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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Example? i've been stating my opinion on Celtic's silence.

Reading some other posts, you'd think my club came out and gave it's full backng to Newco Rangers.

Your speculation as to the motives behind the silence is as much guesswork as that of anyone else

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But there is in the SPL, so what's the point of parachuting them into the SFL1 when they could not be accepted into the SPL for three years?

I dont think that rule is set in stone, im sure its pretty flexible,.

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But there is in the SPL, so what's the point of parachuting them into the SFL1 when they could not be accepted into the SPL for three years?

... as this isn't right either: SFA membership/licensing requirement of 3yrs accounts is according to them 'discretionary', and according to Ian Blair they don't infact need a license to play in SPL anyway.

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Any idea where the confusion stems from? I've read this "3 years accounts" point many times before on here. Gutted if you are correct ...

To join SFL a club needs to have SFA associate/full membership or get it within 2 weeks of election. It was thought that obtaining this SFA membership required 3yrs audited accounts but apparently it is actually discretionary and not an inflexible mandatory requirement.

SFL rules themselves specify no account requirements.

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Like many P&B Posters I've now written to all three of our Football authorities. I hope these guys listen otherwise my normal Sunday morning golf will also happen on a Saturday! But having caught up the thread and discovered the fecal nonsense printed in the Sunday Post and the similar keech written by Craig Burley I am getting depressed. Let's hope that supporter pressure makes these administrators see reason.

For what it's worth here's what I penned to the SFL

Dear Mr Longmuir,

Like your colleagues in the SFA and the SPL you have alas decided that the reborn Rangers should play in the SFL1.  

A few weeks ago you indicated that this would not happen. You were right.

I am disillusioned and sickened that you now want to pander to a financial imperative that is diametrically opposed to any principle of fairness or even

handedness in the treatment of a new club. (Even Rangers fans don't want this solution!)

Rangers, in liquidation, have tragically disappeared through financial misadventures brought about by arrogance and the abuse of a position of power. They have gone and disgraced our national game.

Your actions are similar, displaying a vile and venal morality compounding the abandon of ethics that seems to be endemic in all three Scottish Football authorities. I have been a faithful spectator at football in Scotland since 1965, but I see no point in continuing when there is no level playing field for all clubs. That non Old Firm clubs rarely win a trophy was acceptable as there was the hope, the dream that it could happen. With your dreams of parachuting a new big club into SFL you destroy everybody else's hopes and render our football institutionally corrupt in favour of the Glasgow giants. Congratulations in confirming what we all suspected - that all other teams are the cannon fodder to be slaughtered for the preservation of the Old Firm.

Fine, my 47 years of going to Football will cease and I  will go and play golf on a Saturday and enjoy foreign football on the Tv if the newco is accepted into SFL1.

Please find some moral fibre and insist that the new Rangers apply like any new club to the SFL. If that means that there is no "Rangers" for a year until they structure and rebuild so be it.The alternative is people like me quitting the old firm centric sport that is Scottish football.

Name and address supplied.

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:lol: WRK is a self obsessed swolen headed self important clown .... :D

Idiots like you feeding his ego only make him worse ... :lol:

Oh, my sides :lol: Do I detect a touch of jealousy creeping into the posts of this gloryhunter from Stirling? Not like WRK getting some credit for his point of view? Can't you handle the fact that he hates the OF us much as the Honest Men do? Only an idiot would forget to mention WRK is a DKB when slagging him off :lol:

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I would suggest you go and look up "reactionary" in a dictionary.

You come across as a bit of an empty vessel and we all know what they make...................

BTW, don't bother replying to this, you're on 'ignore'.


I have had the twat on ignore for ages, but posters keep quoting the arse.

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Was passing though Muthill by Crieff today, and it was their Gala Day. Seen this display, and though it was good.





That's nothing. Here's a video of yesterday in Kilwinning where they can't decide which way to go. Administration/liquidation, SFL1/SFL3, Green/Bomber it's all too confusing.

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A cunning plan will be announced this week that will see Rangers in the bottom flight next season:-

A Scottish Premier League of 20 Teams

A Scottish Championship of 22 Teams ( Including Rangers )

Three relegated from the SPL at the end of the season. Top two in Championship automatically Promoted. 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th in play - offs for third Promotion spot ( Beginning to sound familiar ) Sky to cover play-offs.

By taking the top nine teams out the current first division and putting them in the SPL and making a single league up from the bottom club in the first and the 2nd & 3rd Division you should have more than smoothed the way for Rangers to get promoted.

As soon as Rangers make it back to the SPL the cry goes up for League reconstruction and we revert back to a 12 - 10 - 10 -10 format. Simples

Am I a cynic ..... oh, yes 8)

If your username's anything to go by, you're a fantasist.

Edited by ayrmad
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I've yet to speak to a Celtic fan who has said this. or seen anything like it on the Celtic forums.

We want them dead as much if not more than anyone else.

In fairness I know quite a few, one guy in Bolton gets a season ticket every year and only ever makes it up for the OF matches, the sole reason he buys a ticket. My brother in law works for a guy who has a Celtic season ticket and only uses it for OF matches, my brother in law uses it for every other match. My cousins husband gets one every year to ensure he gets to the OF matches because of work he cant generally make most matches but he books the time off for the OF games.

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And they would know if they voted into Newco it would be financial suicide.

As i said earlier, Rangers fans seem to think Peter Lawwwell is behind scottish football killing the club, using Stewart Regan as a puppet

Other fans seem to think Celtic are in league with Rangers to make sure they come right back into the SPL or Div 1.

It's a no win situation for us at the moment, and to be honest if the club came out publicity and said No to the Newco, well as we found out with the parcel bombs and as Raith Rovers found out with the threats against them from Rangers fans, its really not worth the hassell for us to get publicity drag into this.

If Rangers fans already believe Celtic are behind the demise of Rangers, what difference would it make if Celtic confirmed their beliefs?

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It's not all doom and gloom for Sevco5088. The newco have purchased a new team bus. They are now the proud owners of a 7 seater..................................................................... The "We Are The People" carrier.

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