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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Mike Ashley could buy the whole of Scottish football, liquidate every club and carry on his business without flinching.

If every club is liquidated there is a silver lining. We will all endure the lasting death that comes from liquidation whilst Rangers constantly phoenix then die over and over in a 1 team league that they can't win.

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Documents publicly available at Companies House also list former Aberdeen players Stephen Glass and Eoin Jess as investors, along ex-Rangers striker Billy Dodds, former Scotland international defenders Colin Hendry and Dominic Matteo, and a host of high-profile players including Steven Gerrard, Danny Murphy and Martin Keown.

Money from his EBT into a 2nd Tax avoidance scheme ... LOL ...Has he paid ANY tax at all ?

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The newspaper advertisement taken out by some Celtic fans, the statement from the RST - fcuk off both of you. Neither lot can help themselves. .... and this is the fixture 'Scottish football has been missing'? This is what we want back on a regular basis like before? Like fcuk it is. Pair of cnuts.

Whatever happens on Sunday, hope Aberdeen or Dundee United wipe the fcuking floor with you in the final.

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The newspaper advertisement taken out by some Celtic fans, the statement from the RST - fcuk off both of you. Neither lot can help themselves. .... and this is the fixture 'Scottish football has been missing'? This is what we want back on a regular basis like before? Like fcuk it is. Pair of cnuts. Whatever happens on Sunday, hope Aberdeen or Dundee United wipe the fcuking floor with you in the final.

Hear hear. The tit for tit shit-slinging, the constant denial of each support that they've ever done anything wrong and it was always 'thame whae started it', the seemingly endless capacity of knuckledraggers and their associated apologists on both sides to carry on like utter weans in the name of a game of football when everybody knows it's about something much darker and nothing to do with a game of football. The media lapping it up while the rest of us scratch our heads wondering how it ever came to this, and why these communities cling to the indiscretions of generations long gone, which stains the national psyche and harms our reputation as a sporting nation of good humour and good people. And all the while the clubs themselves tut-tut and plead ignorance, pointing to a 'small minority of their supports' knowing full well that the sectarianism fuels shirt sales and keeps the coffers full, and is without doubt the lifeblood of the clubs ongoing health.

Together, Celtic and Rangers are a blight, a cancer on sport and society in Scotland and always will be. This is why they've forever known that they could never really be apart (despite their protest to the contrary), why both supports have dwindled in the absence of the other and why their separation has led to greater competition in the SPL. Rest assured though, Ashley will keep Rangers on life support on a budget that will allow them to compete with Celtic again so we will return to the status quo; Scottish football has as much to fear from Ashley as Rangers themselves, perhaps even more so.

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Hear hear. The tit for tit shit-slinging, the constant denial of each support that they've ever done anything wrong and it was always 'thame whae started it', the seemingly endless capacity of knuckledraggers and their associated apologists on both sides to carry on like utter weans in the name of a game of football when everybody knows it's about something much darker and nothing to do with a game of football. The media lapping it up while the rest of us scratch our heads wondering how it ever came to this, and why these communities cling to the indiscretions of generations long gone, which stains the national psyche and harms our reputation as a sporting nation of good humour and good people. And all the while the clubs themselves tut-tut and plead ignorance, pointing to a 'small minority of their supports' knowing full well that the sectarianism fuels shirt sales and keeps the coffers full, and is without doubt the lifeblood of the clubs ongoing health.

Together, Celtic and Rangers are a blight, a cancer on sport and society in Scotland and always will be. This is why they've forever known that they could never really be apart (despite their protest to the contrary), why both supports have dwindled in the absence of the other and why their separation has led to greater competition in the SPL. Rest assured though, Ashley will keep Rangers on life support on a budget that will allow them to compete with Celtic again so we will return to the status quo; Scottish football has as much to fear from Ashley as Rangers themselves, perhaps even more so.


The Old Firm represents the very worst of Scotland in a number of different ways.

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It was galling enough before when people claimed that Scottish football needed a strong OF and relied on this fixture for its wellbeing.

Now however, when it's been clearly and unequivocally established that this is not the case, it's absolutely ridiculous that people still come out with such shit.

I thought the incoherent grunting of MacDowall in that interview the other day, beautifully captured the incoherence of his case.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Ms Haggerty was tweeting about a MacGilligans island article called the 'F word' blood festival, i assume that he's went over the score again.

Maybe you should google it up, as i haven't read it and can't tell you what was in it.

Mad Phil has to keep his customers happy by playing to the gallery,can't blame the guy too much as everyone has to make a living.....
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My FB feed is currently full of the stuff that reminds me I'd rather it had been the Green Bigots who'd gone tits-up.

The most nauseating thing about the whole thing is the Celtic fans thinking that we've all joined up to be one happy family since the Blue Bigots went bust.
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The most nauseating thing about the whole thing is the Celtic fans thinking that we've all joined up to be one happy family since the Blue Bigots went bust.

Sorry to disappoint the 'Falkirk' fans here but I sincerely hope that Celtic run up a cricket score against the Great Satan from Castle Greyskull.

Hope they lose in the SPL like.

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Firstly, I know there's a multitude of threads running - many of which now only exist for our amusement, posting of 'pleasing' gifs, and general 'let's all laugh and point at Rangers' merriment....

The more I'm hearing though, the more I'm looking towards the actual end game here, and would like to gauge reaction as to where we will be a year, two years, however many years down the line. For as long as i remember I have personally felt disgusted by the way football clubs play fast and loose in a manner no 'normal' business can ever hope to get away with. I see this going the same way as so many clubs before them. They'll dodge the big one by playing the administration card. They won't be the first, they won't be the last. So, what's your prediction for the actual end to this?

To my eyes it's all set up with Whyte knowing all along that he would decide when to play the administration joker card to position himself as main creditor. I genuinely believe some sort of deal will grudgingly be accepted by HMRC. There will be pain for Rangers - but they will indeed dodge the big hammer blow. Short term pain, longer term, they'll weasel a way to rise phoenix-like from administration, as I say, like so many morally bankrupt cheating football clubs before them.

Thoughts? Hopefully not just of a 'LOL' nature! Really looking to see what you guys seriously see the end of this actually being when the dust settles.

The above post from pozbaird rumbles on. Much of what he said along with the other contributors makes interesting reading three years on. Many were remarkably accurate in their thoughts,

This week among the other dodges the revelations on 'Investing' (Aye right) in the film dodge has come to the fore. Why cannot HMRC in consort with the law pursue EVERY dodger.

Since that day, Ibrox has been plagued by the non stop coming and going of an endless supply of villains bleeding the club dry every day since Murray sold the jerseys to Whyte for a quid, he sold out to Green, who involved the London spiv. It's a non stop conveyor belt of rogues.

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The above post from pozbaird rumbles on. Much of what he said along with the other contributors makes interesting reading three years on. Many were remarkably accurate in their thoughts,

This week among the other dodges the revelations on 'Investing' (Aye right) in the film dodge has come to the fore. Why cannot HMRC in consort with the law pursue EVERY dodger.

Since that day, Ibrox has been plagued by the non stop coming and going of an endless supply of villains bleeding the club dry every day since Murray sold the jerseys to Whyte for a quid, he sold out to Green, who involved the London spiv. It's a non stop conveyor belt of rogues.


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It was galling enough before when people claimed that Scottish football needed a strong OF and relied on this fixture for its wellbeing. Now however, when it's been clearly and unequivocally established that this is not the case, it's absolutely ridiculous that people still come out with such shit. I thought the incoherent grunting of MacDowall in that interview the other day, beautifully captured the incoherence of his case.

If enough people want to believe it, those who depend on their money/support will tell them it's true.

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Hear hear. The tit for tit shit-slinging, the constant denial of each support that they've ever done anything wrong and it was always 'thame whae started it', the seemingly endless capacity of knuckledraggers and their associated apologists on both sides to carry on like utter weans in the name of a game of football when everybody knows it's about something much darker and nothing to do with a game of football. The media lapping it up while the rest of us scratch our heads wondering how it ever came to this, and why these communities cling to the indiscretions of generations long gone, which stains the national psyche and harms our reputation as a sporting nation of good humour and good people. And all the while the clubs themselves tut-tut and plead ignorance, pointing to a 'small minority of their supports' knowing full well that the sectarianism fuels shirt sales and keeps the coffers full, and is without doubt the lifeblood of the clubs ongoing health.

Together, Celtic and Rangers are a blight, a cancer on sport and society in Scotland and always will be. This is why they've forever known that they could never really be apart (despite their protest to the contrary), why both supports have dwindled in the absence of the other and why their separation has led to greater competition in the SPL. Rest assured though, Ashley will keep Rangers on life support on a budget that will allow them to compete with Celtic again so we will return to the status quo; Scottish football has as much to fear from Ashley as Rangers themselves, perhaps even more so.


Good post, sums up Scottish football in a couple of paragraphs.

How enjoyable it has been without all that 'associated' rubbish the OF bring to the table.

Edited by Gullane No 4
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