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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I second this. The thread could do with a serious clean up, a deletion of all posts that contain nothing on topic would be good . It would be better if the culprits were man enough to go back through the thread and do it themselves though. unsure.gif I do understand that not all on here are real men right enough and it may be difficult for them to behave manly. ph34r.gif

We all realise you are embarrassed by the supporters who came to your club from Rangers but have some heart. These people are being displaced by the actions of those who were in control of their club. C'mon now, is Glasgow not known for being open and welcoming to displaced people seeking refuge?

Show these former Rangers fans that no matter what they used to sing about Sevco will be welcoming to them in their hour of need.

And before you ask, no thanks, we don't want any of their sort. It took a merger with our rivals to get rid of our shyte we could do without yours.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Don't get me wrong 'Sailor', I have chortled aplenty at the pathetic ramblings of the keyboard kindergarten crew (whilst being careful not to get drawn in to their idiocy and wind-up )....... however, you must agree, it does dilute the threads' value when you have to wade through so much of the pre-pubescent pish to try and find something of relevance and substance.

I am indeed a patient man Sailor, I do know there will be much to talk about very soon.... which is why I would like Div to weed out the posts that have feck all to do with the subject matter.

It's all about quality wink.gif

I've no problem with it either way but as you are so keen though I vote that Div gives you the power and you can spend the next few weeks editing the thread from post number 1. :P :P

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The word going around Glasgow south side is that Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park are soon going to house cricket clubs. wink.gif

Ah, but will they be a continuation of Rangers or will they be cricket clubs in their own right?

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Which Andy Goram?

One each for the Ibrox county cricket club and for the Murray county cricket club. You are losing track of things faster than Tedi in a post greater than two sentences. ;)

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Lighten up man, this is the lull before the storm. Go through the thread we have been through many. Nothing of any real note happening means the Sevconians find their voices and we can chortle at their lack of comprehension. Everyone gains.

Quite agree - the odd Sevconian just serves to keep us chortling through the quiet times. Things will warm up again pretty soon, and we can get back to the real meat of the saga. In the meantime, the likes of the Three Amigos, Kincardine and the new meds-free No.8 are to be for commended for keeping up their traditional denial, deflection, whataboutery and general abuse. Skin like rhinos, the lot of them. Brains like sheep, mind.....

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I've no problem with it either way but as you are so keen though I vote that Div gives you the power and you can spend the next few weeks editing the thread from post number 1. :P :P


Errrrrrr, Uhmmmmm, Errrrrr.... Ummmmmmm....... Aw C'moooonnnnnnnnn !!!!


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If CW was declared (bankrupt) then what happens to his floating charge at MP and Ibrox?

Any, and all, assets go to the pot for creditors. That would include a 'floating charge' which is technically an owed debt with no stated time limit of payment. As such that assets' realisable value is only deliverable on the final sale or settlement of said asset. This could be £1 or millions. The floating charge may or may not be subject to the Bankruptcy proceedings depending on where it is registered to of course blink.gif.

Mr Shyte has previous on this sort of behaviour remember...wink.gif

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Any, and all, assets go to the pot for creditors. That would include a 'floating charge' which is technically an owed debt with no stated time limit of payment. As such that assets' realisable value is only deliverable on the final sale or settlement of said asset. This could be £1 or millions. The floating charge may or may not be subject to the Bankruptcy proceedings depending on where it is registered to of course blink.gif.

Mr Shyte has previous on this sort of behaviour remember...wink.gif

Aha i see, so that means when the BDO arrives at Ibrokes can they challenge the sale from CG over a loan of £5.5M, and pay back to the creditors. IE: selling the stadium and car park, MP?

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Aha i see, so that means when the BDO arrives at Ibrokes can they challenge the sale from CG over a loan of £5.5M, and pay back to the creditors. IE: selling the stadium and car park, MP?

Unlikely. This sale was constituted under Administration and, like it or not, D&P were entitled to conduct that business under their terms of reference. How Chuckie sourced the finances of that deal are of no concern to the Administrators - beyond the provable legitimacy of the funds.

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Harper McLeods name cropping again, those bhoys fair get around.

So they've been acting on behalf of the SPL against Rangers oldco/Whyte while at the same time representing Whyte, y'all couldn't make it up :o

Nothing to see here, move along now.

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