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Why do ra peepil hate RTC?

If they'd heeded his prescient warnings they might have been able to do something about their club going down the shitter instead of standing idly by and watching it burn?

Most perplexing.

Because he exposes the reality of their vile club, just like when anyone mentions who Old Rangers didn't sign caltholics for about 70 years they go mental digging up names from the 19th century, there is now a generation of a rangers fans who genuinely believe it never happened.

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Most of them are basket cases on RM and completely off their trolley ... makes you realise we're lucky to have the relatively sane ones on here.

Even Tedi with his multiple personality disorder (Jock001, Ceremony, JigsElbow and Vanderlies) is just a gormless buffoon.

It's their total lack of self-awareness that's so funny. And so worrying.

"Yes, read this last night.

Everything I have seen, regarding that place, would seem to indicate it is more a hotbed of sectarian filth rather than one of learning!"

Unlike The Bears Den, then?

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Because having an account on RM marks you out as an absolute zoomer.

No doubt you've got one, AWRA. I'm sure you're not perma banned from there either, but you really can't cope without P&B, can you?


3/4's of the Bralters must be zoomers then lol

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So as the transfer deadline approaches, how much money has newco managed to save/clawback/generate during this window of opportunity ?

By paying off Stockbridge and putting in the other fellow I would estimate the total saved at -£200k

World record? tick tock...........

Has Aberdeen saved any money?

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Don't believe you read the article and replied in 4 mins ... even with 7 words and a few dots ... so what do you think?

Honestly ... just ask someone to help you with it .. call a nurse .. there's no shame in asking for help.

ETA: If you're ashamed just PM me her name and tel no ... It's okay I'll just tell her it's the slow chap in blue pj's and clutching a teddy bear; who lives in the B&B ... okay?

What article?

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Is it just me or does anyone else think McCoist's comment is peculiar ... ??

Edit to add ... for Bennett's benefit ..

a) Does Fat Sally not read the papers or know what is going on? Forest publicly announced that they can shove the deal where it doesn't shine...

b) Why is he bothered what Billy Davie's thinks anymore ... ?

Ranger's bluff has been called and they've been left holding a shyte hand while their chips dwindle away ,,,

tick tock ....

Sad really that they still thought they were still one of the power houses in Scottish football and could demand above the price they were offered even when they are in the shite house financially.

If Wallace isn't sold by midnight there's another month taken off the time bomb at Ibrox then admin or leaseback is sooner rather than later. :thumsup2

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