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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is the UoF actually a fifth column of celtic fans? They seem determined to pitch "their" club into the fire

Ed, it does often seem that way. I am nervous about the way Wallace is being targeted. I think he's a decent bloke trying to do a job in horrifically difficult circumstances. I think the UoF are choosing the wrong target.

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No. I said, sarcastically, that it was a shock to see Lex on a Killie thread*. If that's your definition of a hissy fit, you're not cut out for grown-up company. By which I mean post-puberty.

*A statement often made when he shows up on threads about Killie. Just my turn this time round, I suppose.

You were having meltdowns throughout that thread lol

I'm still laughing at you :-)

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Exactly and long may it continue. Waste not your sympathy stoney, any sane and reasonable person would have seen long before now, that neither this club nor it's predecessor is/was worthy of their support. It is institutionally sick and is a magnet for the most appalling type of human. It took me till the time my balls dropped and voice broke to see the light but anyone who - like Tedi - has got to middle-age without so doing, is beyond help and deserving of no sympathy. Fk em.

Oh I think I would far rather be where I am in life than consumed with the level of hatred you frequently display.

You have my deepest sympathy.


About mid way through it and at no point ever felt as low as that daft sheep fan thankfully.

and aye I supported Rangers then, I still support Rangers now and I will support Rangers until I become a statistic of the deadpool.

I don't feel low. I think you have seriously misinterpreted my post my young man. I'm also in no way consumed with hate. I'm on a particular thread of a particular forum giving a particular opinion based on my particular feelings relevant to such. As I have pointed out, I have been in the 'cauldron of hate' and decided - as a rational, reasonable and not of a particularly low IQ human - to leave and not return. You have decided to stay and that tells me all I need to know of you.

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Fails to comprehend .. "I wonder what they mean" ... you really are thick as pigshit.

Seeing as no one apart from you is posting about them, you'll have to enlighten people about them.

Where did you hear about them etc...

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I first started following Rangers in the late 70`s early 80`s, we were not up to much back then either, did not stop me enjoying a game of fitbaw though, if I go to the odd game next season then that is what I will be paying for, no different than what you do when you can be arsed going.

As for the spivs, when there is no more money to be had they will do what spivs do and move on.

Tedi, it was either the late 70's or early 80's :unsure2: For me it was the late 60's and I continued to follow follow into the 70's and then, I grew a pair, looked around and thought ''This isn't about supporting a football team'' and walked away. Man up son, go watch a football team and enjoy it for the right reasons.

Edited by Apache Don
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Slightly less bonkers than their usual offerings - a bit disappointing really.

Let's discuss this and the actual Rangers situation for a bit.

The Tedi-baiting earlier was pretty unedifying.

I agree but he does look for it though.

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You are getting mixed up. Tedi believes that lack of season ticket sales is good for the club. It will force admin, allowing Rangers to sack half their workforce and force the spivs out. It will not play into the spivs hands at all, never.

Spivs have got the Orcs covered from every angle. It's beautiful thing when you think about it animwanking.gif

How does it feel knowing that this far into your life you will never see another Rangers team as you remeber them? Knowing that out of every pound you spend on your club as little as 1 bob will go towards the advancement of football whilst the rest will be spent by spivs seeing how many layers of shirts they can get away with? How does it feel knowing that your only hope is to starve the club of season tix money and push them to the brink again? How do you see a fan revolt going? Can you see the spivs letting go or can you see them divy up the assets whilst the club is sold to the fans, asset and debt free.

Enjoy the next stage of the journey.

You're ignoring the fact that the fear factor of their precious club dying is unlikely to work. I'm sure most of them would rather die again. If it meant getting so called "Rangers men" in at the helm.

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Spivs have got the Orcs covered from every angle. It's beautiful thing when you think about it animwanking.gif

You're ignoring the fact that the fear factor of their precious club dying is unlikely to work. I'm sure most of them would rather die again. If it meant getting so called "Rangers men" in at the helm.

Especially as they now know that dying may not actually be fatal :rolleyes:

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Someone has started a rumour that they are suspending their share trading tomorrow .. least I think it's just a rumour

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Went shopping earlier and weirdly when I was in the crisp aisle I found myself picking up popcorn.

I bought it and didn't really know why.

It's all become clear now.

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How so many Ranger's II fans can simply say they think Wallace is 'a sound guy' and 'trustworthy' is totally beyond me after all that has happened. They also act as if everything that happens at a club is dictated by who is on the board and a change of board members is enough for them to forget everything that has gone before. This is despite the fact that the 'owners' have not changed but for some reason this is ignored. When will they get it through their tiny minds that the people pulling the strings are not the board, but the owners who use the board as a vehicle to implement their plans for the club, and all they have to do to keep the fans on board is to shuffle it about a bit every now and again.

Once again, total joke of a club,

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How so many Ranger's II fans can simply say they think Wallace is 'a sound guy' and 'trustworthy' is totally beyond me after all that has happened. They also act as if everything that happens at a club is dictated by who is on the board and a change of board members is enough for them to forget everything that has gone before. This is despite the fact that the 'owners' have not changed but for some reason this is ignored. When will they get it through their tiny minds that the people pulling the strings are not the board, but the owners who use the board as a vehicle to implement their plans for the club, and all they have to do to keep the fans on board is to shuffle it about a bit every now and again.

Once again, total joke of a club,

yup - bottom line is - if you want rid of the spivs, you got to buy the spivs out.


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Tedi, on 27 Apr 2014 - 17:35, said:

I first started following Rangers in the late 70`s early 80`s, we were not up to much back then either, did not stop me enjoying a game of fitbaw though, if I go to the odd game next season then that is what I will be paying for, no different than what you do when you can be arsed going.

As for the spivs, when there is no more money to be had they will do what spivs do and move on.

Tedi, it was either the late 70's or early 80's :unsure2: For me it was the late 60's and I continued to follow follow into the 70's and then, I grew a pair, looked around and thought ''This isn't about supporting a football team'' and walked away. Man up son, go watch a football team and enjoy it for the right reasons.

DeadRangers fans always make me laugh with their, 'I toughed it out during the dark days' shecht!

It shows a certain amount of arrogance, that they claim this 'loyalty' as a badge of honour when the reality is that in the dark days (75/76 to 85/86) they only appeared in 15 cup finals, winning 4 scottish cups and 6 league cups.

In addition they won two league titles finished second twice, third twice and never finished lower than fifth.


It's almost like they weren't actually there.

'cos if you know your history, 'n all that! :)



Edited by aDONisSheep
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