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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Olympics Seoul 1988, Ben Johnson ran in the heats and semi finals of the 100 metre sprint, during these races runners were eliminated as he qualified in their place,

he ran in the final and won the event taking all the accolades of an Olympic champion.

Later he was found to have cheated, his title was stripped and handed to the silver medallist

Did the runners who were eliminated during the heats lodge any kind of objection as they were denied their chance of Olympic glory?

No they did not, Carl Lewis is now listed in the record books as Gold medallist Seoul Olympics 1988

As you can see from the above it looks like I am that "one fucker"

haha, that one fucker indeed!

It's really quite straight forward, and I don't see why he's getting all caught up in the theoretical or hypothetical technical aspects of it all.

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How do you deal with Scotland games where Rangers played? - I have absolutely no idea what you're getting at here? Scotland's matches involving Rangers players are not affected by EBT use in any way that I can see and as such should not be affected. The players would still be playing for Scotland, regardless of how much money they are earning.

Was in a hurry and didn't think mine out as well on this point.

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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Not only would be have 15 in a row (maybe 16) we would surpass them in the number of total titles won .. a bit much for the bear to bear ... ;) hence the song and dance routine.

Given the mentioned years of 2001-2010 I only make it 12 in a row, with them being reduced from 54 to 49 and youse going from 43 to 48. Still, point taken, that would be painful for even the most calm and reasoned of Sevco fans.

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Sure is , you can't stop posting about Rangers.

Actually i stopped posting about rangers around about 14-15 july, been posting about sevco ever since. :D

Emerging ???? It's been in full flow from the get go for some ... noticed Kincardine has started following suit as well ... worrying !!

Sorry...You're right of course, bless them.......Ooops, hope that's not offensive in some way. :(

Edited by beermonkey
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Guest Kincardine

How do you deal with Scotland games where Rangers played? - I have absolutely no idea what you're getting at here? Scotland's matches involving Rangers players are not affected by EBT use in any way that I can see and as such should not be affected. The players would still be playing for Scotland, regardless of how much money they are earning.

That's because you conspicuously fail to grasp the issue.

The whole point of The SFA commission is not to investigate whether we used EBTs or not. That's a given. It's to investigate the use of dual contracts and, by dint of such, had improperly registered players.

If their registration was flawed that, clearly, affects games involving Scotland.

Oh I know how to solve it. Use the same creativity that you showed earlier. Make it, "A problem for Uefa."

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That's because you conspicuously fail to grasp the issue.

The whole point of The SFA commission is not to investigate whether we used EBTs or not. That's a given. It's to investigate the use of dual contracts and, by dint of such, had improperly registered players.

If their registration was flawed that, clearly, affects games involving Scotland.

Oh I know how to solve it. Use the same creativity that you showed earlier. Make it, "A problem for Uefa."

And surely invoving the dutch players as well makes it a problem for the dutch, or any other nationality who was playing international games whilst improperly registered.

Edited by beermonkey
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That's because you conspicuously fail to grasp the issue.

The whole point of The SFA commission is not to investigate whether we used EBTs or not. That's a given. It's to investigate the use of dual contracts and, by dint of such, had improperly registered players.

If their registration was flawed that, clearly, affects games involving Scotland.

Oh I know how to solve it. Use the same creativity that you showed earlier. Make it, "A problem for Uefa."

Not just Scotland games any international match involving those players.

The SFA and other associations will rightfully claim they were duped by the illegal process they were a victim not a willing participant in this action.

As I said before the issue of a temporary license was wrong your club in any guise should not have been allowed to enter any competition until the double contract inquiry and the full extent of the ramifications were known.

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I've notice a distinct edginess in rangers fans when talking about EBT's. Probably more so than the whole tax case/CVA/liquidation issue. 

You'd think they would want to put this period behind them, co-operate with the governing bodies, start repairing relationships and build for the future?

Announcing the investigation in June an SPL statement read: “The SPL Board heard a report from its solicitors following the investigation into payments to, or for the benefit of, players allegedly made by Rangers FC outside of contract.

“The delay in concluding the investigation was caused by an initial lack of co-operation from Rangers FC."

“The investigation has now been completed and, in the view of the SPL, there is a prima facie case to answer in respect of its Rules.”

I honestly can't see past them being found to have broken the rules on this. 

But after all the events unfolding over many months, this should be of very little interest to The new rangers. But I think to the fans this is confirmation of cheating to win titles (even tho we already know how dodgy the boardroom members have been at ibrox). 

Punnishments would be obvious. Large fines would be pointless, they'll just get slung to one-side. Amending the records to show that certain titles were won while gaining an advantage over league opposition. 

Or just to simply invalidate those titles won by rangers during the period of dual contracts and rule-breaking. 

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It could be that the SPL follow the precedent established by the Italians and simply award the title to the runners up .... seems fair ;)

Yes they could but that is a problem the authorities have if any team is guilty of using players wrongly registered which has occurred that result is void and the match has either been awarded to the opposition or a re-match.

Obviously the re-match is out, Rangers are dead so they cannot play those games again (sorry couldn't resist).

The point is that if Rangers won those trophies, whether leagues or cups allowing them to remain on those record books as rightful winners would be wholly wrong.

I am aware of the league thing s another petty game of oneupmanship with your partners in crime, that I could not care less about in terms of who gains those honours.

I cannot understand why any oldco Rangers supporter would want to keep those honours if they are deemed guilty, would they rather their history be tainted by this episode. It does seem a strange mindset fighting on all fronts, well apart from asking their club pertinent questions obviously.

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Why? Are the current Rangers players not correctly registered? What grounds would the SFA have to stop us playing football this season? What rules are we currently breaking?

Why have you only a temporary license ? quite simply the SFA could have said no license will be issued and could then have got the investigation out of the way and then applied punishment .

The SFA/SPL/SFL created this mess, with one eye on the cash cow the difficulty they had was is they did not allow a temporary license there was a fear that money would have been lost to the game. Loss of revenue ergo loss power base of those associations.

It is on the grounds that you play along nicely and accept whats coming to you, it was a concession. In your favour if you are found guilty any punishment will exclude suspension or expulsion after the SFA & co. gave you this lifeline so it will be a fine, which I feel is inadequate given the term of wrong doing we are discussing.

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The club and company are linked and you could not "use the name" without agreement of the administrators.

Mr. Green then changed the name of his company to carry on using the .. "name"

He also purchased the rights to the history .. so he can hang it up somewhere to con the unwashed hordes.

The club is not a continuation .. despite your wee fantasy. it is simply a new club using the same name,.

You do realise you can edit Wikipedia yourself. You should have seen what i did to the 1989 Scottish Cup Final page...I still haven't forgiven Bob Valentine for that..We were going for a treble and my ticket No. was 1690. Have you any idea how much i could have sold that on for to some halfwit ;)

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That's because you conspicuously fail to grasp the issue.

The whole point of The SFA commission is not to investigate whether we used EBTs or not. That's a given. It's to investigate the use of dual contracts and, by dint of such, had improperly registered players.

If their registration was flawed that, clearly, affects games involving Scotland.

Oh I know how to solve it. Use the same creativity that you showed earlier. Make it, "A problem for Uefa."

Does it, though? Or is that just an assumption on your part? Can the SFA not plead ignorance?

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You do realise you can edit Wikipedia yourself. You should have seen what i did to the 1989 Scottish Cup Final page...I still haven't forgiven Bob Valentine for that..We were going for a treble and my ticket No. was 1690. Have you any idea how much i could have sold that on for to some halfwit ;)

Profiteering from bigotry, be careful you'll end up with a seat next to Charles Green.wink.gif

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It is interesting to see how easy it is to get a SevCo fan into an argument.

If they were that sure of themselves and the club then there would be no debate, calling of names, "obsession", etc.

Maybe because we have spent years of them putting everyone else down that we don't take the bait so easily.

"Yer team is shite!!!" is a shout I've heard more than a few times when I play 5s in my thistle top. (Oh and by the way guys, wearing the strip out in the streets or on holiday, sometimes the full kit, is sad. You can't have much of a life if you think anyone actually cares what team you support.)

Does the shout bother me? Nope. Does it bring me out in a frenzied debate or name calling? Nah.

Why not? Eh, because I know what my team is and I don't really care what others think.

Seems the SevCo Boys aren't much up for taking what they like to dish out.

Anyway, no need to worry. It'll be all over soon.

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You do realise you can edit Wikipedia yourself. You should have seen what i did to the 1989 Scottish Cup Final page...I still haven't forgiven Bob Valentine for that..We were going for a treble and my ticket No. was 1690. Have you any idea how much i could have sold that on for to some halfwit ;)

What's 1690 got to do with football? blink.gif

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Yes they could but that is a problem the authorities have if any team is guilty of using players wrongly registered which has occurred that result is void and the match has either been awarded to the opposition or a re-match.

Obviously the re-match is out, Rangers are dead so they cannot play those games again (sorry couldn't resist).

The point is that if Rangers won those trophies, whether leagues or cups allowing them to remain on those record books as rightful winners would be wholly wrong.

I am aware of the league thing s another petty game of oneupmanship with your partners in crime, that I could not care less about in terms of who gains those honours.

I cannot understand why any oldco Rangers supporter would want to keep those honours if they are deemed guilty, would they rather their history be tainted by this episode. It does seem a strange mindset fighting on all fronts, well apart from asking their club pertinent questions obviously.

I for one would not want them added to Celtics total.

It would be like going twos up after a dirty old tramp on Jessica Alba.

You can boast about the F**k, but you still feel really unclean.:D

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