.

I am older than you.

I am wiser than you. Of that there is no doubt. I know this.

I do not need to "pound a keyboard" as I am as cold as ice.

Like WRK, I absolutely detest all things related to Celtic and Rangers, in equal magnitude.

And despite the law of the land, I detest homosexuals. The law cannot change my perception of them.

Was with you right up to the second last line, Third. the blue bigots have moved waayyy ahead in the despicable stakes due to their proven malfeasance and reaction to the discovery of said malfeasance.

As for the last line - sorry to say, that really is unacceptable. Live and let live, for Christ's sake. Like many minorities, I will occasionally get a bit narked when mouthpieces claim the right to be offended or play the "minority card" when demanding Rights which could be seen as privileges. On the whole, though, others' sexuality, colour, creed, or other form of self-definition doesn't matter a whole lot to me.

I have to say, with that last line, you've not just crossed a line - you've pole-vaulted over it.

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Never, ever, refer to me as a friend.

Let me be absolutely clear, without frothing:

I like baiting you, periodically.

I have no anger issues. Please refer to my comment that it is all in your razor sharp mind.

I am older than you.

I am wiser than you. Of that there is no doubt. I know this.

I do not need to "pound a keyboard" as I am as cold as ice.

Like WRK, I absolutely detest all things related to Celtic and Rangers, in equal magnitude.

And despite the law of the land, I detest homosexuals. The law cannot change my perception of them.

You like baiting him but you detest homosexuals?

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How are you doing Lip? How's Manchester treating you? I'm up the road on August 7th to visit my auld dear in Muirhouse so I'm hoping to take the weans to Motherwell's Europa League match on the 8th. They haven't issued tickets yet as far as I can see.

Looking forward to this. I think my last 'European' night at Fir Park was a Texaco Cup game against Spurs in about 1971. Would that sound right?

As far as the body of your post goes I'd say this:

I've never claimed anything about my, " values and morals". For me to do so would be ridiculous seeing I have plenty foibles.

I do, though, have an ideal when it comes to Rangers fans and it is something like: Enjoy the game; make a noise; be loud; rip the pish; and let folk know who they are up against. At the same time, don't be rude; don't show your genitals and make sure women and old yins get a seat on the bus/train/tram before you.

Isn't this perfectly reasonable?

That is perfectly reasonable, however my pouint was that while you may be a paragon of virtue, so to speak, not every Rangers fan, or every fan for that matter, has teh same standards. Therefore believing Rangers fans would never lower themselves because you wouldn't is a wee bit off the mark.

Anyway to the football, I am pretty sure Spurs was 1972 or 73.I know we definitely played Stoke in 1971, I was at that match and my dad took me down to Stoke for the second leg. We beat them on penalties at the old Victoria Ground. That was the first time I saw Motherwell in a competitive match outside Scotland.

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