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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Cutty, this is getting embarrassing.

Have to say, though, that with a few honourable exceptions (Enrico, Nice No. 8)8), the OF posters on here differ from each other only in the colour of their blinkers. I've got to be honest - sometimes I bite, and I really don't feel good about myself. It's like kicking a cripple.

Forza Diddii!

Ambulatory challenged, please.

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I hope that all this recent camaraderie isn't unnerving you. Just think, in a few weeks time the new season will be underway and we can get back to our default positions of despising one another.

Having said that, if there's one profound change that has taken place as a direct result of this thread, it's that I now have a healthy respect for supporters of all diddy teams and especially for Kilmarnock supporters.

I really have learned a lot more about people during this fiasco and it has added positively to my life experience.

I know some decent, upstanding Rangers supporters who follow their team for all the right reasons and i feel for them at the moment. Unfortunately, the undesirable element that exists throughout their club, including owners, directors, management, staff and supporters makes me despair.

So, come the first game, let's get back to the rivalry, the banter, the passion and the inevitable debates but let's try our best to do it without malice.

Looking to the future, this thread has been quite reassuring for me in that most bog standard fans (excluding OF gloryhunters) appear to all think roughly along the same lines. What beats me is how this SPL nonsense (11-1 vote FFS etc) ever get off the ground in the first place dry.gif

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Stolen from Rangerstaxcase. Don't know if it's been posted or not but thought it was worthy of an airing.

It suggests that the "journalist" who wrote it, really doesn't understand anything about this whole fiasco. (Mind you, it is the Sunday Post)

Ron Scott – The Voice of Experience – Sunday Post – July1 2012

"The way the Scottish football authorities have allowed the Rangers scenario to unravel is nothing short of disgraceful.

The whole sorry episode should have been nipped in the bud.

Instead we're now in the situation where it's not just the survival ofRanges that's at stake, but the Scottish game itself.

As the fans and clubs become hysterical about how the Light Blues should be punished, it's worth remembering the Ibrox club has done nothing unlawful.

Employment Benefit Trusts are legal. That's why HMRC wants to close this particular loophole.

Informed sources suggest, at worst, Rangers will receive fine, and there appears no danger of having to pay back-tax on the system Sir David Murray implemented.

The SFA then decided to impose severe sanctions on Rangers after awakening to the fact that Craig Whyte was not a fit and proper person to own the club.

Yet the independent Ibrox board set up to look into Whyte while he was still negotiating with Murray decided themselves that [he] wasn't fit and proper to own the club.

They told the SFA that at least fifteen months ago,but the powers-that-be decided in their wisdom to take no action at that time.

Now the situation is like a runaway train full of explosives that's about to be derailed and blow up the whole of Scottish football.

Let's face the obvious here. Not even Celtc will be able to sustain their present level for long without Rangers.

So if they end up having to make cuts, how is the rest of Scottish football going to survive?

There are already whispers that other SPL clubs will be forced into administration.

There is even talk of part-time football at the highest level, never mind the First Division.

It's all very well to bleat on about sporting integrity. But why risk the entire future of Scottish football especially when the facts clearly show Rangers have done nothing wrong.

At the end of the day, the main villan of the piece remains Whyte, with Murray a close second.

It's totally wrong to run the risk of losing Rangers altogether and sending down the entire game with them.

It is especially wrong when the facts show there is absolutely no need for the authoeities to treat Rangers the way they appear hell-bent on doing."

(ETA put on the italics to make it clear I'm quoting the article!)

I wouldn't take too much stock, this is his current "exclusive" story which is the lead in the Sports section of their website,

EXCLUSIVE by Ron Scott

RANGERS will be lucky to clear £5m if they sell Nikica Jelavic before the transfer window closes at midnight on Tuesday.

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Looking to the future, this thread has been quite reassuring for me in that most bog standard fans (excluding OF gloryhunters) appear to all think roughly along the same lines. What beats me is how this SPL nonsense (11-1 vote FFS etc) ever get off the ground in the first place dry.gif

Excuse me for interrupting this love-in.

I can't remember the detail of the birth of the SPL but I'm sure some anorak on here can.

No offence AT ALL to anoraks.

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Have been hearing a few bits and bobs. SFA will grant membership this week. The SFA want to give them membership so that they can chase them for the money from their fine.

The vote to take them in SFL 1 will take place and I've spoken to a few people involved with SFL clubs - none of them had any idea how it will go.

I believe that the plan for Rangers, if put to Div 3, would be to buy over Cowdenbeath - part of that buy out woould involve providing Cowden with a facility within 12/18 months good enough to meet SFL standards. Cowden woould then apply for Div 3, confident of beating the opposition as apparently only Spartans would be interested in applying AND ready to go now. Cove etc don't have a compliant ground for SFL and woudn't be ble to fix it for August. Spartans could be ready in time however due to previous negative press in the past, Cowden would be confident of taking the place, agreeing to ground share with Dunfermline for a season.

Donald Finlay is the key to this but an option ONLY if Rangers don't get in Div 1. I fully expect them to get in there myself.

Right. So first of all the sfa will admit them so they can chase them for the fine they gave to the old rangers- do you actually mean to transfer the old sfa membership, as a new member wouldn't be liable for the old ones crimes?

As for Cowden I assume that sevco wouldnt bother applying to sfl3 and would just buy them. With what exactly? Cowden would then apply to sfl3 with no guarantee of getting in, and would groundshare with a club who haven't been backward in coming forward with their thoughts about the whole affair.

But apart from that it's all good......

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I wouldn't take too much stock, this is his current "exclusive" story which is the lead in the Sports section of their website,

The Post used to have, may still have , a claim to fame that it had the highest circulation of a newspaper (sic) ,

per capita, in the world.

World record of copies sold. In a diddy country.

Does that remind you of anything?

edit for missing out a wee bit

Edited by cyderspaceman
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The Post used to have, may still have , a claim to fame that it had the highest circulation of a newspaper (sic) ,

per capita, in the world.

World record of copies sold.

Does that remind you of anything?

DC Thomsons -too big to go bust??laugh.gif

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I've been puzzling myself as to why the various bodies, especially the SFA, have managed to get themselves into this terribly embarrassing situation regarding Sevco: could it be because......

..........there are lots of committee positions involving big nose-in-the-trough days out wearing a blazer? Money must come from somewhere for this, and rather than the clubs viewing Sevco as their cash cow, is it the guys who serve on the plethora of SFA boards who have been applying pressure to save Sevco?

Another aspect: how many directors sitting in SFL boardrooms are not actually fans of their respective clubs? They have their SFL team, and their 'big team', which will often be Sevco.

It's in the interests of these committee men at the SFA, and those who sit as directors with the SFL clubs, to preserve some sort of status quo.

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Would oor wullie and the broons get a free transfer if the post became a newco?

They could reject the new contract under TUPE and in a week's time they'de be "Oor Delia" and "The Heidi's" in other regional rags.

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I cant believe it has come to this but after much heartache and soul searching i have decided not to re-new my season ticket. I will pick and choose my games from now on. After talking to a couple of mates over the weekend i am seriously thinking of going to away games and staying away from Ibrox. I don't mind any businessman making a profit but if the rumours of Green wanting between £17-£20 million for the club are true then i am finished with it...I wont give The Rangers 1 more penny!!

Listening to all the other consortiums talking about giving the club back to the fans. Are they serious? Have they never met My fat friend..Dingwall? The thought of him and his cronies running The Rangers makes my blood run cold.

Sad sad day and not a decision i have taken lightly. Now i have to tell my son and not looking forward to that as it is the 1 thing we do exclusively together..It has always been our time away from the women in the family.

Edited by No8.
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Have been hearing a few bits and bobs. SFA will grant membership this week. The SFA want to give them membership so that they can chase them for the money from their fine.

The vote to take them in SFL 1 will take place and I've spoken to a few people involved with SFL clubs - none of them had any idea how it will go.

I believe that the plan for Rangers, if put to Div 3, would be to buy over Cowdenbeath - part of that buy out woould involve providing Cowden with a facility within 12/18 months good enough to meet SFL standards. Cowden woould then apply for Div 3, confident of beating the opposition as apparently only Spartans would be interested in applying AND ready to go now. Cove etc don't have a compliant ground for SFL and woudn't be ble to fix it for August. Spartans could be ready in time however due to previous negative press in the past, Cowden would be confident of taking the place, agreeing to ground share with Dunfermline for a season.

Donald Finlay is the key to this but an option ONLY if Rangers don't get in Div 1. I fully expect them to get in there myself.

What in the name of GOD are you drinking? "Been hearing a few bits and bobs" - from the voices in your head, mibbes.

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Would oor wullie and the broons get a free transfer if the post became a newco?

Daphne and Hen refuse to TUPE across - Maw and Paw devastated - The Bairn demands to know "who are these people?" - Bottom line -

The But 'n' Ben must stay open!laugh.gif

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Like many P&B Posters I've now written to all three of our Football authorities. I hope these guys listen otherwise my normal Sunday morning golf will also happen on a Saturday! But having caught up the thread and discovered the fecal nonsense printed in the Sunday Post and the similar keech written by Craig Burley I am getting depressed. Let's hope that supporter pressure makes these administrators see reason.

For what it's worth here's what I penned to the SFL

Dear Mr Longmuir,

Like your colleagues in the SFA and the SPL you have alas decided that the reborn Rangers should play in the SFL1.

A few weeks ago you indicated that this would not happen. You were right.

I am disillusioned and sickened that you now want to pander to a financial imperative that is diametrically opposed to any principle of fairness or even

handedness in the treatment of a new club. (Even Rangers fans don't want this solution!)

Rangers, in liquidation, have tragically disappeared through financial misadventures brought about by arrogance and the abuse of a position of power. They have gone and disgraced our national game.

Your actions are similar, displaying a vile and venal morality compounding the abandon of ethics that seems to be endemic in all three Scottish Football authorities. I have been a faithful spectator at football in Scotland since 1965, but I see no point in continuing when there is no level playing field for all clubs. That non Old Firm clubs rarely win a trophy was acceptable as there was the hope, the dream that it could happen. With your dreams of parachuting a new big club into SFL you destroy everybody else's hopes and render our football institutionally corrupt in favour of the Glasgow giants. Congratulations in confirming what we all suspected - that all other teams are the cannon fodder to be slaughtered for the preservation of the Old Firm.

Fine, my 47 years of going to Football will cease and I will go and play golf on a Saturday and enjoy foreign football on the Tv if the newco is accepted into SFL1.

Please find some moral fibre and insist that the new Rangers apply like any new club to the SFL. If that means that there is no "Rangers" for a year until they structure and rebuild so be it.The alternative is people like me quitting the old firm centric sport that is Scottish football.

Name and address supplied.

Whilst I agree with the sentiments in your letters sent to the people who make the decisions. I would like to point out there is no Old Firm you are complaining about this so called NewCo and the way they are being assisted to attain an unjustified position in whatever league (if any in my opinion) they are afforded. You make the same mistake the MSM make on a regular basis and casualy lump Celtic into the equation there is only one club who have done wrong here no other. Unless you are suggesting a new name for this wrongdoer in which case fine if not please desist using that term. I'm sure you will agree that Scottish Football will go on even without the wrongdoer despite rumours to the contrary being peddled by various outlets.

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I cant believe it has come to this but after much heartache and soul searching i have decided not to re-new my season ticket. I will pick and choose my games from now on. After talking to a couple of mates over the weekend i am seriously thinking of going to away games and staying away from Ibrox.

Sensible course of action No8.

What about the 12 million pound thread on RM?

Any substance there, you think?

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