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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I like Tedi. Always have. I can understand why he infuriates other posters at times but it's mainly by sticking to his guns like Stoney said. There are very few people who post on here (never mind Rangers fans) that I'd go for a pint with - but Ted is deffo one of them.

I quite like bennett too though so maybe I'm just a terrible judge of character. :P

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We all know that opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and if it's not your own it stinks. Some get a little too serious though, especially on this forum.

Threads like the best/worst poster and heads gone are created by inadequates who want to gain the approval of other inadequates so they can gang up on folk who are more confident in themselves. I must admit to falling into the trap at times but to coin another phrase, to err is human. I am happy to feel human.


Didnae get nominated :P

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I like Tedi. Always have. I can understand why he infuriates other posters at times but it's mainly by sticking to his guns like Stoney said. There are very few people who post on here (never mind Rangers fans) that I'd go for a pint with - but Ted is deffo one of them.

I quite like bennett too though so maybe I'm just a terrible judge of character. :P

Seems you just like a plucky underdog.

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Of course we will be back where we belong, its inevitable, we are the people, everyone knows it, have fun while it lasts.

And if that sentiment was only applied to the team on the park, you'd be the same as the rest of football fandom. It's the fact that, in many Rangers' fans minds, it means so much more that is so vomit-inducing.

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I am fully aware of the Lizzy 2 argument, when you deliberately ask a really obvious trick question you tend to get the replies you have received, if you don't want to indulge me in these games then don't start them.

What the fucks tricky aboot this question?


You seem tae ken your history.

This present Queen styles herself Elizabeth II.

Could you tell us who was the first Queen Elizabeth of Britain (or Scotland) ?

Imagine you're a teacher in any school in Britain and a pupil says,

"Please Sir, the present monarch is Elizabeth the second. Who was the first Elizabeth?"

Would your reply be, "Ha! that's a trick question and I won't answer it."

You are confirming what I wrote earlier:

As Ken Fitlike says you are sticking your fingers in your ears and shutting your eyes to reality.

You see no evil, hear no evil but I’m no so sure aboot the third yin. :lol:

EDIT: I didn't bypass the sweary filter, this is the way it came out.

Edited by Wee Willie
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That thread's quite enlightening - obviously the McCoist picture looks different to those south of the border.

Bit sceptical..your talking about a bloke that took a pay cut, invested his own money in the club and stood by the club through the relegations and uncertainty and has fought tooth and nail through transfer embago's and penalties imposed to get them nearly back to where they should be

Cant say I agree that he's in anyway in it for the cash

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Lizzie upset some celtic fans people when she called herself Elizabeth II, a few folk got angry about this and claimed she should have been called Lizzie I, they set fire to a few post boxes, this happened like 60 years ago.

I know it is all exceptionally trivial but wee wullie does not think so.

Isnt she Elizabeth 1 Scotland?

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No its true, there was an actual legal challenge, but it failed on grounds of Royal prerogative, basically she is free to bestow any title she sees fit.

I bestow on thee......... Tedi the c**t ;)

I'm not the queen, though. That'd be weird.

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I would say, she is the Queen, she can call herself what she wants :thumsup2

The Nats were a bit late in noticing the Liz 1/2 anomaly, since William III used that title in 1688, although he was William II of Scotland, and William I of GB.

So it's all King Billy's fault.

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No sorry, you just seem to be all over the place in what you want to actually discuss,

Balls. I said that Rangers were treated differently to clubs that were in the exact same situation. You seem to disagree because of something that happened over 100 years ago when corporate legislation was completely different than it is today. Even though it is 100% clear that Rangers were treated differently.

you got the Hearts thing wrong so I guess we can dismiss your original point.

Unlike you I can admit I was wrong, but how can mistaking one Hearts' insolvency event for another invalidate my original point?

Rangers insolvency was treated by the SFA properly within their own rules.

Yes, this is true. But I thought the point was that the SFA had changed them to suit?

I am not really interested in your 'what about these other clubs argument'

But you are willing to reference another club over 100 years ago. Very good. Next time you use precedent in an argument I hope someone pulls you up for it.

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The Nats were a bit late in noticing the Liz 1/2 anomaly, since William III used that title in 1688, although he was William II of Scotland, and William I of GB.

So it's all King Billy's fault.

Tedi isn't interested in this 'what about these other monarchs argument'.

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After reading this hubristic shite https://billmcmurdo.wordpress.com/2014/12/19/a-massive-red-herring/I wonder what Bill McMurdo thinks of Derek LLLLambias's lowish salary as new Chief Exec?

That's unbelievable. I thought it was a spoof at first - I'd never read that blog before. He fair gives Mad Phil a run for his money.

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That's unbelievable. I thought it was a spoof at first - I'd never read that blog before. He fair gives Mad Phil a run for his money.

Oh McMurdo is every bit as bad as McGillivan in the nonsense he puts forward in his blogs. This is the man that has endorsed every BoD from the day Green took office, irrespective of how they were performing. His father is the agent that set up the Mo Johnston move to Rangers.

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