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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No one could disagree that the traditional hegemony of Rangers (as was) and Celtic perpetually competing for the top two places was a Cash Generator - but hey, guess what? all the cash generated was immediately hoovered up by Rangers and Celtic.

And it still didn't stop Rangers 1872 careering off a cliff owing kazillions.

Exactly. The (ex)Old Firm will argue the trickle-down effect - higher TV fees for all, for example - but, as you say, Rangers and Celtic just hoovered it up.

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Exactly. The (ex)Old Firm will argue the trickle-down effect - higher TV fees for all, for example - but, as you say, Rangers and Celtic just hoovered it up.

Couldn't agree more, however this also happens in other leagues round the world. In England they build their marketing and sponorship around the likes of Manchester United, Arsenal et al. Go abroad and all the adverts are about them. Scudders the EP chairman was quoted the other month saying that Man U not being in the Champions damaged the EP "brand".

The whole Rangers disintegration just revealed how much the Scottish football authorities have built the whole the marketing and sponorship around one grubby derby match between Rangers and Celtic. At the moment the Scottish Prem is still a tight race-Celtic will probably pull away once they are pumped out of Europe ( I hope Celtic can stay in as long as possible) attendances are generally up with most clubs. In the Championship its still all to play for- and I think promotion and relegation will go down to the wire, so why is that being sold to the TV compainies like that? Because for the last 20 odd years all they have done is sold Rangers/Celtic and they can not get their pretty heads round any other concept.

As far as Rangers are concerned-fan ownership is the only way. I wonder if they have the patience for how long that would take-doubt it.

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SPFL have withheld £250,000 from Rangers in prize money through club's liability to pay the EBT Commission fine.

Rangers appealing to SFA

The commission at the time imposed said fine on the oldco, although it was later reported the SPFL would consider pursuing newco for it.

That'll be the SPFL's fee for legitimising the fantasy of a successor club entitled to all the airs and graces? I wonder what kind of cartwheels will turn at Hampden and elsewhere if there's an 'insolvency event' at the new club for creditor avoidance purposes that's the old club for sporting and marketing purposes.

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Replace 'club 2' with 'old plc holding company' and it is crystal :)

Anyway, we have been through this before, the commission were very clear that the oldco were responsible for the fine.

That's the way I read it, Tedi. That said, did Charles Chuckles not open a door to taking responsibility for some of oldco's completely innocent and well intentioned misdemeanours when a deal was struck to allow a newco team's admission to the leagues?

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Someone is playing a clever game here.

First the telfer decision is announced.

Bdo say they will claim for old co.

Then the rule breaking announcement re Ashley.

The alexander ruling - his contract said if McGregor left, now they all left the company and club. Under type rules his contract stays the same.. If McGregor leaves and he did...

And now the claim on footballing debts.

Are they pushing for the spivs to make their own announcement of continuation prior to an admin event so they don't have to decide new or same club??

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Someone is playing a clever game here.

First the telfer decision is announced.

Bdo say they will claim for old co.

Then the rule breaking announcement re Ashley.

The alexander ruling - his contract said if McGregor left, now they all left the company and club. Under type rules his contract stays the same.. If McGregor leaves and he did...

And now the claim on footballing debts.

Are they pushing for the spivs to make their own announcement of continuation prior to an admin event so they don't have to decide new or same club??

Everyone is trying to ensure they get paid in full before any inevitable administration event.

AGM should be a hoot ...

That's my taking on all this.......then again, I've given up trying to second guess what is going on at Ibrox!

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currently 'Rangers' seem to be at the stage of Alex DeLarge in A Clockwork Orange when everybody he crossed line up one by one to exact revenge for his previous misdeeds......

Alex returns home to find his parents plus a stranger (Clive Francis) sitting in the living room reading newspaper accounts of his release. He enters and tries to be friendly but is met only by awkward excuses. When he inquires about the stranger eating toast on the couch, his father tells him that the stranger is a lodger who can't be kicked out because he's already paid the next month's rent. Alex is upset but the lodger, who has ingratiated himself with Alex's parents, pushes the situation by castigating Alex for the things he did before going to prison and for breaking his parents' hearts. Before Alex can hit the lodger, his psychological conditioning kicks in leaving him gagging and fighting for air. When he has recovered, Alex storms out.

Alex later stares at the Thames river below a bridge, presumably contemplating suicide. He's approached by a bum seeking spare change. Alex fishes some cash from his pocket and hands it over. Then, taking a closer look, the bum recognizes Alex as the same guy who beat him in the subway tunnel two years earlier. Alex looks at the bum in horror and tries to escape, but is trapped in the very same tunnel by the bum and his elderly compatriots. They hit and kick Alex as he cowers on the ground, disabled by his conditioning. Two cops show up to break up the fight. To Alex's further horror, his rescuers turn out to be Dim and Georgie, two of his former droogs, who are now constables. Demonstrating that police training hasn't altered their basic violent natures, they handcuff Alex, drive him out of town, march him into a wood, push his head into a cattle trough filled with filthy water, and beat him with their batons. They then remove the cuffs and leave him battered and gasping.

Just feel a bit of dread if I continued with my analogy.... Alex after having his treatment reversed finishing with the menacing 'I was cured all right' and the promise of a return to his original sociopathetic ways.

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Never mind shares in jelly and ice cream and popcorn.

Buy shares in underwear. I have never seen such a wave of news that was had me pissing myself everyday this week. Just slow with the news.

Time to visit Primark at lunch again LoL

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currently 'Rangers' seem to be at the stage of Alex DeLarge in A Clockwork Orange when everybody he crossed line up one by one to exact revenge for his previous misdeeds......

Alex returns home to find his parents plus a stranger (Clive Francis) sitting in the living room reading newspaper accounts of his release. He enters and tries to be friendly but is met only by awkward excuses. When he inquires about the stranger eating toast on the couch, his father tells him that the stranger is a lodger who can't be kicked out because he's already paid the next month's rent. Alex is upset but the lodger, who has ingratiated himself with Alex's parents, pushes the situation by castigating Alex for the things he did before going to prison and for breaking his parents' hearts. Before Alex can hit the lodger, his psychological conditioning kicks in leaving him gagging and fighting for air. When he has recovered, Alex storms out.

Alex later stares at the Thames river below a bridge, presumably contemplating suicide. He's approached by a bum seeking spare change. Alex fishes some cash from his pocket and hands it over. Then, taking a closer look, the bum recognizes Alex as the same guy who beat him in the subway tunnel two years earlier. Alex looks at the bum in horror and tries to escape, but is trapped in the very same tunnel by the bum and his elderly compatriots. They hit and kick Alex as he cowers on the ground, disabled by his conditioning. Two cops show up to break up the fight. To Alex's further horror, his rescuers turn out to be Dim and Georgie, two of his former droogs, who are now constables. Demonstrating that police training hasn't altered their basic violent natures, they handcuff Alex, drive him out of town, march him into a wood, push his head into a cattle trough filled with filthy water, and beat him with their batons. They then remove the cuffs and leave him battered and gasping.

Just feel a bit of dread if I continued with my analogy.... Alex after having his treatment reversed finishing with the menacing 'I was cured all right' and the promise of a return to his original sociopathetic ways.

have you swallowed a book by Kant?
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I'll need to give it a go but I've just been too busy enjoying the Championship mate ;)

And so you should - even if it will be a tainted title... ;)

All those knots they've been all tying themselves in, from the Boardroom to Vicky's cellar, in order to maintain the myth - all coming undone in a glorious mess. Fucking lovely.

And the rangers' answer? Bring in m'learneds; because there's loads of spare cash just waiting to be spent on legal fees.

On a side note - not many berrz around today - is there a picnic on, or something? Maybe somebody should go down to the woods and check. :lol:

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