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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The backing of 'Sir' Walter Smith is just further proof of how reluctant Rangers fans are to change. They have an entrenched view that if you are not a 'Rangers' man, you are not to be trusted. Nevermind the fact that Smith has absolutely no background in running a football club - he's a Rangers legend and will be backed unreservedly. Men who want to save the club - Bill Miller and Charles Green - are told to piss off. They never change. Their history is filled with the hounding out of people without a Rangers background. Bigots to the end. They are even worse than Celtic in this regard.

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Off The Ball nailing it this afternoon regarding the myth that everything will fall apart should 'THE' Rangers be denied entry to the SPL. Somehow i can't see the same being discussed on Sportsound next.

The club who will miss the TV deal the most are Rangers. They are fucked.

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Off The Ball nailing it this afternoon regarding the myth that everything will fall apart should 'THE' Rangers be denied entry to the SPL. Somehow i can't see the same being discussed on Sportsound next.

Yes bit pissed off at tam Cowan with his little digs at the snippers and feeling sorry for rangers :-0

Good old Stuart cosgrove though is his usual self explaining. How the world can survive without the o.f.

Good on ya stu

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I dont want to be pedantic about it, but what the one in that link says is "we have no plans to stop covering the Scottish Premier League."

Thats hardly a definitive statement.

I have no plans to stay off work on Monday, but if I won the lottery tonight, my plans might change

That's what I thought - it's all weasel words, saying something because saying nothing is worse, but there is no certainty that Sky will be broadcasting the SPL next season, or that the current deal will be maintained without Rangers presence. Until somebody with clout at Sky comes out and says it/issues a statement confirming it ("it" being the current deal), it's all assumptions, adding 2+2 and getting 5, and reading between the lines. And there's nothing between the lines but blank paper.

ETA: I see people have already answered this - I'm still not convinced! smile.gif

Edited by Jacksgranda
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"In Walter We Trust".

That would be the same Walter who was manager throughout much of the tax cheating that has destroyed the club; Who said little or nothing while the sharks were circling and who hasn't deigned to give a single word of explanation about RFC being a criminal enterprise while he was employed in a senior position. Not a word about the EBTs or the massive debt.

And this guy's going to be the Great Saviour? This is like inviting Dr Harold Shipman to streamline the NHS's elderly care policy. If he's their best hope, then they really are Donald Ducked.

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I had a dream last night (well, not really a nightmare or anything) that Rangers were miraculously saved by some New York hotelier firm.

When I woke up I actually checked BBC Sport laugh.gif

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At the moment we have 2 clubs

Rangers FC ( dont have a stadium anymore)

The Rangers FC (doesnt have a league to play in)

So what club is the one with the history? Both cant lay claim to it

If The Rangers are the same club, then they are liable for the debt and possible BTC plus any sactions dished out by the SFA (possible expulsion or suspension) and the SPL.

In the eyes of the law Rangers FC are dead, thats why HMRC can't pursue The Rangers for any debts.

The law of the land trumps all, as they know when they decided to take the SFA to the Court Of Session.

UEFA consider any newco as a brand new club, TRFC havent been banned from playing in europe, they are simple not eligible as a new club.

They can desperately try as much as they like to try and convince everyone it's the same club, but its not.

Rangers are dead

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At just after 5am this morning, I wrote about being on the 'nightshift'. For avoidance of doubt, this didn't involve work, but drink (for which I am now paying).

Anyway, nice bit of Macbeth (not John, although he too is a sensible man) on the latest TomoBlog:

“It is a tale told by an idiot

“Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

And, maybe missed this through the post alcohol fug, but did any kind of Rangers submit their audited accounts yesterday?

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There's nothing "perfectly clear" about that rules as far as I can see.

They say that if a team lose their share, then a ballot for the replacement. Dundee and Dunfermline (and Falkirk) all applied for the 2012/13 SPL, so presumably clubs would be balloted on their choice of the 3. Obviously Falkirk would have no real claim to the place, but both the others would.

I havent come across mention of a ballot in the SPL rules. Where abouts is it?

Yes. All call centres issue staff memos on the official company line on current issues.

You can feel confident that this is the official line from sky


No, just no!

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The backing of 'Sir' Walter Smith is just further proof of how reluctant Rangers fans are to change. They have an entrenched view that if you are not a 'Rangers' man, you are not to be trusted. Nevermind the fact that Smith has absolutely no background in running a football club - he's a Rangers legend and will be backed unreservedly. Men who want to save the club - Bill Miller and Charles Green - are told to piss off. They never change. Their history is filled with the hounding out of people without a Rangers background. Bigots to the end. They are even worse than Celtic in this regard.

this is true

they all wanted the blue knights to save them, lead by paul murray who sat on the board when murray ruined the club.

they wanted dave king to hopefully shake off his court cases for tax evasion, come back and save the club from the damage caused by tax evasion when he was a director.

they want walter back, a manager who signed players knowing they were on EBTs, went on a 20 million spending spree after they'd been papped out of europe and the tax bill was sitting on the desk....

how long before minty is back too, itll be like the A team back!

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Not sure if this has been posted but the SFL's Longmuir is positioning a route for Newco to drop in to Division 1 in return for a massive restructure of the Leagues. Fair exchange?


The most significant quote was this:

Longmuir was reluctant to be drawn yesterday

I don't believe a word I read in the Record.

Edited by welshbairn
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Slightly off topic, but is there a limit to loanees in Div 3?

Theoretically , if Rangers were to go to DIv 3, what is to stop Celtic unofficially adopting a "feeder" club (for argument's sake Queens Park or Clyde) and loaning them the the youngsters, likes of Tony Watt etc. Thus hampering Rangers' predicted rise up the divisions?

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