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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The four old firm games a season started in 1975

Your quite right and SKY is "interfering" to make sure there is still 4 OF games a season if you have followed the news recently.

The authorities know we all want change back to one home/away to help competitiveness.But because they are on the gravy train because of the deal they are bottling it in favour of SKY at the minute.

SKY are threatening a reduction in revenue if there is no 4 OF games.

Tell me that's not interfering !.

Take the plunge and less money SPL SFA ! league reconstruction ya Bassas.

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There are a variety of reasons why OF domination was restored in the 1990s after the 1980s gave a window of greater challenge, and TV money (domestic+European) is only one, and only really began from 1998. Bosman is another, as is OF harnessing crowds of 40-50-60k, as is their harnessing of merchandise and sponsorship. It's also a myth that we've only got 4x playing due to TV.

IMO it remains to be seen whether Rangers collapsing and starting again really will mean another period of competitiveness, or whether Celtic will just dominate alone instead.

All true, all perfectly true.

As Jim Spence attempted to explain to an uncomprehending Chick Young the other day though, it makes no difference to Diddy fans if either of Celtic or Rangers dominate; or if they share the trophies between them equally. In each case, it's just more trophies for the OF.

As you acknowledge yourself, a Rangers collapse might change that, or it might not. If it doesn't we're therefore no worse off.

Bring on the collapse I say.

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If the setup was changed , I'm damned sure Celtic are capable of negotiating their own tv deals for live games as they have an audience ... as for the others go figure !!

Celtic need to be playing someone in these games mate

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If the big tax case is left out (don't know why it should be as it's being appealed but appears to be a standing debt) will HMRC still have veto powers over this sham of a CVA offer?

It's after admin fees !!!!!! and secured creditors so the amount offered to HMRC after D&P are paid will be what, 2p in the pound?

Clearly a derisory offer to get it rejected and then start the Newco with "well we tried".

It could be great (as a secondary position to truly great and them being wiped from the earth) if a Newco does emerge as these guys who don't want to be named must be some right chancers.

I suspect rangers 2012 will be playing SPL football next year with lee McCulloch and the kids. Huge amounts of other supporters will walk away from the cesspit that is our top league but the chaos will remain at Ibrox for years to come no matter what.

They were never the people.

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1338238145[/url]' post='6281738']

I notice you leave out the part where I reply to the accusation that the OF colluded, because of course the jealous diddies have moved on.

The wee teams are just like welfare claimants really ... expectations of entitlement to other people's money.

Truth hurt did it ?

If you are actually a Celtic fan, I would like to ask you in the nicest possible way as a fellow supporter to f**k off and not come back until you have figured out the general code of behavior on this forum as a whole and this thread in particular and can abide by them. You are derailing the thread and pissing people off. Worse, you are making Rangers supporters look reasonable.

If you are not, just f**k off.

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I don't mean to be blunt about things, but you are forever coming out with things which simply aren't true; and you only dig yourself a bigger hole when you then try to retort with a 2nd layer of stuff which also isn't true.

Firstly, we went to 4x playing in the mid-1970s, over 20yrs before SPL was founded to start properly harvesting TV revenue.

Secondly, their deal is for UK rights only.

Thirdly, we'll only have 1 CL slot for the very forseeable future.

UK rights only ? http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/170443-spl-now-shown-in-usa-on-fox-soccer-plus/

I do hope Motherwell have a better run in Europe than rangers did last year and the other SPL clubs in Europe as well for the sake of our co-efficient.

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Your quite right and SKY is "interfering" to make sure there is still 4 OF games a season if you have followed the news recently.

The authorities know we all want change back to one home/away to help competitiveness.But because they are on the gravy train because of the deal they are bottling it in favour of SKY at the minute.

SKY are threatening a reduction in revenue if there is no 4 OF games.

Tell me that's not interfering !.

Take the plunge and less money SPL SFA ! league reconstruction ya Bassas.

Oh dear.

We have 4x playing as chairmen think 2x playing (which requires a big league unless you're proposing a 22-game season) means a return to the crowds of the later 1960s and early 1970s. They fear, with quite grounded justification, that big leagues with meaningless mid-tables; bigger quality gulfs; fewer derbies; no split run-in; etc. means lower crowds and sponsorship. That's why SFL... with no TV deal, btw... have 10-team divisions. It's not just TV.

Also where has Sky been reported as [1] interfering or [2] threatening?

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Expect judge to say 'see the judge on the appeal panel, he wiz right'

Followed by much wailing.

I hope not! I'd rather it dragged on a bit and got some more publicity so UEFA feel the need to properly put the squeeze on the SFA.

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interesting read .......

"In order to alleviate the clubs considerable financial debt , McCann ' Reconstituted ' celtic in '94 , 2 outstanding large tax bills from '89 could not be paid .

Fast forward 18 years to comments in todays record " if agreement cant be agreed for cva , Rangers would have to be ' Reconstituted ' as a new club .....so very little difference I see .

My understanding is their reconstitution was used to change to Plc , but that happened already in 1897 ( we were 1899 ), so im not understanding why go Plc again , the only reason was for McCann to avoid paying the tax bills which totalled approx £400,000 and other outstanding debts was to reconstitute to a newco and leave the debt behind . On a side note , when they were fiddling attendances and not the boys for 20 years , everyone working behind the scenes was taking a cut of the gate money , so it took McCann a fortnight to suss this , so he got a joiner in to take every door off the hinges so they couldnt hide anything from him

Edited by Roll 'n' Sausage
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Maybe that's because the other teams jealous of their popularity and finances wanted half the 'gate money' at Parkhead & Ibrox .... money that doesn't belong to them?

In the interests of 'fairness' then

Every team gets to keep their home receipts - fair

Every team gets to negotiate their own TV deals for their home games

Every team pays a fee for the SPL administrators and SFA. (makes them independent),

Cup games are split (less admin costs)

Above board and fair ...

But you know that's a non starter as the only games you could guarantee to sell to TV would be the ones against Celtic or Rankers.

That's a fact ,....

You never really took issue with what I said in the part of my post that you selected. You then go on to negotiate on your terms and then, as if to convince yourself, you proclaim it as a fact.

A wee bit simplistic for my liking. I may well be envious of the money Celtic can generate from their relatively enormous crowds, in relation to my team, but why would I want half their gate money ? It is right and proper that home teams keep their gate money.

However, when I referred to collusion I was talking about how Rangers and Celtic get together to ensure mutual benefit in a number of different ways. You know it and I know it. Should you choose to ignore the monopolistic practices of the Old Firm that is up to you but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

A fair distribution of wealth is what's required to get closer to fair competition. The only advantages the Old Firm should gain from are the money they generate independently, along with the extra income from bigger gates. All tv money should be shared equally for the simple reason that Celtic and Rangers would have no product if it wasn't for the rest of us.

This is all directly related to this thread because, despite the unfair advantages that Rangers had over the rest of us, it still wasn't enough. They wanted more and more dominance within scottish football to guarantee their place at the European table with a view to buying success at that level. The consequences of their actions is now becoming apparent and yet no humility is being shown, no hands up, no acceptance of punishment. Everyone around Rangers seems to be reluctantly admitting that there has been wrongdoing but they feel that it shouldn't affect their club, whatever else happens.

Rangers won't be leaving us behind to join the EPL as they were eager to do. They never thought twice about the welfare of scottish football as they laid out their grand plans but now. if we're to believe all the sycophants, we will all die if we don't let them off scot free. In terms of the intention to join the EPL, Celtic are no better than Rangers. The Old Firm don't need us ? prove it.......give the 2 years notice and take your chances. Trust me..........we'll be fine.

Alternatively, come back into the fold, acknowledge that your teams have the same status as ours and start conforming to the fair competitive practice exhibited by the rest of us.

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1338239375[/url]' post='6281826']

UK rights only ? http://www.pieandbov...ox-soccer-plus/

I do hope Motherwell have a better run in Europe than rangers did last year and the other SPL clubs in Europe as well for the sake of our co-efficient.

Oh forgot about the co-efficient , Let em have their points back it's all off,The big houses must stay open.

Enlighten me, how does the co efficient affect 90% of Scottish football ? It's a never ending topic on the lips of football fans all over

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Oh .. so the general code is to tell people to f*** off is it?

And that's you at your nicest ...

So I should simply sit back while some a**e quotes me out of context or anything else.

To be derailed you have to reply ,,, and is that not exactly what you are doing .. derailing ?

Any true Hoop would not tell another to f*** off, so have a good look at yourself !!!


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Be interesting to see Rangers are not around and Celtic don't need to be involved in the arms race with them if we relax with our sharing the money around...first thing is get rid of the ticket tax we force on the other teams..and as you say a more equal division of the telly dosh...I'd be up for us discussing shared gates in some way

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Can the Celtic one uppers f**k off now please? This is the best thread in the history of P&B - please take your poison elsewhere. If you want to discuss the Rangers administration, please remain.


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