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The_Kincardine is that you ?

Is this the level you have reduced yourself to ?, petty squabbling over the correct usage "in your opinion here" of words.

And actually !, how can I appear more thick & stupid than Bennett anyway ???, if you've been following the BRALT then you'd know how thick & stupid your statement was.

FFS give over.

My statement was based on the final paragraph in your post. In your efforts to prove Bennett's thickness and stupidity your ineffectual use of the English language meant you stated the exact opposite. Your inability to accept the error, instead lashing out when it's pointed out, merely underlines your stupidity.

I am indeed a long-time follower of the Bralt and, as such, well aware of Bennett's posting history. He is not the only poster whose peccadilloes follow them around the Bralt. Your constant and consistent mangling of the English language is also a noticeable, and not altogether welcome, part of the Bralt.

I am not The_Kincardine although he and I did go to different schools together. Separated only by the length of Watsonville park. Sadly, now an Asda.

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My wife's coloured .. yet I'm a racist. Fucking neep

ETA: Your narrow minded wee fud that starts throwing accusations around like confetti ,, then gets all prissy when you get the cnut ripped out of you ... tosser,

He's slowly catching on....

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Your issue is becoming an issue again, was it one of your siblings who was smarter than you and your parents always compared them to you?

It is only an issue to you because you are making an issue about it. Playing at reverse psychology isn't your strong point is it. :P

Truth be told I am smarter in some areas than my siblings and they are smarter than me in other areas, Trying to be the smartest guy in the room ain't my ambition as many posters on here have shown themselves at times to be way more smarter than me on particular subjects.

But together we are smarter as a unit. And then there are the spanners, posters who just like to throw something into the mix that is completely irrelevant to derail everything at any opportunity. Sound familiar Benny ?.

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My statement was based on the final paragraph in your post. In your efforts to prove Bennett's thickness and stupidity your ineffectual use of the English language meant you stated the exact opposite. Your inability to accept the error, instead lashing out when it's pointed out, merely underlines your stupidity. I am indeed a long-time follower of the Bralt and, as such, well aware of Bennett's posting history. He is not the only poster whose peccadilloes follow them around the Bralt. Your constant and consistent mangling of the English language is also a noticeable, and not altogether welcome, part of the Bralt. I am not The_Kincardine although he and I did go to different schools together. Separated only by the length of Watsonville park. Sadly, now an Asda.

Oh dear God !.

Fine I'll admit that since being on P&B my grammar and the correct usage of FUCKING punctuation, abbreviation, and so on and so has over time become slightly more acceptable to certain fuds on here that are obsessed with Pulitzer level composition in other peoples posts.

To be quite honest here ?, does it really matter if you have gotten the gist of the content of my post whilst knowing to you I lack the Oxford University level of composition and grammatical punctuation etc etc etc.

I am no master in the dark arts of composing a Pulitzer award winning post on P&B.

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Oh dear God !.

Fine I'll admit that since being on P&B my grammar and the correct usage of FUCKING punctuation, abbreviation, and so on and so has over time become slightly more acceptable to certain fuds on here that are obsessed with Pulitzer level composition in other peoples posts.

To be quite honest here ?, does it really matter if you have gotten the gist of the content of my post whilst knowing to you I lack the Oxford University level of composition and grammatical punctuation etc etc etc.

I am no master in the dark arts of composing a Pulitzer award winning post on P&B.

You have no idea, you really are a fucking moron.

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You have no idea, you really are a fucking moron.

Aw how fucking grown up of you to resort to petty demeaning insults now.

I had just admitted to you that my grammar does not extend to the highest levels you appear to be at.

I had used a word in a specific context which you took umbrage to and I defended the right to use it in this particular context. The "thick & stupid" tag I gave to Benny came at a "COST" to him by most likely at times deliberately posting nonsense or badly thought out retorts to posters leaving him open for ridicule.

And you are being a fucking moron for letting the use of a word to get you to the point you'll throw insults.

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