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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think the problem we have here is that, even though we've laughed long and hard at this shambles for the last couple of years our so, we've recently moved beyond the realmsof easy parody.

McCoist resigns, and ends up not only with the assurance he'll be in post for the next year, but gets a fucking huge pay rise. This at a time when rank and file employees are fearing for their jobs.

We're through the looking glass here - how can we speculate when the reality is outstripping the wildest possible flight of imagination?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Ally offered to resign for 400k (ish) ...

They wanted a gagging clause.

Ally knows his story is worth a mint ....

Sevco doesn't have the cash to pay him off in full and offer 'compensation' to keep quiet.

Not much to speculate about ...

Everyone knew this months ago.

Only speculation is why now from Super Salary? .... the beating from QotS or does he know that administration is looming and wants paid before it hits?

Maybe he is genuinely upset that ordinary employees are getting the dunt and feels he can no longer work...erm...with this...erm...board...


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Just a guess but I think a CVA would be achievable given that their debt will be owed to individuals instead of the tax man who would never negotiate. If a sensible administrator could pool together a decent amount of money then they will get out of it again. The reason I can see the CVA passing is that their only assets are really the stadium and training ground and I can't see the stadium going for much money given it can't really be used for anything else. Training ground may go I imagine (did Rangers ever rename Murray Park?) and I sort of see it as irrelevant.

This is Rangers though so it's quite likely that they'll end up with a dodgy administrator and see their attempts to hide the assets backfire spectacularly.

I would think and indeed hope that after the Duff & Phelps debacle that there would be good, honest and reputable administrators installed if and when administration happens again. More so now that they would be looked at more ardently than the last time. And you're correct about a CVA having a far better chance of being accepted by creditors with HMRC being out of the equation.

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The worlds top 100 stadiums by The Bleacher report..Celtic 18th.....Rangers miles behind, apparently they became insolvent and had to start again at the bottom ...never knew that....http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/2275704-top-100-stadiums-in-world-football/page/41

Cannae be right, to start again they would have to have ended? I thought that the SFA etc dismissed that scenario?

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The worlds top 100 stadiums by The Bleacher report..Celtic 18th.....Rangers miles behind, apparently they became insolvent and had to start again at the bottom ...never knew that....http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/2275704-top-100-stadiums-in-world-football/page/41

Cannae be right, to start again they would have to have ended? I thought that the SFA etc dismissed that scenario?

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League Reconstruction might be needed for Hibs as well.

Im all for 16 in top league but would only accept it if the voting structure and distribution of funding was altered.

16, 16, 10 would be my choice. Accept there is lower number of games but adjustments to play offs could compensate. Would also assist teams in Europe.

I'd be against any form of reconstruction for a few years atleast, it would be getting done for all the wrong reasons and certain teams don't get promoted then thats how it is.

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I'd be against any form of reconstruction for a few years atleast, it would be getting done for all the wrong reasons and certain teams don't get promoted then thats how it is.

The associations have been bending and creating new rules year by year since the abomination went tits up nearly 3 years ago to help the clone play in the top division ASAP, and you want to grumble about league reconstruction to once again help the clone survive ?

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OK so it's hardly a belly-laugh but The Daily Mash's take on Ally's situation is worth a wry smile:


AFTER unsuccessfully resigning, Ally McCoist has admitted that he has no idea how he can stop being Rangers manager.

An emotional McCoist handed in his notice only to be informed by grinning colleagues that he’d received a pay rise and a better parking space.

He said: “It was always going to be a very tough decision to quit the club I love, but I presumed it would be tough emotionally not logistically.

“I’ve tried being Rangers manager and I’ve tried not being Rangers manager and the two things are essentially the same.

“Even death will be no escape, they will find a way to trap my spirit in a jar.”

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The associations have been bending and creating new rules year by year since the abomination went tits up nearly 3 years ago to help the clone play in the top division ASAP, and you want to grumble about league reconstruction to once again help the clone survive ?

Yes by demanding Rangers pay them £250k they are really helping Rangers.

God bless Neil Doncaster.

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I'd be against any form of reconstruction for a few years atleast, it would be getting done for all the wrong reasons and certain teams sevco don't get promoted then thats how it is.

You poor, poor, naive fool...... ;)

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Wouldn't that be something, consulting the fans!!! A nice thought.

I meant it to say, and I'm sure you know it anyway; if I were a director of an SPFL club and had the chance, I'd be looking for benefits for my Club. No change to the voting structure, no redistribution of sponsor money, no deal on league reorganisation.

In the summer of 2012, fans around the country (with the exception of the Govan lot) united and let their clubs know in no uncertain terms, Sevco could and should not be put straight into the top league, or parachuted into the (then) First Division.

Many even advocated sticking by the rule book, and that meant by rights, Sevco should have started in the Lowland leagues and could not even be considered for entry into the bottom tier of the professional leagues until they had the requisite years of accounts and a vacancy within the leagues was available for them to apply, with any other interested clubs, for entry on merit.

I would hope that any moves in the summer of 2015 or whenever in the future, by the authorities (or the club that misses the dead Rangers and wants the cash bonanza they think they will get from playing the tribute act four or five times a season), to rejig the leagues just because Sevco fail to get promotion, or to guarantee their place in the top league by any means other than fair play and results on the pitch, will be met with the same robustness and outpouring of resistance from the fans of all the other 40 clubs in the professional league setup (if Celtic fans wish to join that call, and tell their clubs board in no uncertain terms Sevco can only reach the top league through results on the pitch and not through any jiggerypokery, they will be very welcome to join the other 40 clubs supporters).

ANY league reorganisation must take place where the changes proposed are a full season away from whenever changes are agreed (as per the rule book). Every club, and it's supporters must know what they are playing for in every coming season, otherwise whats the points in season tickets or even PATG if the whole season calendar is going to be cast aside, and a handpicked set of clubs are guaranteed to be in the top league regardless of their results (and consequently others excluded, no matter how much their results merit their inclusion).

As Boris says - the voting structure must change (each club one vote, simple majority required on each vote), redistribution of sponsorship must be fair (I can foresee for example, if league reconstruction was forced through for the benefit of Sevco, the increased money the Championship now has, would soon be reduced back to the antiquated prize money levels it used to have) - as well as forward thinking initiatives such as reduced entry prices for away fans, an end to the gravy train of £250k per game (plus costs!) each time the SFA put a cup semi or final or international at either of the two big stadiums in Glasgow, when Hampden isn't used.

So in conclusion - no league changes just for Sevco, and any changes must be forward planned a minimum season in advance, and only then with a fairer equal distribution of votes and money - every football fan wants (or should want!) fair play, sporting integrity, and a knowledge that no club is favoured over any other - and these football fans of every club outwith the gruesome two, make their feeling known to their clubs boards should this situation come to pass..

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I wouldn't particularly want it either but if they did go ahead and introduce some kind of rushed reconstruction, the seethe on here would be gloriously entertaining.

^ ^ ^

Here we have it folks !, this Rangers supporter has no shame what was so ever at all.

Of course you want it Tedi, do not deny it, you want to revel in the so called seethe if it happened and I'm positive you really want this to happen.

I hope it does as well, the meltdown from the Rangers fans seeing the club enter admin in the top division losing their best and highest paid players then fighting of relegation before entering liquidation will be such a glorious occasion for all us P&D's. The club will be in a 8 figure sum of debt for sure and there will be no money to spend on anything other than the spivs, conmen & shysters trough being refilled.

Let's make this happen Tedi. :)

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