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I find it funny how all these ex-players and managers are coming out with the "we're just thick footballers that are told to sign on the dotted line and did" routine, yet the same guys are the first ones to give us their intellectual opinion on rangers and scottish football. dry.gif

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I see tomorrow night is now a pay at the gate job :blink: , must be the first time in decades.

Green trying to whip up a 'God we better go 'cos The People will sell out' type frenzy I reckon.

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McLeish has worded that carefully.

EBTs are legal. Dual contracts with the SPL aren't though.

Gies they titles ya fucking ginger turncoat p***k!


In most walks of life, contracts of employment don't have to be registered with anyone. But Football is a different kettle of fish, & these have to be filed with the governing body.

As they were unable to file those contracts with the SFA, they broke the governing bodys rules, & are subject to allegations of cheating.

If they had filed them with the SFA, they would have brought about HMRC's attention. As they would then have been deemed "income" & liable to the taxation system of this country.

The term "caught between a rock & a hard place" instantly springs to mind.

So, it's either allegations of cheating or tax evasion, runaround now!

Edited by kiddy
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watch out for a dodgy attendance figure as some of that cash in hand money goes "missing"

Why does that sound familiar? I'm sure someone mentioned on here many pages ago that this has happened before somewhere. unsure.gif

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I find it funny how all these ex-players and managers are coming out with the "we're just thick footballers that are told to sign on the dotted line and did" routine, yet the same guys are the first ones to give us their intellectual opinion on rangers and scottish football. dry.gif

That's a good point.

I actually believe them when they say they asked no questions and got what they were given.

However, as you say, they really need to have a wee think before calling us the Neanderthal knuckledraggers.

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McLeish has worded that carefully.

EBTs are legal. Dual contracts with the SPL aren't though.

Gies they titles ya fucking ginger turncoat p***k!

Some people appear to be missing the facts behind the EBT case -

EBT's are legal yes, but, only if used correctly. HMRC have already found that Rangers FC misused the EBT scheme during the first 10 years of this decade, and billed them for the sum owed to them in P.A.Y.E and N.I., so from that point of view RFC have already been found to have misused the scheme by HMRC. Rangers FC appealed the figure on the bill, the sum total on the bill that they were handed by HMRC, they did not appeal upon their 'guilt' of misusing the scheme. They appealed only upon the sum total owed. All that we are awaiting today is the appeal tribunal deciding upon 'how much the sum total is' that the soon-to-be liquidated Rangers FC actually owe.

Dual Contracts ... i think everyone in Scotland who has taken a serious interest in this ongoing saga have seen enough information upon that issue to know that the soon-to-be liquidated RFC are 100% guilty of issuing scores of their players with dual contracts. wink.gif Only those who have benefited from the wrong-doings at Ibrox are today living in denial in regards to the guilt on those two unresolved issues.

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This "my lawyer looked at the contract and said it was ok" crap is really getting on my nerves.

What is the lawyer meant to say???

He or she probably were given no idea of how it was going to be financed and the piece of paper they were given would in itself be legal. At the same time is a lawyer going to say to a player that he can't sign the big fat contract in front of him and will either have to accept a lot less money or not sign for rangers at all?

All the lawyer will have been concerned about is that his client is getting paid what he asked for, and let's face it, lawyers aren't exactly all paragons of virtue when it comes to money. As long as they get they get paid and their client is happy then they dont give a damn where the money comes from. Remember it was a loophole in the tax system that was being used and it wasn't until later that it was closed.

What should now be asked is who were these lawyers and what advice did they give their clients at the time?

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So it is possible ;)

Three employees of China's main search engine Baidu have been arrested on suspicion of having accepted bribes to delete posts from its forum service.


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Dual Contracts ... i think everyone in Scotland who has taken a serious interest in this ongoing saga have seen enough information upon that issue to know that the soon-to-be liquidated RFC are 100% guilty of issuing scores of their players with dual contracts. wink.gif Only those who have benefited from the wrong-doings at Ibrox are today living in denial in regards to the guilt on those two unresolved issues.

I listened to Billy Dodds' interview from the other night for the first time today.

As I said earlier, I actually believe him when he says he didn't query anything, but he also says clearly that he had no idea that it was a loan - for him it was simply money due to him. That of course flies in the face of what Murray is clearly stating today. It's obvious that nobody regarded these things as loans in any meaningful sense at all.

The fact that the players would rather hang onto their titles is of course predictable and irrelevant. Ben Johnson would probably have preferred to keep his medal too, but nobody asked him for his preferences.

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My post yesterday on SLT. A wee bit of fun.


Olympic Truce…..A Wee Break From Scotland's Wars – by Bill Fraser

It was a tradition in Greek antiquity that warring between states should be put aside for the duration of the Olympic Games, an event held every four years to celebrate athletes who excelled in warrior skills. When the games were resurrected by Baron de Coubertin in 1896 they were not considered important enough to warrant such truce between belligerent nations and this resulted not only in the cancellation of the games in 1916, 1940 and 1944 but war-based political events led to the horrendous Munich massacre and the boycotts of 1980 and 84 (yes, they really did happen because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan).

de-coubertin.jpg?w=500The Baron de Coubertin, architect of the modern Olympics, and winner of the Gold Medal for finest moustache at the Games of 1896, 1900 and 1904

So what, you are all asking yourselves, has all this got to do with Scotland and what is all this about Scottish warfare? Well, perhaps you haven't noticed but Scotland is involved in two wars on separate fronts. The first exploded on St Valentine's Day though the flame which caused the final ignition had been smouldering for a very long time prior to this. Yes, civil war broke out in Scotland between Ra'Peepul and the Papal Conspiracy of those who do not abide by the Ibrox Ethos: the latter an unholy alliance of eternal enemies from Ayr, Kilmarnock, Dundee (tangerines and blues), Edinburgh (maroon and green), Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy and Falkirk, to mention but a few, who associated themselves with the Anti-Christ descended from Paradise with the sole intent of killing off the club whose raison d'être is the safeguard of the United Kingdom.

The idea that this pillar of British society strove to achieve its aim by hiring expensive foreign mercenaries paid for with money belonging to the public purse and shekels belonging to small businesses around the country will soon be put down to the nonsensical rants of revisionist historians in the face of the truth as revealed by the gospels of Saints Wally, Mark, Ally and Jim. So can we put the seeming recent demise of hostilities down to an Olympic truce? Not really, it's just down to the start of a new season when you hate your neebur because of the colour of his shirt more than you hate the big bad wolf that's been gobbling up your flock of sheep for the past few decades. The wolf is now happy living in a zoo where he's given three meals a day though he's still eyeing up the rations of the other animals and wouldn't be agin ripping out an elephant's throat.

As an ex-pat living in France I am totally reliant on what I read on the web to keep up with the second war – Scotland's War for Independence. Unfortunately this generally means reading the MSM and erudite blogs such as this but in recent months the Sevco debate has dominated proceedings. To make matters worse, I am on a wi-fi network which is having problems connecting to any site remotely connected with the Olympics. As of yet I have not had any luck finding any quotes by our First Minister on medals won by our Scots competitors (I believe we are now involved in 9). Is this due to an Olympic truce or could it be simply that the whole referendum debate has fallen at the worst time imaginable?

a-salmond.jpg?w=500Mr Salmond ponders a visit to the Olympics…

After the record haul of medals from Beijing 4 years ago we now have a GB team raking in medals by the barrowload. What future for an independent Scotland team? Would we rather take pride in watching Bradley Wiggins and Jessica Ennis taking on the world and placing this tiny insignificant island in third place behind the giants that are America and China or hope that one day we might discover another Chris Hoy who, in spite of a lack of training facilities, might win a bronze medal and put us on a par with countries like Luxembourg?

I'm writing this just before the first of Andy Murray's finals and this may not be published until after the result is known. However should he win even one of the golds it may be the final nail in the coffin of Scottish independence hopes. I've dreamt of an independent Scotland all my life but have in the past few years come to realise that it is perhaps not the Nirvana we have been looking for.

a-murray.jpg?w=500Andy Murray – winner of Olympic gold at Wimbledon

How appropriate it would be that at a time when a club with 140 years of history, renowned for its Unionism but also its bigotry, cheating and tax evasion, finds itself relegated to the depths of ignominy, with perhaps more to follow, that a proud Scot may seal the fate of the referendum with a victory on the greatest weekend ever in the history of United Kingdom sports.

I'm proud to be Scottish but I'm also proud to be British (at least until the end of the games).

Posted from France by Monsieur Bill Fraser

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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I listened to Billy Dodds' interview from the other night for the first time today.

As I said earlier, I actually believe him when he says he didn't query anything, but he also says clearly that he had no idea that it was a loan - for him it was simply money due to him. That of course flies in the face of what Murray is clearly stating today. It's obvious that nobody regarded these things as loans in any meaningful sense at all.

The fact that the players would rather hang onto their titles is of course predictable and irrelevant. Ben Johnson would probably have preferred to keep his medal too, but nobody asked him for his preferences.

I thought that too. It sounded to me as if he was told that this extra money would legally come through a different channel to his normal wage and that it would save him tax. He doesn't mention anything about having rescheduled payments like Minty is suggesting.

Was interesting to hear on Sportsound tonight that they have a theory that Sir Dave has got wind that the decision on the case has been made or very close to it and this is him trying to plead his innocence before it's splashed all over the papers.

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1344284316[/url]' post='6501629']

I thought that too. It sounded to me as if he was told that this extra money would legally come through a different channel to his normal wage and that it would save him tax. He doesn't mention anything about having rescheduled payments like Minty is suggesting.

Was interesting to hear on Sportsound tonight that they have a theory that Sir Dave has got wind that the decision on the case has been made or very close to it and this is him trying to plead his innocence before it's splashed all over the papers.

Maybe Murray was duped on EBTs? ......unfortunately for minty ignorance is not an excuse, doesn't matter if the chancellor of the exchequer advised him on EBTs and the House of Lords said it was legal,,,they were misused ergo ...cheating b*****ds .

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Maybe Murray was duped on EBTs? ......unfortunately for minty ignorance is not an excuse, doesn't matter if the chancellor of the exchequer advised him on EBTs and the House of Lords said it was legal,,,they were misused ergo ...cheating b*****ds .


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Maybe Murray was duped on EBTs? ......unfortunately for minty ignorance is not an excuse, doesn't matter if the chancellor of the exchequer advised him on EBTs and the House of Lords said it was legal,,,they were misused ergo ...cheating b*****ds .

Seems that's his answer to everything.......Duped by Sir craigie, duped by a pornstar, duped by Joanna Lumley that he was on a sure 'leg' over (sic.).............

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