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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My eyes are completely dry, my throat's enjoying some lovely Cardhu. Our chairman embarrassed our club and its fans, but was never shy of speaking to the media throughout this saga.

Your chairman said on the 12th february, "we don't need rangers".

He then shut the f**k up.

He then let the diddy clubs put their reputations and their public images on the line for six whole months, for fear of alienating his fanbase.

He is now shiting himself as without rangers, there is no point in supporting celtic.

He is now shiting himself because his club's business partner has disappeared.

He is now shiting himself because nothing less than the treble every year will suffice for the greatest fans in the world. And that ain't gonna happen.

He is now shiting himself because many of those GFITW only bought STs for the bigotfest.

He is now shiting himself because, with Project Orange accomplished, we're coming for you.

And guess what? Just cause we hate rangers doesn't mean we love, like, or even accept celtic.

You are ALL shiting yourselves because, by your definition, your only competition was rangers. Well, they're dead, but we're not.

Welcome to the 21st century, celtic.

And if you don't drop the sectarianism, the tricolour, and the "traditional" songs, you can f**k off to wherever will have you. Because guess what else has died?

That's right - whataboutery.

What a lot of shite !

Big Ped played a blinder . Had he done it any other way , the media would have jumped on it and lead with the stories of " Celtic killing Rangers"

Your outspoken chairman would have been far better keeping his trap shut than coming out with some of the pish he did.

Oh and it wasn't only his words that gave your club an embarrassment , his actions on the vote spoke volumes about what sort of man he is...........spineless !

Also , why should we drop the tri-colour ?

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"The soul of a club is the product of its history, and the history of a club is a product of those who toil in its cause, with their hearts on their sleeve as well as the badge on their chest, who play with an awareness of where they are, and in whose footsteps they tread, whilst trying to remember the name of this week's holding company, and wonder if they newco has set-up the Direct Direct properly for their wages."


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1342469618[/url]' post='6437845']

I said I wouldn't post any more RM syuff, but I only meant for cheap laffs.

This MAY be interesting

Someone posted this on twitter, UEFA deems transfer bans illegal.

UEFA shelves Transfer Ban punishment

Posted by Ed Thompson on Sunday, April 15, 2012

UEFA shelves Transfer Ban punishment 24 November 2011

The Telegraph published a significant FFP article which maintains that UEFA have had to withdraw one of the proposed punishments for exceeding the Break Even deficit. The use of a transfer ban was put forward as a favoured punishment at the ECA in September (see article below). However it appears such a ban would fail the EC's restraint-of-trade rules. This seemingly leaves UEFA with only three options:

1.Levy fines as a punishment (however the irony of being able to buy your way out of the Financial Fair Play requirements will not be lost on many UEFA members).

2.Defer FFP until after Blatter retires from FIFA in 2015 and is replaced by Platini.

3.Impose UEFA competition bans on the worst FFP transgressors

Of the three options, UEFA may decide to defer FFP implementation and punishment, citing the Eurozone/recession problems as the reason behind the delay.


Is this a get out for them?

Don't think so. Putting aside the fact that as the article points out registrations are down to FIFA and national FAs, you can make a facially valid case that backing financial fair play rules with transfer restrictions is a systemic restraint of trade -- in effect it directly limits the ability of big spending clubs THROUGHOUT EUROPE to participate in the market under certain circumstances, and thus could be expected to drive down demand for players and indirectly wages pretty sharpish. To a certain extent, that's the point of FFP rules. The fact that putting some brakes on the insanity of the transfer market would be on the whole good for the game doesn't change the fact that if you look at it purely from the perspective of the players and with your economist hat on its anti-competitive and legally challengable.

In SevCo's case, you're talking about a ban being applied to a single club in a middle tier country applied for specific reasons related to conduct that was itself anti-competitive. That isn't systemically anti-competitive and any infinitesimal ripple effect it has on the broader European market for players can easily be justified since the goal of the ban is Deterrance of bad conduct, not changing the economics of football clubs.

Only result I can see is it reduces from slim to none the chance of UEFA intervening to specifically demand the punishment if it were to be walked back for whatever reason.

Haven't posted for awhile as still taking in the enormity of what has happened. If you had told me it would end like this in February I would have never believed you. Having a discrete celebratory whiskey tonight.

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Right I've no been on here in a few hours and missed a shit load of pages, more than normal it would seem. I'm assuming something has happened? Can someone summarise with a few short bullet points?

Transfer ban will stand if Sevco granted license, bears nonplussed.

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What sectarianism? And why would the Tricolour even bother you?, its just a flag. nothing wrong with many of our songs, yes we have some unpleasant ones involving the IRA but doesnt mean every song is like that.

Christ almighty....with all the rangers/newco/sevco stuff i'd actually forgotten the green arsewipes as just as bad.

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Umm ok if they are gonna make tuped non playing staff redundant ...where's the cash toto pay fone the reduncancy payments?? Some of these guys will have years of service in the bag. Plus how will the business operate without these staff? Presumably most if not all are operationally vital to the infrastructure at ibrox and MP? Does this impact their safety certificate,risk assessments,insurance, health safety policies,evacuation and security procedures?? I rather think the four or five mingy bigot junior teams is on once the death becomes officil and the orchestra infighting really kicks off

Staff cannot be made redundant if their job still needs doing. TUPE protects staff transferring to a new employer. If the job is no longer required, Sevco can make people redundant. otherwise they must retain their jobs. I would suggest (as an outsider) that most administration jobs would be more important and relevant to a lower league team than the position of "rabblerouser and accuser supreme". Therefore Wullie Pullar should get used to drinking White Lightning and addressing his local bus station.

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Funny. I thought he did okay. I don't doubt Doncaster and Regan think they were trying to do their best.

They did not reckon on the diddy spring.

I think it is safe to buy the season tickets.

Did Sandy Jardine, formerly respected but not now, ever pay the newsagent his 500 quid? If not why not?

By whom exactly ?? :huh:

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"The soul of a club is the product of its history, and the history of a club is a product of those who toil in its cause, with their hearts on their sleeve as well as the badge on their chest, who play with an awareness of where they are, and in whose footsteps they tread."

All well 'n good but how much money is it worth?


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Rangers Newco will not play this season imo. Everything appears to be falling apart.

That's what I think is still going to happen, then we'll see a few RFC splinter clubs starting up

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It seems incredulous that so many of them think that if a transfer embargo is put in place, they'll just sign a few players to replace the ones who have left. Actually, it's not even a few players, talk of 15 - 20 new players coming in..............

Latest names are :................. Peter MacDonald, Bob Malcom (FTP), Maurice Ross, Barry Nicholson, Michael Tidser, Gavin Rae, Archie Campbell, Garry Kenneth laugh.gif , Kevin Kyle, Rory McAllister, Bachirou from Morton, Craig Sibbald, Iain Russell, Robbie Winters, Stephen Stirling, Joe Mbu, Gary Harkins, Kevin McDonald, Jorge Claros, Stevie May and Steven Doris

They remain 100% convinced Ian Black is signing while there's a serious discussion that Kevin McDonald is signing as they're offering him more than Sheffield United laugh.gif some of them players were laughed for being "shite", "*****s" or "celtic fans" rolleyes.gif

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Aye, I'm rolling out the welcome mat for the Sevco boys.... Time to stop the bloodletting and help our smaller clubs.

Oh Poz, you is class. Truly the surfer on the wave of zeitgeist. I wish you well on the day of Diddiefest - Scotland's biggest help the footie gig - assuming you've got a few middle-ranking bands in to accompany the free booze?

Wouldnae want to see social unrest in Cambuslang....

Might cause thousands of pounds in improvements!

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I take exception to the claim that "every team has them" in relation to the lowlife element that attach themselves to sevco.

Yes, all clubs have a minority of idiots. But none of them are so pathetic they could even be compared to a sevco fan lowlife.

Take the guy injecting himself on TV in the scheme. Rangers fans must've cringed with shame watching him in Rangers top and blue tongue dragging the club further into the gutter.

Funny you don't see scum like that in diddy tops.unsure.gif

The amount of human waste i see outside Falkirk sheriff court in Rangers gear is unreal.

If i was going to court, i would not want to drag my club down with me by being seen in replica gear, i'd probably buy myself a sevco shirt for the daybiggrin.gif

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I'm not kidding here Hibee, if and when the vacancy arises for any of these posts, would you apply?

Do the necessary qualifications include flexible moral standards, slack E-mail distribution, a brass neck and an easily-identifiable comedy haircut?

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