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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's quite simple,they just buy in players they know that will do a job rather than find emerging talent because ra bears are so used to spunking millions on ready made players to dominate the opposition.It's a business model they have used for years and the fact they didn't give the youngsters their spot in the limelight to shine and win the old SFL 3rd division just proves they can't be bothered developing the youth into first team players.

To say that we never used youngsters last season is baffling even for you.

I actually agree with other parts of your post but that nonsense ruined it.

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If King passes the fit and proper test, then there's no reason that Adolf Hitler, Dennis Nilsen and the Yorkshire Ripper can't sit on the boards of Scottish football clubs (well, apart from being dead or in jail).

Who told you Adolf Hitler was dead?

I suppose Elvis has also left the building? :wacko:

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Just before I forget, Celtic fans are embarrassing, delusional, sad, stupid, cringe-worthy, wankers.

If it weren't for you, c***s, we we wouldn't have all of these dicks, standing around trying to play the moral; high ground!


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Remember how they tell is it's not a nazi salute

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1382826328.869961.jpg

Mail have stuck the article online now


The photograph also shows the flag of Northern Ireland, while the Union Flag is inscribed with ‘Invicta Loyal’ – the name of a Glasgow Rangers supporters’ club, based in Kent.

But Mr Mann, the MP for Bassetlaw, added: ‘Whether they call it a “Red Hand salute” or whatever makes absolutely no difference – this is one of the most offensive gestures they could make in the modern world.

Many of the pages on the Invicta Loyal website display open sectarian hatred, while it also includes loyalist songs such as The Billy Boys – now banned at Rangers’ ground, Ibrox – which includes the lines: ‘We’re up to our knees in ****** Blood /Surrender or you’ll die. ‘

The website also has photographs from a ‘social’ event held by Invicta Loyal members where a gents’ toilet displayed a notice inviting supporters to ‘P*** on a Papist’ as pictures of the Pope, Gerry Adams and IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands were stuck to the urinal.

Historian Ian S Wood, who has studied Ulster Loyalism for decades, said: ‘I’ve never seen or heard of anything called a red hand salute.’

Belfast-born Iraq War commander Colonel Tim Collins, who led the 1st Battalion, the Royal Irish Regiment, said: ‘These soldiers are behaving inappropriately in uniform but I wouldn’t get too worried about soldiers behaving playfully.

‘If this is offensive then so is the First XV Rugby team not wearing regimental ties. This is beyond minor, it is a grain of sand and I do not think for a second that these soldiers should be removed from the British Army. You’d end someone’s career for having a laugh? How do people manage to be offended by so little?


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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RangersMedia have picked up the story


Everyone knows it's a Red Hand of Ulster salute.
The MOD now have a discriminate policy of accepting Applications from prospective employees from particularly within the Catholic
community .
That could be your problem.
I would say if you want to punish them that badly bring them home.
Soon be no count left in Helmond the way these offended warehouse are going.
This makes the news.
People who say they are sickened are a disgrace.
Trying to make this something it's not.
Saying its a nazi salute it childish and sad
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Apparently the editor had made the correction, which is strange because its usually the other way round :unsure:


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Normally I wouldn't bother, but....................

Surely the simple fact Dave "messiah" King wants to be involved with "whatever-the-hell-the-died-club-is-called-now-sevco-the-rangers-inernatio...........zzzzzzzzz" makes him far from "fit and proper"?

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Normally I wouldn't bother, but....................

Surely the simple fact Dave "messiah" King wants to be involved with "whatever-the-hell-the-died-club-is-called-now-sevco-the-rangers-inernatio...........zzzzzzzzz" makes him far from "fit and proper"?

“There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle."

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I see King has hit the ground running with his bullshit in full flow.

"I've spoken to the relevant people about passing a fit n proper test and ive been assured theres no problem"

Really! So the SFA are cool then davy?

Eh...no didnt mean them....?!

Ibrox is like the tardis ..waiting for the next Dr Who (is full of shit)to appear.

Edited by captain kirk
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