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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"Rangers is the only team I ever wanted to play for" :lol:

If money wasn't a motivating factor, why the f**k did Rangers have to concoct a tax dodge? After all, the cost to Rangers would be exactly the same whether they were deducting PAYE or not. I don't think you've thought this through.

Your right mate , I am sure the master plan of the EBT was to entice talent like billy Dodds and boab Malcolm away from the lure of the English Premiership or Spanish la liga .

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The other half of the clubs previously known as the old firm have their finger on a nuclear switch. If they were to pursue a claim that any titles won during the ebt period were won with a sporting advantage and were successful then all clubs they faced in said period could claim loss of income through cup / league placing income and surely this would be a football debt which was one of the conditions pertaining to the new clubs admission to the league

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What a complete fucking basket case this entity really is :lol:

I wish they'd do Scottish football a favour and have the good grace to just disappear from the footballing landscape.

It's completely embarrassing to be in any way associated with 'Rangers' and their horrible supporters.

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Yes a lot of whataboutery and claiming titles but not accountability. Glad to see that won't wash any more.

Regardless, the one thing these fannies always had to fall back on was their list of trophies to Lord over everyone. It didn't matter much to them as long as everyone else acknowledged them.

Now nothing makes them angrier than knowing that no matter how many shite red tops they quote or what they believe, no one else acknowledges the new Rangers as having won anything but lower league titles since 2012. They died, and their history and their titles with it. It incenses these people that others now view them and their club as inferior at best and trophyless, cheating and dead at worst.

Forever shamed to Scotland. Strip the titles and give Sevco an ultimatum to either relinquish their claim to all those trophies or cough up for the transgressions that lead to winning them. Success and accountability, you can't have one but not the other.

Tick tock.

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It incenses us so much that we spend money on adverts in national newspapers trying to prove it, spend 20k on websites trying to prove it, takes 10k loans out trying to prove it, send countless letters and appeals to ASA, the SFA, UEFA and any other c**t that we hope will not laugh and mock us for our desperation...........oh wait, that wasn't us, it was you lot :lol:

Level 5 and this new mob work for free do they? Did Jim Traynor ever get his highly technical, interweb-computing equipment?

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