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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So why is Dingwall so widely disliked? He represents some sort of supporters organisation, right?

I suspect a lot of folk think Dingwall represents himself as much as organisations. Trouble is that so many people have jumped into bed with these people that everyone is now under suspicion.

And whoever takes this on will need to be confident that they can show with some transparency that every part of the club is now theirs - team, stadium, Murray Park, merchandise, car park ... the lot. Can anyone say hand on heart that they know how it's all been chopped up?

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54 titles BT...54 titles and still going strong.


I would rather my club died with our history than had to live with yours. 

As I said in another thread yesterday, Well done on your comeback at Brechin. You are nearly there to getting those 5 stars on your jersey.

Take it Sally will be on Late Rooms this morning for your next away trip.

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So why is Dingwall so widely disliked? He represents some sort of supporters organisation, right?

He is a self serving arrogant fat w**k.

Think back to the time when D&P were looking for a buyer for the club. The would be investors used Dingwall to try and get close to the support. The carry on with the Blue Knights was beyond a joke. It became obvious then that Dingwall would have sold his own Granny for a chance of getting on the board. He used his Forum as a propaganda machine for anyone that promised him a place on the new board.

The highlight of that time was when he came in blootered one night and started a thread and said he would answer any question on the Blue Knights take over plans. I asked the question on the first page...How much actual money are they going to invest in the club. How much hard cash do they actually have in this mysterious bank account that was set up to prove they had the finance in place. I gave up after 13 pages of waffle..despite other posters repeatedly asking him for a direct answer.

He made the ridiculous claim he wouldn't share a platform with Graham Speirs .... I think the term he used was 'I wouldn't share oxygen with him'. Well when he told Scotland Tonight this they said 'no problem we will just get another Rangers spokesman on'...He quickly changed his tune. He loves the limelight too much and this was more important to him than his own beliefs..however misguided they may be.

Did i say he is a fat w**k?

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Another deluded moron. The old club died. The new clumpany bought the assets and access to 35,000 mugs gtd to purchase STs as long as you spin a good yarn ... doesn't have to be believable because as history shows us they will swallow swallow any old shyte .. ask Whyte. Green did ... now look.

3:4 against Brechin (painters and decorators league) competing with part-timers and they are talking about the 'perfect season' ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's sad really ... I shouldn't laugh ... but you just can't help wonder at these peepul.

As far as i know only one Scottish club have had a perfect season in the top Scottish Division. Guess which club?

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Another deluded moron.

Rangers still getting under your skin I see - as ever. Nothing's changed there, Dhensest.

The reality of that will be crystallised perfectly when we horse your IRA loving scum on our return. I expect the pain of the next defeat to us may even be greater than all others before.

Can't wait. :)

Are you still gutted the police refused to charge any of the forces for their day of celebration at Ibrox despite the best efforts of your scabby clubs IRA loving scumbag followers?


One of your 'all welcome' IRA lovers took the decision well I see...ooft!

Mention Bobby Sands in a green shirt and you're in court. Dance about his death in a British Army uniform and the police were on a tea break

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That will be the Financial Times on the enemy list

Too late with that one Enrico :P

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I have been giving it some thought for a while and after a couple of visits on to Rangers forums over the last few days i have made my decision. If the Spivs remain in control after the AGM and are still there next season bleeding the club dry i for one will not renew my season ticket. Reading the posts on Rangers Media just blew me away..Yes i know it is deeply infiltrated but these were Rangers posters and what they were saying was beyond belief. There is no hope for the club with arseholes like that doing the Spivs job for them.

It seems to me we have the Follow Followers showing unwavering support for the likes of Paul Murray...I see them as the lesser of two evils but we have the Rangers Media looney tunes supporting the Gangsters and Spivs just to spite Dingwall....f**k Rangers as long as Dingwalls mate doesn't get in seems to be their thinking.

I have had a season ticket for over 30 years and i haven't taken the decision lightly. I truly hope for the club that we get these people out at the AGM and up until recently i was fairly confident they would be removed..Now i am not so sure. I couldn't bring myself to sit next to people that supported these Gangsters and Spivs and i certainly couldn't sit quietly alongside them.

Here is your only "Get Out of Jail Free" card. IMO (from the FT article)

The most elegant end to this tawdry tale would be to find a buyer to take RIFC off the public market. Then at least fans will have a chance of selling out at something like a fair price.

Now ," what's the chances of that?"

I would say King is the only candidate. Would he be accepted by the 'authorities' ?

Personally, I think if he offered to buy the whole shooting match, they would let him.

ETA ok , maybe McColl but I don't think so.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Here is your only "Get Out of Jail Free" card. IMO (from the FT article)

Now ," what's the chances of that?"

I would say King is the only candidate. Would he be accepted by the 'authorities' ?

Personally, I think if he offered to buy the whole shooting match, they would let him.

ETA ok , maybe McColl but I don't think so.

McColl is a non starter as far as that scenario is concerned. I am not quoting him here but he has gone on record to say he wont be lining anybodies pockets by buying their shares. This has led to the Rangers Media types saying he is refusing to invest in the club ... which he is not saying at all but try telling those bampots this.

Others can say what they want about him but i have always wanted Dave King to gain control of the club. He is the only person i trust with the club. He is the only person who has any chance of getting us challenging again and i believe there is a chance McColl could be persuaded to invest in to the club if King had control.

If he passes the legal tests to become the Chairman the SFA and Lawwell are going to have a very difficult time blocking him.

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I do love the way that Fans' Representative Mark Dingwall is not representative of the rangers su..... oh, you know the rest by now. :lol:

So the fans group spokesman at Cel...sorry i mean Kilmarnock speaks for ALL your supporters?

You do know there are many different Rangers fans groups?

You do know that no fans representative at Ibrox is disliked or splits the support more than fat boy?

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I have been giving it some thought for a while and after a couple of visits on to Rangers forums over the last few days i have made my decision. If the Spivs remain in control after the AGM and are still there next season bleeding the club dry i for one will not renew my season ticket. Reading the posts on Rangers Media just blew me away..Yes i know it is deeply infiltrated but these were Rangers posters and what they were saying was beyond belief. There is no hope for the club with arseholes like that doing the Spivs job for them.

It seems to me we have the Follow Followers showing unwavering support for the likes of Paul Murray...I see them as the lesser of two evils but we have the Rangers Media looney tunes supporting the Gangsters and Spivs just to spite Dingwall....f**k Rangers as long as Dingwalls mate doesn't get in seems to be their thinking.

I have had a season ticket for over 30 years and i haven't taken the decision lightly. I truly hope for the club that we get these people out at the AGM and up until recently i was fairly confident they would be removed..Now i am not so sure. I couldn't bring myself to sit next to people that supported these Gangsters and Spivs and i certainly couldn't sit quietly alongside them.

Fair play, not sure what else you can do now. Turns out Bomber was right, you need to starve them oot.

I agree the The Blue Knights may be the lesser of two evils, but it also needs to be remembered that these guys ran the old club into the ground. I can't see any feasible way of it happening but what 'Rangers' do need is some sort of sensible fan involvement, and not from someone like Dark Mingwall.

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Fair play, not sure what else you can do now. Turns out Bomber was right, you need to starve them oot.

I agree the The Blue Knights may be the lesser of two evils, but it also needs to be remembered that these guys ran the old club into the ground. I can't see any feasible way of it happening but what 'Rangers' do need is some sort of sensible fan involvement, and not from someone like Dark Mingwall.

Not exactly an action i want to take but at the moment i am wishing i had listened to MT and Bennett when the renewals came out. I was one of the most outspoken regarding renewal but i regret it now. There is only so much you can take though before you have to say enough is enough..We are well passed that stage now.

I was considering refusing the Airdrie Cup game but if i do that i will be taken off the CCCS which means no more away games. Anyway one cup game will make very little difference though i believe there are many others who have decided not to go to this game. Feel sorry for Airdrie as they will lose out financially but on the flip side they will have another home game against us to come

The only fan involvement i want is for people like McColl and King who are Rangers men taking control. TBH even i have been shocked at how divided the support is. I have avoided places like Rangers Media in the past and i am still struggling to believe some of the drivel written there. I have recently changed internet server so tried to join Vanguard Bears where i have been banned from...On the registration page you had to promise to take up arms against Irish Republicanism :lol: I kid you not. Fucking pathetic bedwetting fannies :1eye

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