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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I am sorry to say Rangers will survive. It is morally wrong but legally I am sure ways will be found to pull it off. It really sickens me when clubs cheat the opposition by buying players they cannot afford and the advantages that brings whilst the responsible clubs who do pay their way yoyo up and down. The SPL / SFA must set a more stringent financial system for running a club and anyone breaking it is booted out. However that will be too late for thoses down Ibrox way.

Back on Track.

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NO i Linked the answer of a person that has an idea what is going on.

I would Love Rangers to fold, to be know more and die. However, there isn't a 1% chance of this happening. Lets deal with facts, the average person doesn't have a clue about volentary administration. In the same way they have not a clue about the difference between administration and liquidation. Hence the linkage.


My Team:Rangers FC :huh:

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Bennet was replying to a post made by Rico who asked if Rangers had let any staff go "I couldn't help but notice a picture of the game down at Annan today and seen Sandy Jardine sitting in the crowd next to Charles Green, with Durrant next to McCoist in the dugout "

All of these staff (that Rico listed) work for the "company" currently running Rangers

You asked "So Bennett thinks that a cheating tax dodging club should be permitted to not pay millions of pounds in annual bills or taxes on time if the outcome of shutting it down due to it being insolvent could result in people losing jobs? That seems a ludicrous, absurd and downright stupid train of thought for anyone to have"

Were you talking about these Jobs? Being the ones that Bennet was obviously referring to (Current staff working for the current company as listed by Rico)

Or perhaps you got confused on what Bennet was referring to?

I'm not, but it appears that you are confused.

1) I was referring to the fact that no downsizing of the playing squad, coaches or management team occurred at Ibrox between Feb 12th (when the club entered Administration) and July 13th upon rejection of the CVA and the announcement that the club is to be liquidated.

2) Name the current company running Ibrox.

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I never said i did.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ....... :P

I still know what a shite start your club has had to it's existence. I've not been to a 3rd Div match since 1996. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ..... :P

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Another good one from Michael Grant in the Herald this morning -


Pasted here for people who can't be arsed registering with the Herald, although registering is worth it I think.

Conspiracies sound hollow as the EBT accusation came from withinMichael GrantChief football writerFOR more than a decade, The Right Honourable Lord Nimmo Smith served as a judge in the Court of Session and the High Court.

Custom byline text: Michael Grant He is a Privy Counsellor so his opinion is good enough for the Queen. He was schooled at Eton before studying classics at Balliol College, Oxford.

Charles Flint QC is one of the most respected experts in sports law in Britain, having acted as an advisor and an arbitrator in a series of complex and high-profile cases. Nicholas Stewart QC has been a Deputy High Court Judge in England for over two decades. He, too, is an internationally renowned authority on sports law and arbitration.

Fair play, then, to whoever it was at the Scottish Premier League who had the nerve to tell his Lordship and the QCs that their time will be deliberately wasted during the Rangers/undisclosed payments hearings because the whole thing has been decided in advance. Guilty verdict and penalties: all done and dusted, pre-judged by the SPL itself before Nimmo Smith does what he's told and puts it in writing. That's how the conspiracy theory goes, at least. Lord Nimmo Smith, Flint and Stewart – among the finest legal minds in Britain – are at the head of the SPL's "Mickey Mouse" investigation (Charles Green's words) and its "kangaroo court" (Sir David Murray).Sadly, neither Green nor Murray will say so to their faces, because neither of them will turn up when the Independent Commission gets down to business in November. That's a shame, because the accusations are serious and ought to be taken seriously by all.

Rangers, and Murray, should protest their innocence as long and loud as they like, as anyone would when faced with significant accusations. By not attending, no-one acting for the club can cross-examine witnesses or present a different interpretation on evidence which is heard. Instead of simply maintaining that they can comfortably defend themselves on all counts, there have been consistent attempts to undermine the credibility and motives of the investigation itself.

The allegations against them weren't trumped up by an outsider: they originate from a former Rangers director, Hugh Adam. They are innocent unless proven guilty and are entitled to a fair and honest investigation by the SPL. After Adam's allegations, evidence to suggest they had a case to answer was collected by the SPL's lawyers, and a verdict will be reached and any punishment applied by an eminent judge and two QCs. At no point is any other club involved in the process.

This isn't an investigation into using EBTs, remember, it's a probe into specific allegations of SPL rule-breaking. It began with a statement on March 5 which said: "The SPL board has instructed an investigation into the alleged non-disclosure to the SPL of payments made by or on behalf of Rangers FC to players since July 1 1998." Adam said of the alleged payments: "They weren't included in the contracts. That was the whole point of them."

Now, either you believe Adam's version of events or you don't, but were the SPL supposed to ignore that? The initial investigation to find evidence substantiating Adam's claims was carried out by Harper Macleod, the law firm which has acted for years as the SPL's retained lawyers (and therefore represented Rangers, as an SPL shareholder, too). This has angered many Rangers supporters because Harper Macleod have also worked for Celtic, who would be the primary beneficiaries of any potential stripping of Rangers' titles. Should the SPL have used another law firm to avoid all accusations of conflict of interest? Maybe, but what exactly is the innuendo here: that an established and respected company which is a member of the Law Society of Scotland would fabricate or suppress evidence in a football investigation? Seriously?

Green has said: "The commission is not independent of the SPL. It has been appointed by the SPL. I don't question the impartiality of the individual panel members but whatever decision they reach is a decision of the SPL." Well, yes, of course it is. But if there is no question of their impartiality, that is all an accused can ask for.

This investigation has not "pre-judged" Rangers nor, despite all the fevered debate about it, have they been condemned to being stripped of titles. They may be cleared just as they might not. Any punishment imposed on them could have nothing to do with titles being taken away. No-one can possibly know how Nimmo Smith, Flint and Stewart will rule on the case.

Ralph Topping, the SPL chairman, has been predictably mute and invisible while his league's investigation has been ridiculed, and given the sensitivities there should have been far more transparency and detail about why Rangers are being pursued over EBT payments while Celtic were not after using one to pay Juninho.

But the fact remains: Rangers alone face a major investigation because they are the only SPL club accused of making widespread undisclosed payments. And the accusation was made by one of their own.

It's worth noting that so far Jordan Rhodes has spent his career only in the English lower leagues and even 40 goals in 45 appearances for Huddersfield Town did not land him a move to the Barclays Premier League. Craig Levein can legitimately use that as evidence that he is not the only one with doubts about the 22-year-old.

But Rhodes gives Scotland fans hope and excitement when so much else is depressing. Right now he's one of very few names who could help shift tickets for Scotland games. Levein's unfortunate remark about him being "way overhyped" doubtless wasn't meant to sound disparaging to a player this country needs, but it did.

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I still know what a shite start your club has had to it's existence. I've not been to a 3rd Div match since 1996. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ..... :P

I am not going to start worrying. We are undefeated and still in both cups...Not bad for a brand new team thrown together in a matter of weeks with no pre season. IF we are still struggling to get away wins around Xmas time than i might change my mind.

I think we were the only 3rd division team to get anything away from home this weekend ;)

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According to this article- Both Uefa and the SPL view oldco as Rangers FC.

RANGERS have received £272,000 from UEFA for their players’ involvement in Euro 2012 - but the cash will go straight to the accountants responsible for winding up the oldco.

Club granted £272,000 by UEFA

Cash to go to oldco accountants

• Payment due for players’ involvement in Euro 2012 qualifiers and tournament

The payment, from UEFA’s fund for clubs whose players took part in the tournament, is expected to go to BDO, the accountancy firm in charge of liquidating the club.

BDO receiving the payment could upset Rangers’ creditors. Rapid Vienna are owed over £1 million from Croatia striker Nikica Jelavic’s transfer to Ibrox, but are receiving less than half of the payment due to the oldco. Jelavic was a key figure in the Croatian side which eventually reached the finals, and left Rangers for Everton in the January transfer window.

UEFA have paid out a total of £80 million to clubs who had players involved in either qualifiers or the tournament in Poland and Ukraine. Celtic topped the Scottish payout list, with ten Scottish clubs in total receiving payments.

The oldco are currently being investigated by the SPL over their use of Employee Benefit Trusts between 2000 and 2011.


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Loving Mourinho's quote in the Sun today :

"There are some things that money can't buy - trophies and history," he told The Sun.

Maybe he should call Charlie (mind you he did say if they liquidated, everything would be wiped)

That would be Ranger's defence for the dual contracts investigation if they had the balls to defend themselves

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That would be Ranger's defence for the dual contracts investigation if they had the balls to defend themselves

D&P have already said they wont be defending Rangers, Charles Green backs up the facts put across by the Scotsman that Sevco have nothing to do with the dual contract investigation by saying the SPL have no jurisdiction over the titles which they awarded. Ally McCoist backs up the Scotsman article by saying that their legal counsel have advised them that "we (the new club) have effectively never been a member of the SPL"

How much more evidence do the Sevconians need to accept there is no continuation?

Edited by stonedsailor
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Traynor. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

A huge, dark cloud, bloated with swirling accusations, stupidity, and hatred, sits over the case of Rangers and their use of Employee Benefit Trusts. The story has been distorted, in some cases by misunderstanding, but in others by deliberate design.

we know that jim. :rolleyes:

Edited by beermonkey
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Usual baffling logic from Traynor!!

It doesn't matter if cheating might've went on, just leave it... 'cos the authorities should've detected it before now (the "few lines in the accounts" nonsense); it's not as important as creditors being shafted; and it'll accrue legal costs.

That's the defence. EBTs? Potential 2nd contracts? Nothing to see here. Move along.

He should send it to HMRC.

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