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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If you are referring to the Aberdeen merger it is a totally different kettle of fish

I am of course referring to the complete break of historical timelines. Something that apparently does not trouble Hibs fans, for example, except when making a c**t of themselves. Doesn't trouble the club either it seems - trophies won by Hibs V.1. are happily included in the club history.

At no time in the Rangers history have we just disappeared or dropped out of senior fitba. Something these poorly informed and two faced chancers would do well to remember before embarrassing themselves and flying their double standards high.

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So, on a personal level, years of verbal abuse and physical attacks are not going to endear me to this part of the population. Yes, physical attacks.

I guessed that pointing a finger at your hypocrisy would draw a lengthy, tedious and incessantly dull response. I expected to read why your hate is justifiable, particularly when it's directed at others you accuse of hate-speak.

I was absolutely right on both counts.


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I am of course referring to the complete break of historical timelines. Something that apparently does not trouble Hibs fans, for example, except when making a c**t of themselves. Doesn't trouble the club either it seems - trophies won by Hibs V.1. are happily included in the club history.

At no time in the Rangers history have we just disappeared or dropped out of senior fitba. Something these poorly informed and two faced chancers would do well to remember before embarrassing themselves and flying their double standards high.

Quite correct on rangers, Bendarroch. As we speak, the club is lying on the operating table, all the machines are being turned off, and they're awaiting the final curtain. Still theoretically alive, mind. Sooooo...... not a complete break of a historical timeline, is it?

So, who exactly is that playing in the third division and Ramsden's Cup?

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After Duff and Gray at Hibs you mean ;)

It's an interesting point, but I'm referring to V1 and V2 of Hibs.

V1 kicked off in 1875. V2 years later, after the club folded and disappeared from football. Not something Hibs fans have keen to comment on when trying to slag The Rangers laugh.gif

One of them was having a dig recently about this and when I asked if he supported Hibs V1 or V2 he declined to reply. smile.gif

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At no time in the Rangers history have we just disappeared or dropped out of senior fitba. Something these poorly informed and two faced chancers would do well to remember before embarrassing themselves and flying their double standards high.

What about the couple of weeks before the SFL voted Sevco into the third division what Senior League was Rangers in? It seems to me Sevco disappeared from senior football.

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Quite correct on rangers, Bendarroch

I often am. There's only one club I support. I'm going to quote a Rangers fan I heard on a radio show a while back 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

And whilst your interest in our company structure is a wonderment, the bottom line is we're going nowhere.

The best, collective efforts of the diddy clubs and plastics tried to kill us and, well, failed. smile.gif

'Roon ye.

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Good Morning, Bendarroch. I've go shitloads of self-awareness, thank you very much. You, not so much.

Found Tedi yet? If you or Bennett don't catch up with him soon, you're gonna be down a musketeer. I don't think Kincardine will fill the gap, as I reckon he's probably embarrassed with the three of you following his team. Or not, in Tedi's case.

If it isn't too compex for your poor wee brain, I'll try one more time.

I don't care what colour, creed, sex, race, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability is apart of someone's character. I've been on this planet nigh on five decades, and none of that stuff impacts on ME on a daily basis. Occasional altering of dinner menus for guests who have their reasons for not eating certain foods or dissuading the (very) occasional approach from (for me) inappropriate advances aside, it's actually quite easy to get along with just about anyone.

There are those in this world, however, who believe in one God or another (or none), who see it as their right to abuse those who do not share their worldview. This phenomenon can manifest itself in many ways at many levels. A percentage of those who follow what was rangers very much fall into this category - as do followers of the Christian Right in the USA, and various Islamist extremist groups. On a different level, to be sure, but the principle is the same.

All these "causes" attract simple, poorly educated followers by inspiring fear of "the other" and convincing the masses that their way of life is under threat. Try reading Nineteen Eighty Four for tips on controlling the masses - or watch the film, at least. Alternatively, have a look at the "war on terror" waged by Bush Jr. This, obviously, is the way Charlie Boy is constructing his business plan. Bigoted Scottish Football? ****** Agenda? Papal conspiracy? He's got you all sussed and will feed your paranoia as long as the money rolls in. If he thought there was more money to be made in a "clean" rangers, he'd have banned the flags and songs from ibrox by now. "Small minority" my arse.

Funny thing - amongst all the pointing and laughing, a lot of posters on here, myself included, have tried to help those rangers fans who have contributed on here. Links to information, analysis of what will/could happen, serious discussion about the issue. This was mostly, it has to be said, before the tribute act played their first gig - so you weren't here. In the last two months or so, the likes of yourself and Tedi have arrived to drag the level of debate down to simple abuse and whataboutery. Bennett is operating at the same level.

Many rangers fans are anti-Catholic, and immediately denigrate anyone born into that sect. Strangely, it's possible that some rangers fans would think more of me if I said I'd never been to school, rather than receiving thirteen years of education in one of "those" schools. So, on a personal level, years of verbal abuse and physical attacks are not going to endear me to this part of the population. Yes, physical attacks. For the simple reason that I wasn't one of them, so I must be one of "them". Strangely enough, none of these attacks came from a single bigot. It's almost as if the hatred grows exponentially as they draw together. Or, perhaps, they're simply cowards.

Sadly, only one greenie per post sir. Would give more....

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I guessed that pointing a finger at your hypocrisy would draw a lengthy, tedious and incessantly dull response. I expected to read why your hate is justifiable, particularly when it's directed at others you accuse of hate-speak.

I was absolutely right on both counts.


Don't go thinking your mob are outstanding in any way, wee man. I hate any group who would attack "the other" for no reason besides not being "one of us". Religious extremists of any stripe, racists, you name it. Why would that be hypocritical? For it to be so would mean for me to advocate violence and denigration towards your club for the simple act of being. That is not the case. I disapprove of the hypocrisy of your club (and their former business partner) in condemning the behaviour of "a minority" of their fans, while pandering to the bigot dollar at every opportunity.

I despise the "minority" who define their sad lives by attaching themselves to one side or the other (there's that phrase again) of a long-ago conflict in a foreign country. I despise them for their behaviour in the name of "religion" when the majority are too thick to realise that both sides claim to follow the same god - that's right, the same religion, one which preaches love and forgiveness, not hatred and conflict. All this from scum who wouldn't know a church if they woke up in one after their Benefit-day bender.

I feel justified in scorning and despising lowlifes who look down on me simply for being baptised a catholic (now long-lapsed, BTW), yet cannot debate the matter, nor even attack one on one - preferring to inflict violence when the odds are somewhat stacked.

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I often am. There's only one club I support. I'm going to quote a Rangers fan I heard on a radio show a while back 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

And whilst your interest in our company structure is a wonderment, the bottom line is we're going nowhere.

The best, collective efforts of the diddy clubs and plastics tried to kill us and, well, failed. smile.gif

'Roon ye.

And there we have the problem, ladies and gentlemen. Bendarroch, try talking to (i.e. conversing with - paying special attention to the "listening" bit) people who AREN'T rangers fans. You won't like what you hear a lot of the time, andd a lot of the stuff coming down the track may well seem a bit scary, but at least it won't come as a total shock.

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I feel justified in scorning and despising lowlifes who look down on me.

Perhaps I have made an error in my initial evaluation of your bitterness and hate. It's becoming clearer I hadn't even touched the sides of it given the grand scale you are so keen to reveal now.

It seems you think a personal justification for hate makes it somehow better than those who do not seek or offer a similar validation.

The result looks much the same to me - a hypocrisy of yours that attempted justification has not corrected.

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And there we have the problem, ladies and gentlemen. Bendarroch, try talking to (i.e. conversing with - paying special attention to the "listening" bit) people who AREN'T rangers fans. You won't like what you hear a lot of the time, andd a lot of the stuff coming down the track may well seem a bit scary, but at least it won't come as a total shock.

I talk to non Rangers fans all the time. The online, digital variant of the non Rangers are remarkably and notably odious in a way that those in real life are not.

There's no anonymity available face to face, you see. So, ordinarily, people tend not to reveal the depths of hate and unthinking bias so readily found online.

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I'm going to quote a Rangers fan I heard on a radio show a while back 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

And whilst your interest in our company structure is a wonderment, the bottom line is we're going nowhere. smile.gif

Yes, the bottom line is that you are going nowhere, i agree.

Heaven kicked you out

You wouldn't wear a tie

Staring at some pictures by yourself

At something that you want to have but will never get

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

You get drunk every night

You can't get drunk on life

Shouting at the world you'll never change

But it's what's inside you've got to rearrange

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Heaven kicked you out

Heaven kicked you out

Making up for what you never had

Losing every single thing you've ever had

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Edited by Junhinho Polyester
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Perhaps I have made an error in my initial evaluation of your bitterness and hate. It's becoming clearer I hadn't even touched the sides of it given the grand scale you are so keen to reveal now.

It seems you think a personal justification for hate makes it somehow better than those who do not seek or offer a similar validation.

The result looks much the same to me - a hypocrisy of yours that attempted justification has not corrected.

oh dear, dear, me - you're really not very good at this, are you?

One of the things which I've been accusing fans of rangers, then Sevco, of doing since the beginning of this thread is choosing which bits of information to believe and which to dismiss as it may not suit their worldview. "Cherry-picking" if you will.

Example: "EBTs are legal" - quite a lot of debate over this, the consensus being that, properly administered, they can be an effective tax-management device. But:

"The way rangers ran EBTs was not legal" - a simplistic statement, I'll agree, but the gist of it is that rangers abused the system. This is the opinion of HMRC, and their opinion mattered enough to have rangers liquidated.

Despite the events of the summer, rangers fans STILL cling to the idea that "EBTs are legal" - even once their club has died and the corpse has been looted by an asset-stripping shyster.

See what I mean?

Now, "cherry-picking" - I'll apologise if you're struggling with the complexities of the technology here, but every time you quote me, you don't quote my entire post. You've displayed a degree of low cunning in trying to mould my words to your agenda, but don't you think it's a bit insulting to other users to think that they won't have read the whole of the original post, and that having done so, they won't think you're a cock?

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Man, this thread has really turned to shit... Here's hoping the plug gets pulled soon so that we can get back to pointing and laughingdry.gif

Quite agree on the thread quality - once we get some movement on the various legal and footballing hearings, I'm sure it'll warm up again. Can't see us getting back to the heady days of deadlines, Cockwombles and Mr Custard, though. I mean, Charlie Boy's entertaining, but he's a wee bit obvious, if you know what I mean.

Still, in years to come, we can look back on the Summer of Sevco with a wee smile, I'm sure. smile.gif

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