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Deloitte informed the previous board that they intended to resign following the June 2014 audit, the board chose not to announce it, nor did they make any attempt to replace them.

Kind of interesting that the new board didn't replace them either though, isn't it?

Surely that would have taken one phone call, an afternoon meeting and a handshake?

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Maybe Mike is making calls, just not to the benefit of the current regime. Mike is not a man to take the insults thrown his way lightly. How many firms would want to be on his wrong side?

The inside scoop on mike from a man in the know.

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Jefferys Henry... we've met them before in this endless parade of chancers, have we not?

Ah yes...

Jeffreys Henry LLP scores Rangers Football Club valuation role
14 Dec 12

Jeffreys Henry LLP, the award-winning provider of audit, tax and advisory services, has recently advised Rangers International Football Club Plc on its £20 million intangible assets valuation in preparation for an AIM IPO.

Jeffreys Henry was appointed to value the intangible assets of the Club, including its brand, member database, players, licenses, broadcasting rights, memorabilia collection and commercial software.

The valuation team was led by corporate partner Justin Randall and technical partner David Warren.

Justin commented: “We are very pleased to have advised Rangers on its valuation. It was highly specialised as there are high levels of emotional value surrounding sports clubs but very little solid market data.”

David added: “Detailed analytical work, our knowledge of company and brand valuation as well as our strong track record in advising AIM listed companies led us on a journey to the eventual valuation.”

Brian Stockbridge, Finance Director at Rangers International Football Club Plc, commented: “I am very pleased with the valuation work that Jeffreys Henry performed for Rangers at short notice. The team was thoroughly professional and we would be pleased to work with them again in the future.”

Valuation in the absence of 'solid market data' a speciality, it would appear :rolleyes:

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Newcastle Player Loans

During the January 2015 transfer window, the Club loaned five players from Newcastle United. As part of those contracts, should the Club gain promotion in season 2014/15, either directly or via the play-off method, the Club will be liable to pay a total of £500,000 to Newcastle United Football Company Limited.

As this liability is based on an uncertain future event, the Directors have not recognised this amount in these financial statements.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Here's the disclaimer from Jeffreys Henry:

A review of financial statements in accordance with ISRE 2400 (Revised) is a limited assurance engagement. The practitioner performs procedures, primarily consisting of making inquiries of management and others within the entity, as appropriate, and applying analytical procedures, and evaluates the evidence obtained.

The procedures performed in a review are substantially less that those performed in an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial statements.

typo is theirs, looks like someone typed that in a hurry, huh?

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It reads to me that they did not know, as far as Paul Murray was concerned they were still the existing auditors, after all the board did vote to 're-appoint' them at the last AGM, strange as Deloitte had already resigned.

It looks like they gave intention to resign last year, carried out their duties which included auditing the accounts in November 2014 then left, the board despite knowing this did nothing to replace them, nor did they inform anybody.

"I wish to draw shareholders' attention to the fact that these interim results have been reviewed by Jeffreys Henry LLP. I have been informed by Deloitte, the existing auditor, that they informed the previous Board of their intention to resign following the June 2014 audit.

"The previous board chose not to announce this nor did they find a replacement for Deloitte.

"With limited time to have these results reviewed the board asked Jeffreys Henry to perform the exercise as independent reporting accountants, not auditors."

It does seem odd that they came across the mysterious illness of one of the loanees and drip fed other details of that which on the face of it in a purely business sense seems trivial compared to having no auditor, given that DK was actively looking for a replacement Nomad would these not be intereested in the present accounts to assertain the health of the business.

So they have enough time to discover this and give them to Jeffrey's Henry LLP but not to arrange for another auditor ? I would have thought that the first thing you would do is have the accounts looked over especially if they were to be released in the near future, even if you believe they are good guys it appears incompetent and another a big boy did it and ran away.

Anyone know if this would impact on a Nomad taking them on as I'd have thought audited accounts would be at the very least a minimum requirement to the AIM ?

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What the MA whose company gave workers 15 minutes notice? the MA whose treatment of workers was labelled as "despicable" and "appalling" by MP`s? the MA who is up in front of a parliamentary committee?

Phone call and a handshake aye? Money talks I guess.

Sadly Tedi it does, you may be aware of the phenomena from a previous incumbent of your previous club Sir Murray of the Succulent Lamb, he used similar tactics to Ashley but he was lauded and he sunk your original club. It was also prevalent when that said entity went defunct and the blazers and some chairman tried to shoe horn you back in as if nothing had occurred, again money was the concern.

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Sadly Tedi it does, you may be aware of the phenomena from a previous incumbent of your previous club Sir Murray of the Succulent Lamb, he used similar tactics to Ashley but he was lauded and he sunk your original club. It was also prevalent when that said entity went defunct and the blazers and some chairman tried to shoe horn you back in as if nothing had occurred, again money was the concern.

A textbook example of the fabled whataboutery.

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The yearly accounts were audited...as I stated.

No if they had the time to discover that deloittle had resigned at what point and then passed them to JH LLP was there not time with a delay to have them audited properly given this was the new boards first chance to assess the business ?

So DK is hunting for a nomad but you haven't contacted Deloittle to do the accounts and PM has Keith Jackson on speed dial with all sorts of exclusives but doesn't know the auditor has resigned ? Come on Tedi either they are really incompetent or they are not telling the truth none of which helps the plight of the business.

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