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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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  • Andy Goram
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Posted Today, 09:57 PM

Green doesn't have a choice it's ok saying the league needs us they won't let us die, in 3 years when we eventually get back into the SPL the damage will already have been done and teams would have started to recover all be it at a lower level, reality is they don't need us, they may be better off with us, but they don't need us if we don't accept this we will die and that is the sad fucking truth, doesn't matter how hurtful or wrong that is it's a fact.

Green will accept and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive the c**t but whats the alternative folks? Is it worth the risk to find out?

f**k knows my heids melted wi this pish.

0Say it very quietly but it seems like there's one person on zRM that actually realises there's a whole world beyond his bedroom covered in posters of Mrs Mols...

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Some ambition that boy

@RonnieMacKay Ian Black says he would be willing to play for Rangers newco in the Third Division. In Tuesday's Scottish Sun.

Well we know Rangers are not going to be paying big money, the only reason I can think of him coming out with that statement is that no clubs are interested in him, or he really doesn't want to leave the central belt

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I've found it strange why sites like that and Follow Follow are on the go, i'm sure Div has said he's been contacted in the past from the police about some of the stuff written on here,

Have you asked Knacker to check out KDS or other celtic sites?

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Aye, that's the kind of thing that that kind of person would remember. I'd have thought it would piss Milan off more than anyone else, but then I've never been the bully's best mate.

FFS let it go. We concentrate on wrongdoing on here, no whataboutery.

Enrico, you're letting yourself down, you're letting your club down.......

Letting myself down?

I'm sticking up for my club against some statements I think are incorrect.

Just like any fan would do.

The charity game was well covered on here my plenty of non Celtic fans.

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Well we know Rangers are not going to be paying big money, the only reason I can think of him coming out with that statement is that no clubs are interested in him, or he really doesn't want to leave the central belt

“I don’t have anything else happening at the moment. I’m unemployed right now and looking for a team. I have a family to support, so I need to get back into work. I’m open to offers — from Rangers or anybody else. I’ll see how it goes.”

- Ian Black (Please somebody fucking sign me already)

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"I don't have anything else happening at the moment. I'm unemployed right now and looking for a team. I have a family to support, so I need to get back into work. I'm open to offers — from Rangers or anybody else. I'll see how it goes."

- Ian Black (Please somebody fucking sign me already)

If he hangs on a few months, he might get a job stacking shelves at the Govan Tesco.

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Have you asked Knacker to check out KDS or other celtic sites?

I dont post on any Celtic forums, just P&B.

I wouldn't shed a tear if any Celtic forums got closed down if the police deemed what was being says illeha

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Am i the only 1 that thinks Lee McCulloch did a Goian and say "i'm staying no matter what" assuming sevco would be in div 1 for a year?

Now he feels a proper fanny and is stuck laugh.gif Easy enough for a foreigner to go home after making a tit of himself, but Lee has to stick it out.

Still, he will probably become the highest ever paid 3rd division player if sevco survive until August 11. 25 days and counting, tick tock.

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First they came for Follow Follow and I did nothing, because I was not a ***.

Don't you dare get all Niemoller on my arse.....


If first they came for the ****, I'd be OK with that. Then the darkies - not a problem. As a Killie fan who went to a catholic school, I'm right in there. Then they want to kill the darkies - hang on, that makes St Mirren our local rivals, they might beat us (on the odd occasion). That can't be right?

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I dont post on any Celtic forums, just P&B.

I wouldn't shed a tear if any Celtic forums got closed down if the police deemed what was being says illeha

I once got told to edit or remove a post I made about Fat Ronaldo's knee problems being linked to growth hormone/ steroids incase anyone (unlikely as it is) seen it and told him as it was quite risky, so I think it's certain that Div will have been contacted at some point. RangersMedia seems to get away with what it wants though as there's another post about Regan dying in his sleep now dry.gif

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Some ambition that boy

@RonnieMacKay Ian Black says he would be willing to play for Rangers newco in the Third Division. In Tuesday's Scottish Sun.

I'd love to know the wages on offer from sevco in div 3.

Remember when all the orcs wanted Black put down for injuring Jelavic?

They forgive and forget quick don't theyunsure.gif

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The headline's a bit misleading, as is the first paragraph, in the Black article. That's a come and get me plea to everyone.

He's a cracking player - no idea why he's struggling so much to find a club!

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Cant believe people are still asking Doncaster

'Is this really really going to happen, what about SPL2 what about another last minute vote ,what about the SFA they

can still get them back in the SPL , 'facilitate' what about that is that about getting them back in the SPL'

next it will be

'what about next season can we vote them back in then. What about we create SPL2 next year'

Regan/Doncaster bluff fest really did a number on some people.

Even Yorkstone tonight was even hinting that its not over yet blah blah blah.

Every single interviewer trying to get some kind of certainty.

In reality Doncaster must be embarrassed that know one now trusts a single thing he says and that's a fact.

As soon as the SFL voted them in SFL3 that was that.

Its over the fans and good guys have won a fight that should never have been needed.

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The headline's a bit misleading, as is the first paragraph, in the Black article. That's a come and get me plea to everyone.

He's a cracking player - no idea why he's struggling so much to find a club!

If he'd ever played for Falkirk no doubt St Johnstone would be signing himrolleyes.gif

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Change your avatar all you like, matey, we still don't like you. Occasional lucid posts do not a decent fan make. Your delusion that a dead rangers means a new celtic supremacy will soon hit the buffers of reality. I know you want them dead, but it's not in your club's interests. Oh, and the rest of us are coming for your mob next.

When the bully's mate gets his arse kicked, the bully tries to pal up with the bullied. I'm not fooled, and I don't think may others are.

:blink: what's your beef about ?.

Changed my avatar because I wanted to and you speak too and know everyone enough to claim no one likes me :oShockaroony.You obviously haven't read many of my posts on here have you ?.Are you on the sauce there ?.

I do think your being a tad harsh.

Go after Celtic all you want because any changes for the better are well welcome here.

I look forward to seeing another name on the SPL title and if you've read my posts you would have known that.A competitive league is a healthy league.

Gies a break FFS I just lost my ugly sister you heartless B@STARD :D.

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Great post. I spent some time discussing this issue with friends at the weekend and we struggled to get a handle on it. It seems to be something immaterial, but that isn't particularly useful when you have to make some concrete decisions based on it.

I think there's two views you can take on Rangers with respect to the ongoing SFA discussions might inform a future definition. Namely:

  • Companies are what matter. Rangers are dead. Sevco are therefore a new club (in which case they should be nowhere near a league).
  • Sevco can somehow "become" Rangers, if they're willing to inherit the crimes, punishments and sanctions imposed on the previous club.

There seems to be some kind of merit in the second approach, however the distinction being made between paying back all debt vs paying back footballing debt only doesn't sit well with me. Equally, the idea that the company is the club also has some merit, but also doesn't seem entirely satisfactory.

Even with my own biases I'm not entirely convinced that Sevco and Rangers are one and the same thing.

Good post following on from a good post. Effectively your analysis is good. In the first case, the one that is the most rational, it was only Stranraer that recognized it! Everybody else in one way or another wanted a new Rangers accomodated, albeit not as desired by the SPL and the SFA, by conveniently ignoring the new corporate body. In the Second case I agree, if you want continuity and the history there has to be a price and in this case the punishments that will come or there will be nobody playing at Ibrox next year.

The distinction between football debt and the rest sits ill with me as well since Dundee are still paying football debt from the last administration. Other creditors clearly don't have as much merit as football creditors.

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You have something to back all this up right, wouldnt be like you to have a rant and make statement without any basis and when i mean back it up, not just saying its obvious or something along they lines.

Celtic done the right thing by keeping quiet, because we all know how the redtops would react no matter what we said. We got accused of costing jobs at Ibrox earlier in the season because we refused to pay for our tickets in advance. Celtic coming out would have just been counterproductive

besides, actions speak louder than words, and Celtic voted no to Newco in the SPL, because of the fans, so why would our fans who only buy ST for the OF game demand Celtic vote no to Newco?

Nobody is asking you to love or "accept" Celtic, :huh: I don't think any other SPL or SFL club are looking to be loved or accepted.

Rangers were our biggest rivals, I like many Celtic fans are glad to see them in this predicament and long may it continue

What sectarianism? And why would the Tricolour even bother you?, its just a flag. nothing wrong with many of our songs, yes we have some unpleasant ones involving the IRA but doesnt mean every song is like that.

Anyways, I can't be arsed with this having a pop at the Celtic just for the sake of it. this is an open forum. we can gloat or comment on what has happened at Ibrox.

YEAH ! what he said ^

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