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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Reality bites.

Can't say I'm a fan of the Rangers as an institution, however, I have every sympathy with any supporter who turns up week in, week out, to hand over their hard earned cash and asks very little in return except a club to support.

So, it's good to see groups of Rangers supporters finally putting up some sort of fight over the way they are being treated, but really, why has it taken so long?

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Amigos off having a wee huddle ? Get the story straight lads ;)

The wee bmbrangersrants is a reasonable piece from a confirmed sceptic. Would be nice to have him on here than any of the current Clapping Monkeys we ended up with.

Remember folks. Of the total IPO issue - only about 6-8 million was put in by "fans" Institutional investment accounts for the majority and they WON'T be impressed by the Clumpany's "all-in" gamble.

Just can't stop themselves can they ? :lol:

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For those of you on phones etc....

From BMCRangersRants;

“I’ll wait till the accounts come out”

This is the line I have had repeatedly thrown at me during my various rants on the folks running our club.

Well today they are out for all to see, And as expected it doesn’t look good.

Basically the club has lost in excess of £1 million a month (as I and others stated would be the case) and the IPO money is all but gone. We had a player wage bill of £7.8 million and Non playing staff wage bill of £10 million. All this whilst in the bottom tier of Scottish football. Most teams we took on were filled with gardeners, window cleaners and teachers some of which actually beat us deservedly. But still Rangers have managed to have just about blown the lot.

Charles ‘Rangersitis’ Green has been paid nigh on £1 million for his 13 months ‘work’. Not bad work if you can get it. Come through the door, promise much and deliver very little. Embarrass an Institution and sale off with £ 1 million. Good work Chuck.

Ally McCoist wage is £835,000. Again absolutely ludicrous. Regardless of his name to pay a manager with no actual managerial experience anything like this wage whilst in the bottom tier of Scottish football is absolutely insane (there is a pattern developing here)

Clearly the club motto has been ‘SPEND SPEND SPEND’

When Rangers won SFL 3 we won it by 24 points. At the time I alluded to the fact that QOTS had won promotion from the league above in a quicker time and some would say with better football. Their total costs were £300,000. Rangers wage bill alone was £7.8 million for playing staff. Again just look at the numbers. Of course I am not suggesting we could of ran Rangers with £300,000, But did we really need to spend what we have?

When the IPO money was raised we were given a list of what the £22.5 million would do. Myself and others wanted the money to be used for the clubs foundations for the future. Scouting, Coaching, Match day experience were all things we looked forward to seeing the money spent on. As each month passed I asked and asked again ‘what was happening with the IPO money?’ check my previous blogs if you don’t believe me. I repeatedly stated my concern that this IPO money was being used for operating costs day to day and not much else. Well past the acquisition of Edmiston House and a couple of jumbo screens I think again sadly I have been proven right.

Looking through the accounts released today I see little or no investment from Chuck Green and his gang. But then am I surprised? Not really.

As of June there was meant to be in excess of £10 million sat in the bank. Well we have operated at a loss of in excess of £1 million a month since Green and his gang took over so I’m not sure there will be more than say £7 million left? Remember the losing £1 million a month was another thing folk made up who wanted change? No that was true as well.

So what now?

Well I will make it as clear and precise as I can.







This simply cannot be allowed to go on. In their tenure this mob have literally spent just about every penny of the clubs and fans money whilst doing nothing more than wearing a club tie and lining their own pockets. It’s really that simple. Mather today speaks about lucrative sponsorship deals with Puma, Sports Direct, Ladbrokes etc. They aren’t ‘lucrative’ at all and certainly do nothing to assist in the ludicrous running costs of our club. In one year in SFL 3 these guys have spent just about 2 seasons worth of season ticket money and £22.5 million of IPO money and they claim to be doing a ‘good job’? In business I have been part of these guys would of been escorted off the premises for gross negligence. There is no investment from these guys coming. Their spin doctors can say what they like. £50 million cheques? Aye okay, signed by who? Mickey Mouse?


Jim McColl and others are trying to stop them. They have tried to get people in to have a look under the bonnet of the operation. But clearly this current regime know that Frank Blin would of found in car terms what you would call a ‘write off’. Now people can argue all day and night whether they want Paul Murray and others brought in but the facts are we need change. I don’t see anyone throwing money at this until the current regime are removed and some find that tough to understand, which is fair enough. I imagine Dave King has money to invest but in Rangers, Not in these clowns pockets. The club business model (I doubt there is one) has to be ripped up and we need to be far more financially prudent. We overspent when in the SPL and it appears we still haven’t learned following what happened nearly 2 years ago. This is not about Ally McCoist, the players, the board or anyone else ultimately. This is about the future of Rangers Football Club. Costs need cut and we need a proper plan. Investment will be required again but we need the right Captain steering the ship. We need our money going to Rangers, not elsewhere.

It is great to see a mobilisation of fans in the form of the ‘Sons Of Struth’ group and I wish them well in their quest and I hope more fans join them in trying to cleanse our club. The time for change is now. We need our club back before it is too late.


Edited by GreenockRover
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In all seriousness, Billy Reid would get RIFC promoted up to the Premiership on £100k a year salary and a playing staff budget of £500kpa. He would probably also discover some hidden talent that could be sold on for £millions if required. They could then sack him and spunk all the money they'd saved on McCoist and over-paid journeymen if they wanted.

I can't understand why they're trying to crush a grape with a wrecking ball.

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Who ever said that being a bear was easy?

Had a quick skim, confirms what was suspected by most of us. The playing staff wages don't appear to be the major issue, the problem as i and many others thought - is coming from boardroom level. A big mistake was lowering tickets prices, most fans would have bought them at SPL level and i'll have another read later on.

Paul Murray was on the radio a few weeks ago saying that the BDO report (in a few months) will be interesting.....

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In all seriousness, Billy Reid would get RIFC promoted up to the Premiership on £100k a year salary and a playing staff budget of £500kpa. He would probably also discover some hidden talent that could be sold on for £millions if required. They could then sack him and spunk all the money they'd saved on McCoist and over-paid journeymen if they wanted.

I can't understand why they're trying to crush a grape with a wrecking ball.

Because they Deserve Better.

FFS, some people just don't pay attention. ;)

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Thanks for the quote, GreenockRover.

You know, I think that may be the first rangers fan I've read who has his head screwed on. Had never heard of the guy until today.

Yet we've had these fckin trolls and morons repeatedly posting shite on here, hiding behind their WATP cloak of arrogance deflecting the very discussions this guy had highlighted.

As a fan of a football team in Scotland I can take the moral high ground, I take an interest and involvement in how my club is run. People are held accountable every day at firhill.

But every one of you trumpets on here should hang your heads that your club version 2 has got to this level again. I've never known a group of fans to be so embroiled in past success with such a disregard for the future.

If your club goes to the wall again I'll piss my pants with laughter, pointing at every one of you. You brought it on yourself.

I hope the last year on here deflecting, posturing and abusing has been worth it. When your next generation ask you, what did you do to save rangers... Be proud, hold your chest out and tell them you did fck all.

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