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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Has anyone else noticed that Benny and many of his friends are becoming more irrational and illogical as each day passes? The stress is beginning to take its toll upon them by the looks of their posts.

Red card to liquidation.


Those were the days.

6 April 2012

"RANGERS' administrators last night pleaded with the supporters not to scare off any of the club's three potential new owners as fans prepare for a massive demonstration against the possibility of liquidation."

"The prospect of liquidation has horrified most fans and those who attend tomorrow's home game against St Mirren will be encouraged to hold up red cards in the 18th and 72nd minutes – alluding to 1872, the year of the club's formation – to show their opposition to the newco option in a "red card to liquidation" display."


Why were the supporters demonstrating? I forget, perhaps one of you Sevco supporters or supporters of one of Scotland's solvent clubs can remind me of the reason why Rangers supporters were shitting themselves at the thought of liquidation?

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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My mum said I'm very handsome ;)

….and my social worker says I'm very special but I'm not sure what that means.

I think it means I'd be an ideal season-ticket holder for the Rangers.

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Has anyone else noticed that Benny and many of his friends are becoming more irrational and illogical as each day passes? The stress is beginning to take its toll upon them by the looks of their posts.

6 April 2012

"RANGERS' administrators last night pleaded with the supporters not to scare off any of the club's three potential new owners as fans prepare for a massive demonstration against the possibility of liquidation."

"The prospect of liquidation has horrified most fans and those who attend tomorrow's home game against St Mirren will be encouraged to hold up red cards in the 18th and 72nd minutes – alluding to 1872, the year of the club's formation – to show their opposition to the newco option in a "red card to liquidation" display."


Why were the supporters demonstrating? I forget, perhaps one of you Sevco supporters or supporters of one of Scotland's solvent clubs can remind me of the reason why Rangers supporters were shitting themselves at the thought of liquidation?

They were worried that we all thought that was the end of the real Rangers and would not be able to determine the 1873 version with a cardboard cut out.

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What we have been told on this bit of the thread is "The company is the club".

This is complete nonsense. Most Scottish clubs existed before they became companies and it is sad that people still peddle the 'company is the club' lie.

Almost all of our teams trace their beginning some time before they became companies. Clearly this is true in the case of Celtic.

I have no problem with that.

From when do you date Celtic's history then? Please be logically consistent and if you say 1887/1888 then, based on the post I just quoted, you are a total walloper.

For f**k sake will you listen. As an example - I was the secretary of an un-incorporated football team and as such could be held liable for any legal action taken against the football team. To negate this risk, the football team were changed into an not for profit organisation. This was done at an EGM of the un-incorporated body where it was agreed that the legal form of the football team would change. This then meant that the team became a Company Limited by Guarantee.

The football team is still the same team, the legal entity has been established and person liability of the members has been limited. This was all done by the members of the football team without handing our affairs over to a legal representative of our creditors. Herein lies the difference, D&P sold the assets that is all there was to sell, there is no such thing as a football club within the company. As for the D& P "experts" stating that they sold the history, this is legally incorrect as the administators can only sell items belonging to the company - Assets, IP, goodwill. There is no provision within company law for the history of a company to be deamed a realisable asset. I would suggest that you will find no other case where an practioner has listed history as a realisable asset in an administration process. Another reason why the involvement of the D & P plants will probably result in legal/professional body action.

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If a new club was created today it would have to take a legal form in order to operate, to confirm things like legal liability, responsibilities of members, etc.

It can be a number of things, a company like Rangers, a charitable trust, a charity, a private members association etc.

No you have to form a club, when you gather as a group of people and decide to form a club you write it's constitution and form it's committee. Upon doing this and to make it an official club the constitution is signed by the committee thus creating a legally binding document.

ETA that last question was answered in the tense it was asked, present, prior to 1897 I am not sure if clubs had to take a legal form or if the clubs took a different legal form but the point is that after they became companies they were that, companies. Think about it like a butterfly, it used to be caterpillar but it is still the same entity, it just went through changes. Sevco have not gone through changes, they've bought butterfly wings and stuck them on a slug.

But not a legal entity. This is why you cannot sue an un-incorporated body. The liability rests with the members as there is no legal entity to sue.

have a read of http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/RulesandRegulations/FARegulations/~/media/Files/PDF/TheFA/GuidanceNotesFAU.ashx from the English FA but the pertinent facts regarding incorporation and the status of "clubs" can be applied in Scottish Law in the same way as explained in www.scotlawcom.gov.uk/download_file/view/357/

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Keeps01 still determied to fid me in Orcville.........from the Catman Lee is banned thread

At fu cking last.

Hunt this c unt down too.


Shit stirring T aig from P&B, Wunfellaff.

See "My letter to ladbrokes."

At times like this I would refer to the patter of our box Office overlords.

Swing and a miss


Trying too hard

Not to mention the Sevconian mantra - Obsessed


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OrcMedia ..

OrcMedia - comedy central ..

ANONYMOUS .. doesn't want to be laughed at and see his career going down the pan... would you go to someone who put his name to that stunning legal argument.

Aye the SPL will be shitting bricks .. GO GET THEM CHARLIE .. you're the man !!!

Damn I didn't realise how gullible the Orcs really are ... :lol:

Naah I did ...

Ring ring

ring ring

Hullo hullo Mr Top Sports Lawyer, can tha SPL take wur titles *sob*

Now now Teddy, it'll all be fine they can't touch them. Bye. *click*

Miss Furry Fanny, have BT block that number and tape up the letterbox before the tribunal.

Edited by stonedsailor
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