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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Poor wee bridies are going to get a right stuffing.

The only stuffing of bridies that'll be going on, will involve fat Sal's appetite. :lol:

It will certainly be a good test of team morale for your bunch of mercenaries and maybe even Super Ally's motivational skills though.

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You appeared to think that Bud would know the rules on insolvency and as much as i like Bud, i don't think that he has scooby about insolvency rules and regs.

Hearts fan maybe a bit more knowledgeable about the subject, what with their recent experiences...

You just can't help yourself Benny can you :blink: , you come onto the big thread so you can make an arse out of yourself for a verbal fucking often :lol: .

Have a look here you fucking idiot to why and how we know more about the insolvency rules than any orc will ever know, page 12 on insolvency :1eye .


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First of all Rangers definitely had creditors, then it was" errrrrm urrrrrm mmmm they may have creditors like".

Then i assume that a message was PM'd to you, you then try to claim that it's just "business terminology like" lol

Assuming you pay for your internet or any other bill that comes through the B&B's letterbox asking you to pay for services rendered over the last month or like your utility bills "quarterly" you have become a "debtor" and the company asking you for money becomes your "creditor". You have received a service you have not yet paid for but have had the privilege the service upfront to be paid for later placing you in their debt.

The Clone Rangers have creditors like their taxes and utility bills that the club will have to pay for at a later date meaning these companies will become the club's creditors in advance of being paid.

It's really quite simple Becky, but like you because you are simple this then becomes simply too complicated for your simple mind to comprehend in a grown up manner :1eye .

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I see bennet's back on deflection mode, starting silly pointless arguments to deflect away from goings on at the comedy club.

Carry on lad.

It's great to watch this simpering, servile moron try to deflect, full in the knowledge that those who run the club are actively trying to rip him, and his fellow idiots off at every given opportunity.

Good, long may it continue.


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It's been discussed before in this thread ... go look.

Next you'll be telling us they don't have bonus arrangements like the other 'big' clubs.

There was a rumour posted by Jackanory Dave from one of his top sources but there has been no proof of this groundless rumour posted.

Only you are thick enough to post a rumour as a fact.

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It's great to watch this simpering, servile moron try to deflect, full in the knowledge that those who run the club are actively trying to rip him, and his fellow idiots off at every given opportunity.

Good, long may it continue.


Densboys lying b****** title is up for grabs ^^^ here.

Ok what have i deflected?

and in what way am i being ripped off?

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