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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That might be true but i have already said i am no longer on the CCCS and will no longer be attending any cup games starting with the ICT game...Actually the Clyde game in the Petrofac Cup is the first game i have missed at Ibrox in literally years.

I will be in Harrys Bar with a couple of mates on Friday night to watch the Raith Rovers game. Wish i was going but i wont be paying anything outwith my season ticket money..I haven't bought merchandise since the Ashley deal became public. I never use the bookies or food outlets inside the stadium.

You gave the spivs money....however you paint it.

No8= mug.

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Struths have an open letter to Ashley on their FB :D :D


Dear Mr Ashley.

You bought the naming rights to our beloved stadium for £1. Some suggest it may have been the makeweight in a bigger better deal for Rangers.

Can you please let the loyal Rangers fans know before the close of business on the 12th September 2014 if this is the case and explain what other deal it was a makeweight for. If it wasn't a makeweight for a better deal then we would respectfully request you cancel the agreement.

Can you please advise us before Fridays deadline as Rangers are not playing on Saturday and some of us may wish to purchase sporting goods. We would like to purchase these items with a clear mind and choose the correct outlet with out prejudice.

Craig Houston
Sons of Struth.

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Apparently Keith Jackson in theDaily Retard is spouting the Armageddon line again.

You couldn't make it up. :(

This is my favourite bit of his report

And yet somehow, probably in the space of the next six weeks, these men must find a way to fix Rangers or else they may bring the entire game toppling down on all of us.

It’s a terrifying thought given the manner in which they have screwed their own business into the ground but the future 
wellbeing of Scottish 
football depends on them.

Granted all the careless talk of Armageddon proved unfounded back in 2012 when this club was first placed in the sweaty, slippery hands of Duff and Phelps.

Rangers went up in a big Whyte mushroom cloud but the world didn’t end overnight.

However, we are now living through the nuclear winter and the fall-out from the implosion is beginning to bite hard.

When Peter Lawwell 
calculated this meltdown had cost his own club somewhere in the region of £10million a year it was a tacit admission that Celtic need their old 
neighbours back and noisy again as quickly as possible.

In sheer footballing terms, Rangers have reduced 
themselves to an irrelevance and the longer it continues, the more Celtic – and in turn the rest of the SPFL – will suffer the inevitable 
consequences of downsizing and lowering ambition.

Some of us did say so at the time but these warnings were shouted down amid a frenzy of malice and bloodletting.

When a botched administration led to liquidation, supporters all around the country struggled to contain their glee.

Deep down many of them may have suspected Rangers’ demise would be a temporary affair and that it was to be enjoyed while it lasted. But now it’s in danger of becoming quite permanent and it’s not such a laughing matter.

Fans are staying away because Scottish football has become such a barren, 
desolate landscape that it no longer interests them.

And when these people find other more enjoyable ways to spend their time and money 
on a Saturday afternoon, it 
may prove difficult or even 
impossible to drag them back in through the turnstiles.

So there is no question that a further Rangers collapse could have a catastrophic effect on the rest of the 
Scottish game, which is why it must be hoped that those in charge of the club’s fate can suddenly and unexpectedly get their act together.

Completely ignoring the fact most Premiership clubs have had season tickets increases and I'm pretty sure Dundee United have sold the most they ever have

Edited by RandomGuy.
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Don't know what's funnier, the Sultans of Swing's open letter or that roasters Armageddon prediction!

Rangers have reduced themselves to an irrelevance.

Oh now, I'm sure we will be taking them quite seriously a week tomorrow in the cup.

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Don't know what's funnier, the Sultans of Swing's open letter or that roasters Armageddon prediction!

Rangers have reduced themselves to an irrelevance.

Neither article is anywhere near as funny as those on here that believed the Rangers salary figures on the previous page were true :lol:

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I think I'm right when I assume the jist of your post is do not engage benny in conversation as his intentions are to drag the conversation all over the place except where it should be going. Same goes for Tedi and 8, they don't want to discuss, just deflect.

That is why I warned the Dumbarton fans about Bennett.

Check his signature for evidence.

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Neither article is anywhere near as funny as those on here that believed the Rangers salary figures on the previous page were true :lol:

You'd think the fact half the figures were in dollars and the other half in pounds would make people think its tripe. Sadly not

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When they spoke about Armageddon I didn't think it was always going to be Rangers. The normal domino effect is for others to fall in turn, not just have the same domino fall again. It will be interesting to see what the penalty is, anything less than the maximum points deduction is an admission by the authorities that they did let a new club waltz back in to the league unchallenged. The latest instalment just highlights that the ineptitude displayed by Doncaster and Reagan was even worse than we thought the last time. Also don't forget Longmuir who tried to shoehorn them in to the 1st to save all this unpleasantness.

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Agreed Sarge, the SFA's role in this is scandalous. Why weren't rangers made to pay a bond to the authorities ala Livingston and what assurances, if any, have the authorities asked rangers to make regarding their financial situation.

The way the authorities and the fans swallowed the newco acting if nothing ever happened doomed it from it's back street birth.

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