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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It was you who claimed it was a new club!

I'm at ease with the situation you describe too. Essentially, if Rangers fans support the notion that its the same club, who are the rest of us to argue.

25 point penalty should admin 2 occur then?

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Sorry DJD but i wasn't being entirely serious with that quip. ;)

I doubt we are anywhere near Administration at the moment and if we get these shysters out over the next few weeks i doubt we will be anytime soon.

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Complaints to the BBC? Nah not us


FURIOUS Celtic chiefs last night asked the BBC to explain why Rob McLean and Pat Nevin accused their fans of chanting sectarian songs at the Scottish Cup final.

More than 8000 Hoops fans have complained to the Beeb about the pair's claims, made live on air.

And now the club has demanded an explanation for Saturday's comments.

At half-time, presenter McLean said: "Celtic supporters have been singing some sectarian songs during the first half."

Pundit Nevin said: "I'm going to mention it every time I hear it. Let's embarrass these teams."

But Celtic are adamant their supporters did NOT sing any bigoted songs.

Last night a club spokesman said: "We've raised the matter with BBC Scotland and are awaiting their response."

A Beeb spokesman said: "Celtic have been in touch seeking clarification, as have several thousand fans. We will be responding to them

Edited by bennett
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I leave that for Tedi and Youngsy etc to discuss.

I am pretty relaxed about all that New co / Old Co carry on. I am happy going along to Ibrox the traditional home of Rangers watching Rangers play in Rangers tops supported by the same Rangers supporters and using the same smartcard as i have for many years.

Now if you want to claim it is a new club you can go right ahead. I could not care any less.

Tbh if that's your view, that's your view. Id be a tad more sceptical that the money grabbing shysters have aimed to make the loyal fans think that way so they can keep pumping in the money.

Especially if they did the whole 'newco' to the bond holders and if they keep wheeling out Walter at ticket sales times.

More worrying times for the rangers fans ahead I think.

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Take it up with Rico.

Take what up? That article shows no bitterness towards the embarrassment of the old Rangers or Sevco

As I said, you're beneath us. With the fans being shown up for what they really are.


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Can someone help me with my WATP acronym?

The first half is 'Walter Ambulates' but I'm stuck with the second part.

I'll offer a greenie as a prize for the best suggestion.

Walter Ambulates To Parkhead

Well., Tedi did say elsewhere (might have been a different thread and I can't be arsed looking for it) that he was going over to the other side

ETA Absconds could replace Ambulates

Edited by Kamenitza
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I'm sure the sevconians will take this with a pinch of salt however there is a poster on one of the Aberdeen forums who proved to be a very reliable source during the old club's debable.

He has indicated today that McCoist is pretty much gone and there are also some are wages are not being paid.

As I said, I have no reason to doubt this guy as he was always a few days ahead of everyone else when it came to information before, take from that what you will.

Buckle up 8)

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Sorry Stoney but i am admitting nothing or accepting nothing. Tedi is well aware of my views on this matter. I could not care any less about the bickering over Newco/ Oldco as it is beyond boring now...You are free to believe what you want but as i take my seat tonight in the Copland Rear as i have done for too many years now i will still be cheering on The Rangers

I remember the feeling well No8..........................

It was 19 years ago almost to the day, I was in the Telford Street Park ground, the spiritual home of Caledonian FC, I had walked through the turnstiles with "property of Caledonian FC" painted above them to my place 8 steps up from the front of the Howden End, offset to the right of the goal. I cheered on "Caley", conveniently forgetting the new suffix to my club's name, I roared at the 5 goals scored by "Super Caley" along with 1500 others, I sung songs about life support machines.

You remind me so much of myself back then. You will wake up one day shouting for "Inter" as I do claiming to be a Jaggy. It took me three to four seasons, maybe longer to accept the truth. You will probably be the same, if International last that long.

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You implied that Celtic have never complained about the BBC, the article shows that they have.

8000 complaints :lol:

You said we are bitter about Rangers, safe to say we both know this isn't true

Nice try and deflection though. Next time you should consider holding a protest outside Hampden and blame the SFA

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oh dear

Charity regulator criticises 'misconduct' over Rangers v AC Milan game
_69136364_69134899.jpgThe charity game between Rangers Legends and AC Milan Glorie was played at Ibrox last year

The charities watchdog has strongly criticised trustees of the Rangers Charity Foundation after cash raised at a match went to the football club.

The fundraising game between Rangers Legends and AC Milan Glorie took place after the club entered administration.

A complaint was raised after it emerged that almost £200,000 went to the club rather than the charity.

The Scottish Charity Regulator has now ruled that the decision-making of the trustees "constituted misconduct".

However, it decided not to take action against any of the trustees.

The regulator's report states that the Rangers Charity Foundation had three trustees at the time of the game - all of whom were employed by or held senior positions at the club.

A fundraising dinner and the football match between Rangers Legends and AC Milan Glorie had already been scheduled for 29 and 30 March 2012 when the club entered administration on 14 February.

Income control

One of the trustees alerted the administrators, from Duff and Phelps, of the club's commitment to provide support for the event.

The report states that the trustee believed there was a risk that the administrators would not allow the game to go ahead if it was not in the interests of creditors.

Continue reading the main story “Start Quote

The charity's decision-making process, which allowed important decisions to be made by one trustee acting alone, was in breach of trustees' duties”

Scottish Charity Regulator

The trustee agreed to assign control of the income from the charity match to the administrators to ensure that the club could recover costs.

Before this decision, the Rangers Charity Foundation had been due to receive 60% of the net profit from the game plus a management fee of £25,000.

As a result of the trustee assigning income control to the administrators, the charity only received 10% of the net profit - £38,286 - plus the management fee.

This meant that £191,430 of profit that had been due to go to the charity went to the administrators who were running club.

In its ruling, the charity regulator said: "The charity's decision-making process, which allowed important decisions to be made by one trustee acting alone, was in breach of trustees' duties and constituted misconduct on the part of the charity trustees as a whole."

The regulator said that since the charity was set up, there had been "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the trustees' connection to the club.

It also states: "In addition, the conflict of interest presented by the assignation was not managed appropriately and professional advice was not obtained as required by the charity's trust deed."

The regulator added: "Having looked carefully at the whole situation, [the regulator] has not found that the ongoing risks to charitable assets or to the reputation of the sector justify [the regulator] taking action against any of the trustees."

The regulator's report noted that one of the three trustees "did not respond to any of our requests for inf

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Not true in the slightest, people are perfectly entitled to their own opinions on the matter, I am happy enough with my opinion which happens to match all the relevant authorities, quite content.

The SFA & FIFA, relevant authorities? Did they not find that the new club had no claim to the player registrations of MacGregor, Naismith etc?

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