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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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When I was at Yooni the phrase for overlapping word-terms was, "domains of meaning".

Right now I'm caricaturing.

Doesn't matter what you themed it as back in the dark ages, apparently it is now the new phobia of PC correctness gone mad.

Throw in an "ism" into the mix and you will have to seek psychiatric evaluation to whether or not you can integrate into society without any kind of prejudicism towards those who show prejudice towards you.

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When I was at Yooni the phrase for overlapping word-terms was, "domains of meaning".

Right now I'm caricaturing.

Whilst I really enjoyed that trip down memory lane, you were stereotyping me.

Regardless. It's disappointing you continue to ignore my request to expand on your original point about back room wages at Ibrox.

I'll take that to mean you were making it up.

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From the AIM website...

The Board of Rangers notes the press articles this morning and confirms that it is holding discussions with two major shareholders with a view to arranging a loan of up to £1.5m to provide working capital for the Company.

So, all the IPO money has been pissed up the wall to win the 2nd Division and probably win the 1st Division (assuming that there is no insolvency event that gets in the way of that). No youth development, no building for the future, no stadium repairs. Stonking WiFi signal though.

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The sucks latest is a belter..... The Rangers and Mugabe ffs

They may convince themselves that they are doing the right thing or that they are possessed of a special powers that mean they are indispensable. And so it is with Rangers.

Former Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti once said Power tires only those who do not have it.

That’s a truism - it’s very difficult to remove someone who controls the levels of power in a state or in an organisation. They hold many advantages, they control the assets, they have the financial information, they have the gravitas that either ownership, or the positions they hold, bestow upon them.

You often see this in how directors of a company behave - they forget it’s the shareholders who own the thing. They treat the company as a personal fiefdom and waste the company’s resources on personal vanity projects or in pursuing some obsession. Often a clique becomes a self-perpetuating oligarchy.

We see this written on a larger scale in the sad state of Zimbabwe. Rather than being the servants of the people the Zanu-PF party governs in order to perpetuate it’s own power. It matters little to the ruling elite that people starve, that corruption is rampant, that criminality is an everyday fact or life, or that many of it’s brightest and best citizens have fled abroad. What matters to Sir Robert (created a Knight of the Order of the Bath in 1994) is that he and his cronies retain power.

They believe they know best. They believe only they know how to rule. Their arrogance blinds them to how they are perceived. Surrounding themselves with cronies they think little for the future - their vision is the current crisis and somehow surviving it and believing ‘something will turn up’ - but all the time they cling to power.

Far be it from me to the compare the Politburo of Sir Robert’s court with the current Board at Ibrox, but there are some striking similarities if you ignore the lack of a maize shortage in Govan.

The current Board ignored the popular vote and clung to the block vote of anonymous individuals hiding behind PO Boxes and lawyers offices around the world. If the level of dis-satisfaction present at Ibrox or at the AGM, or the disastrous finances, were visited upon Asda or Tesco their boards would have resigned en masse. For shame if nothing else. It seems some of our directors couldn’t have their necks marked with a blowtorch.

Since the AGM it’s been one calamity after another - Stockbridge going with £200,000, asking players to take a 15% wage cut and now the sudden scramble to find a few bob when previously we were assured there was no problem with the finances. All in all it’s been a shambles.

The terms of the proposed loan from the Easdales and Laxey Partners must be open to public scrutiny. Any form of gain for providing the facility must be out of the question - whether in terms of interest or in shares or some other convoluted deal.

Best value must be achieved and if the current Board can’t attract even this level of funding from normal sources their competence is in question - even without an examination of the deal from Dave King they turned down. Or never bother to respond to.

Fans should not allow themselves to be emotionally blackmailed. Your season ticket money is vital, your purchase of Rangers TV subscriptions is vital, your purchase of hospitality if vital - use that economic muscle. If a director says ‘buy season tickets or the club dies’ then your rely must be - ‘remove yourself from Ibrox and there club will be all the better for it.’

If your show weakness then the Robert Mugabes of this world will pounce on it.

Edited by phasma ex machina
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I see Kinky was back to form last night. A superb opening post admitting to all the faults which are going to bring new Rangers back to being nothing but some asssets waiting to be reformed into a new club, possibly Rangers Intergalactic FC this time around. Then when no-one responds as he wishes he reverts to bashing his thesaurus into submission.

Kinky as for the non playing staff wages do you believe there are any honest business moguls out there willing to take on an international brand and work for peanuts whilst constantly juggling to keep all the differing, letter bomb producing factions happy? If so, who? Convicted tax frauds do not count as honest.

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Where's the guy with the Bontempi Organ gone? Remember his Grammy award nominated (best song in a foreign language) ditty? .... We are Rangers, we face our dangers...

We need him back with a new tune...

We are the Rangers, until the last,

We never learn,

From our fcuked-up past.

I'm on this chair with a plastic organ,

Liquidation on Monday mornin'.....

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From the evening times article:

"Any lending of funds would be seen as a vote of confidence in Wallace, although setting aside 120 days to review the business of a football club – which is fairly straightforward – is seen as a reflection of the difficult issues he faces."

Surely Wallace is reviewing the business of the company which runs the club no?

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From the AIM website...

The Board of Rangers notes the press articles this morning and confirms that it is holding discussions with two major shareholders with a view to arranging a loan of up to £1.5m to provide working capital for the Company.

So, all the IPO money has been pissed up the wall to win the 2nd Division and probably win the 1st Division (assuming that there is no insolvency event that gets in the way of that). No youth development, no building for the future, no stadium repairs. Stonking WiFi signal though.

your hardly in a position to crticise the rangers ,administrated, 0 pence in the £,robbed the tax payer and many small businesses,still full time with probably the second biggest budget in the league

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your hardly in a position to crticise the rangers ,administrated, 0 pence in the £,robbed the tax payer and many small businesses,still full time with probably the second biggest budget in the league

everyone is in a position to not only criticise the rangers but laugh at them to.
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Will be enough to keep them till next lot of season ticket money comes in emphasis on of up to £1.5mil. Presume the Ready to Listen is part of the plan to ensure that season ticket rolls in. Half way through 120 day review, so over the space of a few weeks later on they will be hit with good news. Good news on the field in the form of winning their league and maybe cup competitions to keep the fans interested, combined with release of a plan from the 120 day review, maybe unadulterated for the fans, may not. Might have another PO date included with King to underwrite the offering which will again aid the collection of ST money.

I don't buy all that PMG makes out on the grounds of if you throw enough shit some is bound to stick.

Edited by Bloomogganners
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everyone is in a position to not only criticise the rangers but laugh at them to.

I know, 98 108 years behind Hearts in 'going zombie' fucking hilarious.

EDIT for arithmetic error.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Will be enough to keep them till next lot of season ticket money comes in emphasis on of up to £1.5mil. Presume the Ready to Listen is part of the plan to ensure that season ticket rolls in. Half way through 120 day review, so over the space of a few weeks later on they will be hit with good news. Good news on the field in the form of winning their league and maybe cup competitions to keep the fans interested, combined with release of a plan from the 120 day review, maybe unadulterated for the fans, may not. Might have another PO date included with King to underwrite the offering which will again aid the collection of ST money.

I don't buy all that PMG makes out on the grounds of if you throw enough shit some is bound to stick.

Scotzine saying last night that the reason Laxey and Easdales are putting in the cash is that King can't.

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Surely Wallace is reviewing the business of the company which runs the club no?

Wallace States no chance of 2nd admin for the rangers. That's cause it's a new club company and it'll be a first admin.

Yes and yes.

On this subject, why can't they just transfer the mythical, phantom, indefinable 'club' status from RFC to RIFC and cast the currant (sic) Ltd Company adrift?

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Yes and yes.

On this subject, why can't they just transfer the mythical, phantom, indefinable 'club' status from RFC to RIFC and cast the currant (sic) Ltd Company adrift?

RIFC is not the club, if you care to remember Rangers Football Club PLC's old membership number was used for The Rangers Football Club Ltd (formerly Sevco Scotland until the name change of Rangers Football Club Ltd to RFC 2012 plc freed up the name of Rangers Football Club within the companies house register) to gain entry into the SFA when the old club became defunct. Sevco Scotland is owned by RIFC as an asset.

What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.

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I'd like another summer of entertainment from sevco similar to the one we all giggled at when Rangers started to perish. The World Cup will be on at stupid o clock so us football fans need something to keep us going.

I've bought a popcorn maker just in case!!!

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RIFC is not the club, if you care to remember Rangers Football Club PLC's old membership number was used for The Rangers Football Club Ltd (formerly Sevco Scotland until the name change of Rangers Football Club Ltd to RFC 2012 plc freed up the name of Rangers Football Club within the companies house register) to gain entry into the SFA when the old club became defunct. Sevco Scotland is owned by RIFC as an asset.

What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.

According to the SFA though, the Rangers Football Club Ltd isn't the club. It's the company that operates the club. :huh:

It appears the ownership of the "club" is somewhat irrelevant, as John Brown once howled "who owns the deeds?"

Should be fun watching this develop. Even this payday loan to get them to Season Ticket time won't be enough to see them get to the SPL, let alone the top of it.

Edited by Double Jack D
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