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Money from his EBT into a 2nd Tax avoidance scheme ... LOL ...Has he paid ANY tax at all ?

He didn't know anything about nothing. Brains in his feet, that man.

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The newspaper advertisement taken out by some Celtic fans, the statement from the RST - fcuk off both of you. Neither lot can help themselves. .... and this is the fixture 'Scottish football has been missing'? This is what we want back on a regular basis like before? Like fcuk it is. Pair of cnuts. Whatever happens on Sunday, hope Aberdeen or Dundee United wipe the fcuking floor with you in the final.

Quality rantage. ^_^ I have to admit though, watching this little episode as part of a three-year slow-motion train wreck has been entertaining. It's unkind to take the mick out of addicts and the hopeless and the helpless but the meeja has been like a banger back on the pipe. Isn't it sad that not one of the fuckers can step back from this and take another perspective?

No matter how many times this unholy alliance screws up or falls apart, it's somehow the best things since sliced bread. f**k knows why. Money probably.

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Looking forward to the blanket condemnation of Yellowfang and his part in Peters dodgy movie Tax scam.Much wailing and gnashing of tooth to be expected from society's moral custodians in the East end.What about the hospitals etc.......

You really are a bit slow, aren't you, Maggot? The similarities (and, indeed, differences) between Lennon's wee scheme and the shambles at ibrox was picked to pieces on here and elsewhere when it happened.

Most of the conversation, as with the tone of your post above, started with the sentiment "whit aboot...".

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Quality rantage. ^_^ I have to admit though, watching this little episode as part of a three-year slow-motion train wreck has been entertaining. It's unkind to take the mick out of addicts and the hopeless and the helpless but the meeja has been like a banger back on the pipe. Isn't it sad that not one of the fuckers can step back from this and take another perspective?

No matter how many times this unholy alliance screws up or falls apart, it's somehow the best things since sliced bread. f**k knows why. Money probably.

The Father of the Big Thread doesn't visit his creation as often these days, but when he does he articulates from the heart. And, I might add, expresses the opinions of many of us succinctly and concisely.

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The Father of the Big Thread doesn't visit his creation as often these days, but when he does he articulates from the heart. And, I might add, expresses the opinions of many of us succinctly and concisely.

There was far too much swearing in my last post mind you. However, I had just been watching Andy Murray and witnessed Kim Sears' wee rant - must have rubbed off on me.

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You really are a bit slow, aren't you, Maggot? The similarities (and, indeed, differences) between Lennon's wee scheme and the shambles at ibrox was picked to pieces on here and elsewhere when it happened.

Most of the conversation, as with the tone of your post above, started with the sentiment "whit aboot...".

Quelle surprise! Imagine WKR springing to the defence, who'd a thunk it?

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Hear hear. The tit for tit shit-slinging, the constant denial of each support that they've ever done anything wrong and it was always 'thame whae started it', the seemingly endless capacity of knuckledraggers and their associated apologists on both sides to carry on like utter weans in the name of a game of football when everybody knows it's about something much darker and nothing to do with a game of football. The media lapping it up while the rest of us scratch our heads wondering how it ever came to this, and why these communities cling to the indiscretions of generations long gone, which stains the national psyche and harms our reputation as a sporting nation of good humour and good people. And all the while the clubs themselves tut-tut and plead ignorance, pointing to a 'small minority of their supports' knowing full well that the sectarianism fuels shirt sales and keeps the coffers full, and is without doubt the lifeblood of the clubs ongoing health.

Together, Celtic and Rangers are a blight, a cancer on sport and society in Scotland and always will be. This is why they've forever known that they could never really be apart (despite their protest to the contrary), why both supports have dwindled in the absence of the other and why their separation has led to greater competition in the SPL. Rest assured though, Ashley will keep Rangers on life support on a budget that will allow them to compete with Celtic again so we will return to the status quo; Scottish football has as much to fear from Ashley as Rangers themselves, perhaps even more so.

I just wish they could be football clubs and remove all the associated rubbish. Does it just effect football supporters? No, it effects everyone. Just ask anyone who lives in Glasgow and not interested in football. They will be careful where they go to this weekend. There is significant concern around the wider population.

Typical of how it intrudes, some years back I had a flight diverted to Glasgow one Saturday and was then catching a train to Edinburgh. The train was leaving Queen St just after 5pm.

Guess what? It was a Rangers home game, so the train was full of boys in blue. Sing song going on in the next carriage, then the phone of one of the Rangers supporters standing closeby rang. Of course his ring tune was the Sash. And the bit that is usually shouted at the end was at the start. Yes, it started with a 'F*** the Pope', and then into 'it was old and it was'.

Why should anyone have to listen to that nonsense? Just because someone has such a sad life he has to create his 'belonging' around tribal haters who claim 'we are the people' only because they know they aren't.

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Looking forward to the blanket condemnation of Yellowfang and his part in Peters dodgy movie Tax scam.Much wailing and gnashing of tooth to be expected from society's moral custodians in the East end.What about the hospitals etc.......

Have the creditors been paid back yet?

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Quelle surprise! Imagine WKR springing to the defence, who'd a thunk it?

Defence? Explain who or what I'm defending?

Anyone dodging their responsibilities wants punishing - these characters in this scheme are just as scummy as your old club. The scale of fraud is the only difference.

Fück me, you're really, really stupid.

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Defence? Explain who or what I'm defending?

Anyone dodging their responsibilities wants punishing - these characters in this scheme are just as scummy as your old club. The scale of fraud is the only difference.

Fück me, you're really, really stupid.

Feel free to ignore me if you think I'm really,really stupid...

Good luck for Sunday!

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Talking of Collymore I almost spat my weetabix out in amusement this morning while listening to Talksport. They had Stuart McCall on who after giving it the usual Scottish football needs this fixture pish compared Sevco taking on Celtic and winning to Bradford City's victory over Chelsea last week.

Apart from the amusing analogy, it's refreshing to remember how far the once mighty have fallen. Bradford City? That's an unfair comparision to a well run, football playing team. Sevco can only dream of playing at that level again. :lol:

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