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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Here's a fun detail: so far as I can make out, Rangers will not be entitled to any share of TV money from broadcasting their SFL games.


In the debate over whether the SPL buys the broadcast rights to SFL games featuring Rangers, we’ve just spotted a rather interesting quirk. Sevco Scotland Limited was accepted to the SFL as an Associate Member, and will not be eligible for full Member status for four years. Rule 19 of the SFL Constitution says:

“An Associate Member shall have no financial interest in the assets of the League and shall not be accorded any voting rights.”

We assume “the assets of the League” include its media rights. Rule 19 would seem to suggest that if the SFL does want to sell “Rangers” games to the SPL – or indeed to anyone else – not only will the newco not be entitled to a vote on the matter, but it won’t be entitled to any of the money either.

We haven’t seen anyone else mention this. It seems quite significant.


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I stopped reading this thread when it was confirmed division 3 for Sevco, what have I missed? Anyone fancy summarising?

TV rights issue seems to be blocking confirmation of Rangers SFA membership.

Doncaster, having devalued the SPL TV rights by his outbursts over the last 3 months, now has SKY TV on his back wanting the rights to Rangers games included in the package, presumably the package they are about to sign up for, and presumably at a reduced rate. Clearly that isnt within Doncasters power to deliver in his own right but somehow he has managed to get it onto the agenda as far as the terms and conditions of Rangers SFA membership is concerned. He can now blame the SFL if the SPL TV deal goes tits up.

Doncaster states that if they cant have the SFL TV rights to pass on to SKY as part of the SPL package then they cant pay the £2mill to the SFL. I think what he actually means is that they cant justify it, rather than cant financially afford it. If the SFL believe they can negotiate a separate deal with SKY and its a lucrative one, then I think there is merit in what Doncaster says about the £2 million. If the SFL have their own TV deal then why should they get the £2 million ?

The SFL will obviously want to get the best TV deal they can and see their way of doing that as being a separate deal with SKY. SKY want it included with the SPL rights. Doncaster has well and truly f**cked up the TV deal in other words and SKY are holding all the aces.

What should happen ? Doncaster should tell SKY to ram it and that the SFL is not included on whats on the table. SKY can then take a decision as to what they want to pay for the SPL. Doncaster, unfortunately has backed himself into a corner by his devaluing of the deal and will have to accept whats on offer before resigning immediatly. The SFL should cut their own deal to the highest bidder for the 3 years they'll have Rangers and they should waive the £2 million.

What will happen ? It depends on who's got the most bottle and can afford to take it to the brink. The SFL I suspect as they have nothing to lose (i.e no TV deal in place as it stands at the moment)

Edited by Only A Game !
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Great article but am I the only one that is completely bamboozled by the fact that a club that has, or is about to be liquidated can start up with the same or very similar name. Thats not what the female legal eagle said on Newsnight a month or so back. She was catigorical that they couldnt use the name "Rangers" or "The Rangers" as it was too close to the bust company and it didnt represent the area that the club plied its trade and once BDO were in place the first thing they would do is tell Sevco that!

So far as I've been able to ascertain, the rules preventing a phoenix company using the old company's name only apply if the phoenix has some or most of the same directors as the oldco. It has nothing to do with the idiotic pish spouted by Sevco FC fans about the "club" and "company" being separate entities, it simply appears to be a slightly bizarre facet of the law that you can buy a bankrupt company's assets and then also take over their name so long as you're not one of the old directors.

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My link

Burley's latest pile of shite.

You're being kind calling it shite. Part of the problem in the first place was overspending, but seems new model Rangers are at it already. Million quid a month on players and backroom staff? Ridiculous! Get them all tae f**k and if it's a tenner a week like Shire back in the day......tough. You'd soon see who the real 'rangers' men are.

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A company is about to be liquidated, not the club. After that company is liquidated the new company is likely to take over its name.

It was the club, though, who allegedly used illegally registered players and who allegedly paid player through an incorrectly structured EBT scheme.

So, if ( as bears claim ) there's continuity of the club - then they still need to face up to those issues.

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It was the club, though, who allegedly used illegally registered players and who allegedly paid player through an incorrectly structured EBT scheme.

So, if ( as bears claim ) there's continuity of the club - then they still need to face up to those issues.

No, no, no... you're not getting it. The club is the entity who wins leagues, cups, gets it up ra' Sellik, and has cuddly loveable fans.

They are responsible for nuthin'.

The company is the entity who does all the naughty stuff, and Minty, Whytey and Greeny are the individuals responsible for any naughtiness.

They are responsible for everything.

... get with the programme FFS man!

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It was the club, though, who allegedly used illegally registered players and who allegedly paid player through an incorrectly structured EBT scheme.

So, if ( as bears claim ) there's continuity of the club - then they still need to face up to those issues.

Without their club there would be no "Rangers" business - simple fact - the business/club are one and the same. wink.gif

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EBTs and forfeited games...

I give you Keith Macleod of The Spartans

Ally, who are you trying to kid.

This is what gets me.

If the dual contracts thing is proved, how can there possibly be any debate about the stripping of titles?

All manner of precedents exist for clubs being rightly hammered for one-off mistakes. Nothing, but nothing could begin to compare to what Rangers seem to have done.

Apart from "we'd rather keep them, thanks", what possible argument could Rangers have against the honours' removal?

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It was the club, though, who allegedly used illegally registered players and who allegedly paid player through an incorrectly structured EBT scheme.

So, if ( as bears claim ) there's continuity of the club - then they still need to face up to those issues.

Yes, the club can be punished for what (allegedly) happened in its past. The transfer embargo, assuming it is finalised, is proof of that.

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So far as I've been able to ascertain, the rules preventing a phoenix company using the old company's name only apply if the phoenix has some or most of the same directors as the oldco. It has nothing to do with the idiotic pish spouted by Sevco FC fans about the "club" and "company" being separate entities, it simply appears to be a slightly bizarre facet of the law that you can buy a bankrupt company's assets and then also take over their name so long as you're not one of the old directors.

Why is that bizarre?

Honestly, the continuation issue is a complete red herring.

The Rangers fans are correct in making a division between the club and the company - but dual contracts pertains entirely to the club and therefore will have to be dealt with by Rangers FC.

If anyone can explain how Rangers intend to field a team in a week or two's time...

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The Liquidation Rap

Wear headphones for full effect. Hope you enjoy it, muhfuckers.

That is superb TRS. You just left Traynor and Charles Green with third degree burns. :lol:

Could someone who isn't banned from RangersMedia post this phat rhyme there, please? It would be wonderfully received, I'm sure. :)

I tried to register again but the Sevco mods aren't having it.

Could someone please post this amazing rap there? The results would be hilarious.

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Here's a fun detail: so far as I can make out, Rangers will not be entitled to any share of TV money from broadcasting their SFL games.


I think it may actually refer to division of assets if the league's wound-up: it'd be surprising if clubs got no prizemoney etc. for 3yrs after joining.

However in practice it makes little difference... SFL money is split-up as follows:

* 75% of [[£1,187,649 corrected from 2008-09 prices using RPI]] is split evenly

* 25% of [[that figure]] is ladderred by finishing position

* anything over [[that figure]] is divided 55% to SFL1, 33% to SFL2, 12% to SFL3 then shared-out between the clubs

So considering their current deals with Irn-Bru, the Annual Settlement, solidarity payments from SFA, etc., it seems Rangers would only get 1.2% if current arrangements were stuck to.

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Yes, the club can be punished for what (allegedly) happened in its past. The transfer embargo, assuming it is finalised, is proof of that.

Are you saying that, if proven guilty of using dual contracts, a club should be stripped of all trophies and awards that it accumulated during the years in which it was cheating?

P.S. Being stripped of trophies and awards for cheating is not a "punishment", it is a consequence of the earlier actions of the guilty club.

The transfer embargo is not a "punishment", it is a consequence of an earlier action on the part of the guilty club.

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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McCoist Refuses To Accept Rangers Didn’t Win Champions League Last Season

Speaking at a supporters rally, Ally McCoist made it clear he will never accept that Rangers didn’t win the Champions League last season.

The head coach of Sevco is adamant that Rangers beat Barcelona 2-1 in a thrilling final in Munich two months ago, and lambasted “sinister forces” inside the SFA and UEFA who are trying to claim otherwise.

“What they are doing to our club is unforgivable,” vented McCoist, closely flanked by his handlers from Carstairs psychiatric hospital.

“The joy we all felt when Kirk [broadfoot] headed the winner past Víctor Valdés will never go away,” asserted the angry newco boss, to loud cheers from the assembled Sevco fans.

“We won that final fair and square. But now people are trying to tell us we were pumped out in the preliminaries, and that Chelsea won it on penalties? It’s outrageous!”

Added McCoist forcefully: “Who are these people? We demand to know.”

The rotund ex-Rangers striker was then bundled into an ambulance and taken back into care.

Club ambassador Sandy Jardine then stepped forward to address the crowd, and urged the Sevco loyal to boycott Champions League matches next season, as a show of their defiant corporate might.

“Make no mistake, we know who our enemies are,” revealed Jardine, who earns an excellent wage for stoking up hatred. “And I predict Real Madrid and Inter Milan will go to the wall without our fans there to bankroll them next season.”

Edited by BinoBalls
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