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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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On a serious note what is alistair Johnstones agenda in all of this? Always quick to comment on the happenings of the club without actually being anywhere near the club for a year+.

Is he jugs gutted that whyte ripped the pish out of him and now has to comment on how whyte is omnipotent, all he's doing is making the rangers fans shit themselves even more.

Does he actually know anything at all?

Probably going through Jack Irvine.

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Clusterfuck F.C.

Each and every time another 'episode' happens at this abortion of a club, I can't help feeling equal amounts of hilarity and despair......it's bizarre.

The ease with which the financial city boys have pumped the success-greedy hordes of The Rangers fans is impressive.

Octopus have clearly delivered on their promise to their own investors to "protect their investment" as they stated to the Markets when CW pulled the plug from a pretty empty bath.

Those who have participated in this are getting more than a decent pay off for their efforts.....all thanks to the most desperate, gullible and self deluded bunch of fans in the whole wide world and assistance of a lazy, compliant MSM and a gormless, incompetent SFA :lol:

If anyone had concocted the idea of this saga as a book or film, they'd have been ridiculed beyond belief.

Thing is........

It's got MORE to come.... :lol::lol::lol:

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Now, here's a thought (but don't spread it around) Maybe Sally has a fair idea what's going on re syphoning of money out of the 'company' and has spent as much as possible so that it stays in the 'club'. This would make him the 'good guy' when the shit hits the fan.

Dammit! I've given him an excuse.

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Reading the adulation today from May 2011 from the Rangers fans makes any normal person cringe.

Absolutely desperate for something better then Murray as he tried to extract himself and pay off Lloyds, you can appreciate why the fans were prepared to kiss the a** of Whyte, even SDM ("thanks for everything"), and Green when he turned up. But it was just so naive. They were well warned by the 'enemy'as they saw them at the time.

As Whyte appeared from nowhere with a fantasy business background, then Green and his fellow travellers, now leaving Stockbridge and the Easdale mob, the one common thing that made all the conning, lying, thieving, general dodgy if not illegal activities and backhanders possible was the public support of Rangers 'legends'.

All these legends were well rewarded for spouting the right words, even if they were total lies, to the press, to the fans at supporters meetings all over the world. Some of the legends are still being well rewarded to spout what we ALL now know as nonsense. Smoke and mirrors to some. Downright lies to others.

The crooks had a free run of Rangers to do with it as THEY pleased ONLY because the fans were reassured and kept quiet by these legends,

Unfair to say none of the dodgy stiff would have happened without their repeated endorsement of whoever was in charge at the time. But without the continual endorsement from these legends the real issues would have surfaced much earlier.

So hang your heads in shame:

  • John Grieg
  • Sandy Jardine
  • Gordon Smith

Other 'legends' tried to have themselves invited to the cash party by using the redtops to support Whyte and Green and their regimes, namely Mark Hateley and Andy Goram no doubt hoping they would get the invite.

But the worst by far were

  • Walter Smith
  • Ally McCoist.

Into the slush fund trough up to their elbows, every opportunity they got.

Legends they may be but they didn't give a jot for the club, but they especially had a total contempt for the fans as they repeatedly regurgitated the lies fed to them by Whyte and Green.

You all have been well rewarded for your treachery of the club and the fans. And please, don't insult us with words about 'your' club and how much it means to you.

Hopefully none of you will ever have any further role in any football club in Scotland. With any luck the police will help you make the right decision.


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lolzers, they now want the idiots to pay for the building materials in a revamped brick initiative :D

Still was one of my fav moments so far , when the wifie on radio Scotland said she had got one for her wean for Christmas .



^^^ one for Tedi...

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OK that's it. I am never looking in on Rangers Media again. I know i have said it in the past but i am out for good now!!

I used to enjoy going on RM but I cringe every time I go on the site now. The levels of stupidity most of the posters show is unreal. I'm pretty certain that most are timposters.

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just read the first couple of pages. Oh my god so funny.

"Good statement,no ludicrous promises that he can't keep but a well worded statement giving us a bit of reassurance after 3 years of turbulence "

"great read but I hope he goes into more detail as to what his plans will be anyway welcome this is exciting times for us WATP !"

"The days of spending £12 million on players are finally back.I smell a raid on the Premiership biggrin.gif"

"welcome to ibrox mr whyte you have all our backing and we all look forward to a new era with you at the helm."

Oh ma aching sides. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Outstanding find

Once again, thanks to SDM for all he done over the years and kindly selling his shares for a solitary pound.

I'm so excited, I just can't hide it

I'm about to shoot my load at what Mr Whyte did

Promising statement, welcome to the family Mr Whyte

Do you think when he mentions European success he means forget players like Conway or Goodwillie - we are going to be aiming higher for a higher caliber of player?

The days of spending £12 million on players are finally back. I smell a raid on the Premiership

we should also have a wage cap, albeit higher than it currentl is

And lets not forget Craig Whyte statement

Craig Whyte has issued a statement confirming his purchase of a majority shareholding in Rangers and promises to do everything he can to bring domestic and European success to the club.

The businessman completed his acquisition of Murray International Holding's shares in the Ibrox club on Friday afternoon after protracted negotiations and said he was happy to have finally taken control of Rangers.

‘After six months of negotiations, I am delighted to confirm that agreement has been reached between myself and Sir David Murray and that Wavetower now holds the controlling interest in Rangers,' he said in a statement.

‘As a keen Rangers supporter I now look forward to helping the club secure its future as a leading force in Scottish and European football."

Whyte said that he would be working to deliver success for the team and acknowledged that the lengthy takeover process had been difficult for those involved in the club

"I know the club has gone through some difficult spells in recent times but it is my commitment to the manager, his backroom team, the players and, most importantly, the loyal supporters that I will do all I can to ensure further success in the weeks, months and years to come," he added.

"Rangers is a great club with a great future. It has the best supporters in the world and I will do everything possible to protect and enhance the club’s standing going forward.

"The guiding principle from the outset has been to get the right deal for Rangers. I know the time this has taken has created a lot of frustration, but it was vital we secured a deal that meant we could maximise investment in the team and that is what has been achieved."

The new owner also paid tribute to Sir David Murray and said he should be shown gratitude for his 23 years at Ibrox.

"I would like to personally thank Sir David Murray for the way in which he has conducted his side of this difficult and complex negotiation as well for the devoted service he has given to Rangers over many years," Whyte said. "His is a great legacy of which he can be proud."

He added: 'Now the really hard work begins and I would appeal to everyone who has the best interests of Rangers at heart – the management, the players and the fans – to give the club the support it so richly deserves

Still you have to wonder why Whyte didn't just buy the club without the company!!

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Reading the Sir Craigy Whyte stuff you can just imagine him back then rubbing his hands thinking yow much fun and money is about to head his way "I wonder how many times I can f**k them before they wake up?"

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