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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I already told you, that does not float my boat. If I was tempted to partake at any point in the future though two points would have to be considered 1, you'll have to work on your patter and 2, I'd be the shunter and you the grunter. There's nothing going directly up me.

WTF? thread for this malarkey - by Christ, if t-free and Batshit Potato were here now, waiting with their "homophobe" attack-posts at the ready....

FAO KIncardine:

Shunter - small but powerful locomotive used to manouevre rolling stock in a rail yard

Grunter - Monica Seles.

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It sure looks easy, when the paying punters are constantly teetering on the verge of volcanically enraged lunacy like this mob of boiling wallopers are.

Not just Bears. The whole of Scottish football is like this.

Last night I posted this pile of bollocks:

OK I have posted here through thick and thin since we went in to Administration and I am sick of defending the indefensible. Bears, we have to accept reality. David Murray declared the death of our great club and appointed Craig White as executioner.

Let’s just admit it: What was founded in 1872 died in 2012 and we have to keep our chins up. Our titles and history have all gone.

What’s worse is that we could face, “The Dead Cat Bounce” and die again by the end of the year. We are rapidly running out of cash and face becoming The The Rangers – if the football authorities allow us.

I even said to folk that I would make an attention-seeking post. Know what? It attracted 3 greenies. I bet if I'd waited a day it would have got hunners. Folk like sensationalism.

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neeNaw NeeNaw Grammar Polis here! How can I correct you, sir?

Mrs WRK said she needed a pee - what's an old gentleman to do?

Oh, and I should have mibbes used "which isn't" instead of the lazy "not".

Nice doppler effect on the siren, by the way. WRK likes.

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WTF? thread for this malarkey - by Christ, if t-free and Batshit Potato were here now, waiting with their "homophobe" attack-posts at the ready....

FAO KIncardine:

Shunter - small but powerful locomotive used to manouevre rolling stock in a rail yard

Grunter - Monica Seles.

Pele (and the rest of that eras Brazilian squad) liked very young boys, and didn't consider himself "gay".. the culture was as long as you were the shunter......

And look how revered he is now.....

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WTF? thread for this malarkey - by Christ, if t-free and Batshit Potato were here now, waiting with their "homophobe" attack-posts at the ready....

FAO KIncardine:

Shunter - small but powerful locomotive used to manouevre rolling stock in a rail yard

Grunter - Monica Seles.

Pele (and the rest of that eras Brazilian squad) liked very young boys, and didn't consider himself "gay".. the culture was as long as you were the shunter......

And look how revered he is now.....

I do not know why you are involving me in this.

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BP - there are ways of responding to folks' calumnies without being offensive.

Manners matter!


So justify that remark that Spence's fairly garbled, yet innocuous comments were attention seeking. I just don't get that at all. As I said, if someone were to observe that Mileson's antics killed Gretna, nobody at all would take issue with that. Yet we still have a Gretna team wearing black and white and playing at Raydale.

I don't need to insist that the modern Rangers is totally unconnected to the club that's been there for a long time. It does seem however that many Rangers fans simply must believe that it's EXACTLY the same thing and must bludgeon anyone who might tentatively, inarticulately mumble any slight departure.

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Alright, Bennett.

I said that I pointed out that, by your lifestyle choices, you were ill-equipped to comment on someone's relationships in a "traditional" family unit - at least in comparison to someone who had first-hand experience of such a relationship. I'm sure you remember the exchange.

You may agree with me or not - that's your prerogative. I'm fairly sure that you did not take that as a homophobic slur, as you'd have been dragging it up ad nauseam since then. That others have done so says more about them than anything else.

Personally, I find that your lying, hypocrisy and attempted bullying give me more than enough reasons to despise you.


Wouldn't he have had that "first hand experience" through growing up in a "traditional" family unit?

I mean isn't that how we all got our first experience of the family unit, as children?

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