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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I do enjoy our late night discussions buddy, but.....

We usually do badinage pretty well - and I welcome it. I focussed too much on one phrase rather than the rest of your post so I'll put my hand up for that and also admit to being overly curmudgeonly.

Still. NOMAD Day tomorrow. I suspect a veritable blizzard of posts by the time I log in in the evening.

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Does anyone else see the that the the Rangers fans are losing the plot big time. It was not so long ago that they were celebrating a victory for the good guys.

They never even got this weird at liquidation.

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Does anyone else see the that the the Rangers fans are losing the plot big time. It was not so long ago that they were celebrating a victory for the good guys.

They never even got this weird at liquidation.

Don't know what you're talking about Stoney. Didn't you hear? The good guys won. RRM one and all. Transparency and traditional values are back. There is a 30million quid warchest and all is well in Orcland.

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We usually do badinage pretty well - and I welcome it. I focussed too much on one phrase rather than the rest of your post so I'll put my hand up for that and also admit to being overly curmudgeonly.

Still. NOMAD Day tomorrow. I suspect a veritable blizzard of posts by the time I log in in the evening.

I suspect a blizzard off backtracking post by rangers fans.
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" Never mind the Nomads....here's the d- list"

Pretty sure the Scottish fitba hacks will be doing the PR in the coming days that if the do not get a nomad and d-list it will be for the "long term benefit" of the Rangers.

Now where is that war chest....

Edited by Calidad
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Rangers fans never wanted a NOMAD nor did they ever say they did. Any posts to the contrary are fake.

They really don't give a flying fcuk about a NOMAD. My personally held belief remains. The average Sevconian only wants a return to the days when 11 good Proddies turned out for the Queens XI, getting it right fcuking up 'them' from across the city, with their tricolours and rosary beads and shite.

Of course, I may be wrong. Maybe some will accept that these days, not everyone in that 'Queens XI' are likely to be Proddies, good and true - but if they aren't, and goodness me, even Roman Catholic - as long as they don't go around doing any of that 'blessing themselves' shite in public, then they will be accepted.... as long as it means.... getting it right fcuking up 'them' from across the city, with their tricolours and rosary beads and shite.

Cue the usual Sevconians...

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They really don't give a flying fcuk about a NOMAD. My personally held belief remains. The average Sevconian only wants a return to the days when 11 good Proddies turned out for the Queens XI, getting it right fcuking up 'them' from across the city, with their tricolours and rosary beads and shite.Of course, I may be wrong. Maybe some will accept that these days, not everyone in that 'Queens XI' are likely to be Proddies, good and true - but if they aren't, and goodness me, even Roman Catholic - as long as they don't go around doing any of that 'blessing themselves' shite in public, then they will be accepted.... as long as it means.... getting it right fcuking up 'them' from across the city, with their tricolours and rosary beads and shite.Cue the usual Sevconians...

That is the manifesto of nearly every 'Rangers' fan I meet.

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It could also have been very different if you had decide not to focus on half a sentence in an expansive appraisal of the situation. There were many points made within that original post, it's a pity you misinterpreted one small part, ran with it, held it tight and jumped off the deep end.

If you let go of this parody you carry on with, and get back to having open honest discussions with fellow football fans, you might find that people may start to give you the respect you crave.

There's no denying you are an intelligent guy, you have a knack for the written word. But, no one appreciates your contribution if half your posts denigrate fellow posters for their contribution, whilst the other half are litter with errors.

I do enjoy our late night discussions buddy, but there will come a time when I'm going to need to ask for the crockery to be returned.

Derailment in progress. Just ignore the Diddy unless he posts something sensible..............wait, just ignore the Diddy.

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They really don't give a flying fcuk about a NOMAD. My personally held belief remains. The average Sevconian only wants a return to the days when 11 good Proddies turned out for the Queens XI, getting it right fcuking up 'them' from across the city, with their tricolours and rosary beads and shite.Of course, I may be wrong. Maybe some will accept that these days, not everyone in that 'Queens XI' are likely to be Proddies, good and true - but if they aren't, and goodness me, even Roman Catholic - as long as they don't go around doing any of that 'blessing themselves' shite in public, then they will be accepted.... as long as it means.... getting it right fcuking up 'them' from across the city, with their tricolours and rosary beads and shite.Cue the usual Sevconians...

It's supporters of other clubs such as yourself that continually drag up this Shite, why?? Don't think any of the few Bears that post on here are interested in all that !! We just want a team that's playing some decent stuff on the park, with those running the club, having its best interests at heart. Isn't that simply what every other fan wants irrespective of who they choose to follow?
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It's supporters of other clubs such as yourself that continually drag up this Shite, why?? Don't think any of the few Bears that post on here are interested in all that !! We just want a team that's playing some decent stuff on the park, with those running the club, having its best interests at heart. Isn't that simply what every other fan wants irrespective of who they choose to follow?

Refer back to PM the Monkey asking a question about returning to traditional values and Kinky's answer. You only have to go back to the recent appointment of CG as fans representative and see the evidence. OK not all supporters but its hardly one rogue supporter either and with PM statement does that not pander to that mentality if you want to escape being tarred with that brush and this goes for the other mob then change.

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