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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A bit of discussion on the radio today about McCoist not wanting to pick the players that may have to be made redundant. Who the f**k does he want to carry out this thankless task, the tea lady?

Grow a pair you fat arse.

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I agree with this, they're clearly running on empty and scouting for some cash to keep going. Hence the plea to fans last week to spend, spend, spend. I notice that Super Ally was saying last week that he was grateful that he hadn't been asked for a list of names for possible redundancy. This just makes me think that the Admins know that everyone is going to have to go, so what's the point. Plenty of commentators seem to be in agreement that there is no money to pay March's salaries.

I find it bizarre that not one of 'ra peepul' across the world are willing to donate the money to pay even a month's costs. Aren't they meant to be a massive global brand with lots of rich, super-successful fans?

Or are they down to the multi-generation troglodytes you see across Scotland, living an existence off the broo and whatever benefits they can scam?

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Graham Spiers saying he's going to put something in the Sunday Herald. The Sun On Sunday will need something big for a first edition. Expect massive coverage of Rangers-gate. I hope they utilised various phone hacks, and other unethical practices to come up with a corker of a story :D


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I try never to believe anything i see on football forums, but one can only hope and prey this is true.

Likewise, but I certainly hope I'm wrong in this case. I'm not quite buying the rumour doing the rounds that they've scammed the Poppy Appeal right enough. Surely not...?

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It would appear that its the END

Liquidators at Ibrox

Poppy appeal unpaid

Second Contracts in the Mainstream

Bus up to Inverness

Mortgaged Catering/Tickets

Financed the Jumbotrons

It just gets murkier and murkier. Reckon the Press will be fighting over everything for months

Could all be pish though

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Loving the irony in the statement about bigotry :lol:

I know, the cheek of them. Also, surely we should have our ice cream ready in the freezer, no the fridge? Unless the suggestion is that death is so imminent our ice cream won't even melt before it happens :lol:

ETA, I actually just read it again and thought it through, oops. Getting carried away with the excitement!

Edited by Jussy
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I find it bizarre that not one of 'ra peepul' across the world are willing to donate the money to pay even a month's costs. Aren't they meant to be a massive global brand with lots of rich, super-successful fans?

Or are they down to the multi-generation troglodytes you see across Scotland, living an existence off the broo and whatever benefits they can scam?

I assume this is a rhetorical question???? :)

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I find it bizarre that not one of 'ra peepul' across the world are willing to donate the money to pay even a month's costs. Aren't they meant to be a massive global brand with lots of rich, super-successful fans?

Or are they down to the multi-generation troglodytes you see across Scotland, living an existence off the broo and whatever benefits they can scam?

They are trying, just have a look

We should bring back the Orange (tangerine) top. Think how much money this would generate It was a really popular top last time out. What do you'd think ?


Crisis Averted

EDIT scrap that idea

Rangers currently get under £2 per top sold


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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I know, the cheek of them. Also, surely we should have our ice cream ready in the freezer, no the fridge? Unless the suggestion is that death is so imminent our ice cream won't even melt before it happens :lol:

Put the ice cream in the fridge so that it's soft scoopable for the party.

Alternative if you're a grown-up: get a bottle of champagne in the fridge instead (or cava if you're deprived).

Edited by vikingTON
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They are trying, just have a look


Crisis Averted

EDIT scrap that idea


I was considering posting that thread, and many other from that goldmine up here, but literally couldn't decide which collection of utter fuckwittery deserved it more. Check the stadium re-naming thread for more hilarity.


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Put the ice cream in the fridge so that it's soft scoopable for the party.

Alternative if you're a grown-up: get a bottle of champagne in the fridge instead (or cava if you're deprived).

I am indeed a grown up but I'm giggling like a giddy schoolgirl reading all this stuff. Maybe no bubbles for me.

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It would appear that its the END

Liquidators at Ibrox

Poppy appeal unpaid

Second Contracts in the Mainstream

Bus up to Inverness

Mortgaged Catering/Tickets

Financed the Jumbotrons

It just gets murkier and murkier. Reckon the Press will be fighting over everything for months

Could all be pish though

I'm all maxed out on good news. I cannot take anymore.

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