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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aberdeen FC shareholders unanimously vote in favour of financial restructuring which wipes out the club's debt

Roon ye

Tashy boy running around like a dug with two dicks telling Rangers fans how good it is for a sugar-daddy to pay off their debt.

Thanks for the input. Props to your originality.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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3 smilies and insults galore, the QC is on the sauce again, no HB have never even received a nomination on that thread, I think it was a case of 3rd lucky for you though....gratz

Tedi !, you have been nominated and awarded many five star fcuk ups all over the forum by you own stupidity. :1eye

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Cockwomble - "Err.....Mr. Ashley, sir.......eh, my err name is Neil Cock..........err, Doncaster.....I am Chief Executive Fuckwit at the SPFL and I desperately desperately need a sponsor ......err, so howzabout if Sports Direct were to support the SPFL to the tune of say, £4 million a year for 5 years, then I'm sure we at the SFA / SPFL could find a way to make these pesky questions of dual ownership disappear..........."

Regan and Ogilvie "Hear, hear, well said Neil...."

MA "Faack orfff, you caants couldn't run a piss up in a brewery.....Oi, Derek, come and 'ave a listen to this pile of shit......"


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Notices of Complaint: Rangers FC and Michael Ashley Monday, 15 December 2014

The Compliance Officer has issued the following Notices of Complaint:

Alleged Party in Breach: Rangers FC

Disciplinary Rule(s) allegedly breached:

Disciplinary Rule 1: All members shall:
(b) be subject to and comply with (i) the Articles (ii) this protocol.
(f) behave towards the Scottish FA and other members with the utmost good faith.

Disciplinary Rule 19: Except with the prior written consent of the Board: (a) no club or nominee of a club; and (b) no person, whether absolutely or as a trustee, either alone or in conjunction with one or more associates or solely through an associate or associates (even where such person has no formal interest), who: (i) is a member of a club; or (ii) is involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or administration of a club, or (iii) has any power whatsoever to influence the management or administration or a club, may at the same time either directly or indirectly:- (a) be a member of another club; or (b) be involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or administration of another club; or © have any power whatsoever to influence the management or administration of another club.

Disciplinary Rule 77: A recognised football body, club, official, Team Official, other member of Team Staff, player, match official or other person under the jurisdiction of the Scottish FA shall, at all times, act in the best interests of Association Football.

Principal Hearing date: Tuesday, 27th January 2015

Alleged Party in Breach: Michael Ashley

Disciplinary Rule(s) allegedly breached:

Disciplinary Rule 19: Except with the prior written consent of the Board: (a) no club or nominee of a club; and (b) no person, whether absolutely or as a trustee, either alone or in conjunction with one or more associates or solely through an associate or associates (even where such person has no formal interest), who: (i) is a member of a club; or (ii) is involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or administration of a club, or (iii) has any power whatsoever to influence the management or administration or a club, may at the same time either directly or indirectly:- (a) be a member of another club; or (b) be involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or administration of another club; or © have any power whatsoever to influence the management or administration of another club.

Disciplinary Rule 77: A recognised football body, club, official, Team Official, other member of Team Staff, player, match official or other person under the jurisdiction of the Scottish FA shall, at all times, act in the best interests of Association Football.

Principal Hearing date: Tuesday, 27th January 2015

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If Ashley loaned players to sevco from Newcastle would he be interfering ? If Ashley targeted players for Newcastle that were also targets for SPL teams would he be interfering ?

It was obvious in his first week at sevco that he is influencing the board/club 9% shares or not.

Sally has played a blinder here, either pay me off or i will stay and fck up the team and get a massive pay off at the end of my contract :)

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Heads gone and lost the fucking plot AGAIN. :lol:

An amended contract with changes but is still the very same contract ???. :lol:

What a fucking idiot. :lol:

As it appears to be bennett and The_Pedant's turn to rescue Tedi's hand-car from the quicksand* this time, maybe one of them could explain how McCoist has the same contract as he had in 2010, even though he is now employed by a different company?


I get no kick......from Champagne....

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So...... I think it's fair to say that the theRangers support have some in for a fair bit of criticism over the years. In particular for standing around with their thumbs up their arse while the club they supposedly loved and cherished crashed down around them. Apart from threaten the odd official, journalist, broadcaster or childrens entertainer of course.

My oh my, what a disgrace upon shameful disgrace it would be, if history were to repeat itself. In not only the club dying but with a seemingly intransigent or simply AWOL support, watching glumly from their burst settees, occasionally committing an act of threatening behaviour to an unrelated party.

So what are the greatest fans in the world up to at the moment? Some kind of all-hands to the pump, foundation of hearts style, well society -esque, everybody together,working for a common cause, bravery through adversity kind of thing. Do tell. Interested.

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Tashy boy running around like a dug with two dicks telling Rangers fans how good it is for a sugar-daddy to pay off their debt.

Thanks for the input. Props to your originality.

Not hurting. Not hurting at all.

The list goes on....

"What's left of Scottish Football's debt" ;)

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Maybe he was talking literally.

Hauling Ashley up in front of a hearing on grounds of breaching the rules is a wee bit more than just getting Ballsy.

Let's wait until we get the findings, eh, Pelucía? Remember the "draconian" signing embargo the cheating bastárds at the old club landed when they should have been horsed.

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So...... I think it's fair to say that the theRangers support have some in for a fair bit of criticism over the years. In particular for standing around with their thumbs up their arse while the club they supposedly loved and cherished crashed down around them. Apart from threaten the odd official, journalist, broadcaster or childrens entertainer of course.

My oh my, what a disgrace upon shameful disgrace it would be, if history were to repeat itself. In not only the club dying but with a seemingly intransigent or simply AWOL support, watching glumly from their burst settees, occasionally committing an act of threatening behaviour to an unrelated party.

So what are the greatest fans in the world up to at the moment? Some kind of all-hands to the pump, foundation of hearts style, well society -esque, everybody together,working for a common cause, bravery through adversity kind of thing. Do tell. Interested.

Far be it for me to stick up for Rangers but I think its worth pointing out that the Foundation of Hearts was set up over 4 years ago.

Plus we were very fortunate that we have Ann Budge willing to take the Club on in the short term.

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As it appears to be bennett and The_Pedant's turn to rescue Tedi's hand-car from the quicksand* this time,

Oh honestly. You are disappearing inside your own morass. You have not a fucking scooby about any contracts - nor have any of the rest of us. Stop trying to pretend.

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The SFA have realised that The Rangers are stuck in the Championship for another year (at least) anyway, so are getting all the shit out of the way now so that their darlings can have a better chance next season....................if they are still here, that is, but we know there will always be some sort of Orcish continuation/zombie/newco ad infinitum. Then, Now, Forever and Ever and Ever and Ever and Ever.............

They will also always be cvnts though :)

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You were also very fortunate to get neutral administrators who did what they were supposed to do and do not now have employees sitting on fraud charges.

I wouldn't be surprised if real target of this fraud investigation turned out to be SDM.....

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Why do you continue to make an arse of yourself.

'His service contract dated 28 December 2010, which was subsequently amended, has a 12-month notice period'

Are the letters big enough for you.

What's a "service contract" are there other contracts?

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