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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think across Scottish football, every club has a minority of people, you can't stand.

The problem with rangers fans is that with them it's the majority.

I have experienced rangers and Celtic fans winning the SPL. I worked in tesco metro on argyle street and had a couple of Celtic supporting mates. Celtic ad won the league that day under Jansen I think. And I went for a walk with them along to the barras at half 5. The atmosphere was great with the pubs filling out onto the streets, but when traffic went past every Celtic fan, to a man moved onto the pavement to let them through.

One rangers fan braved the top deck of a 62 and the Celtic fans clapped him, no hate no abuse. I was introduced to a lot of them as a thistle fan and they all asked me about how we were getting on. I didn't need to buy a pint for the couple of hours I was on the area. Guys I'd never met saying, no way, you've come down wi yer mates and your not even a Celtic fan, don't dare get your wallet out.

Quite a difference from the year before! I lived in lendel place in cessnock when rangers won 9 in a row. My dad had to drop me off at Harry ramsdens and I had to walk down paisley road west. Rangers fans ontop of bus shelters, jumping ontop of white vans, jumping on their roofs. Actually sitting in front of buses to stop them getting past with folk getting abused, on the bus. Beer bottles getting deliberately smashed on the road. It really was intimidating and built on an us and them mentality.

I think as a rangers fan you are taught to have some sort of arrogance, even when both support travel to firhill the atmosphere around the ground is night and day. Rangers fans came with this shoulders back, get out my way, we're the people attitude. A lot of Celtic fans just come across as football fans who are lucky to have seen success with their team.

Celtic fans hope for success, rangers fans expect it.

That's how they come across to me, anyway.

Is this true Dave, sounds fabulous.;):D

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No back up .. amateurs and he wants it done in 4hrs on a budget of 2hrs. Another failed business I see ... :lol::lol::lol:

Shame ..

Very unlike an Orc business really...... More like us Diddies who would ask for as much help as possible for as little cost as possible......... I would have expected him to offer twenty times the going rate with an offer of a wee side letter covering that wee bonus for a quick fix.... ;)


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I'm perfectly happy being described as a diddy clubber. Us diddy clubbers now use the term on ourselves with a bit of humour.

Need to do better Sevconian Nation.

Mon' the diddies.

Honest diddy club v cheating , lying mega club wannabees (oldco)

Sevco using the identity and history of another club , while languishing in the bottom tier and not exactly ripping the pish out of the part timers.

Sevco the new Uber Diddy Club not even a a full member of the league they play in

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My money is on that option playing out ... :lol:

That is the most accurate piece written on this affair so far. That includes the translation errors and it puts every Scottish journo to shame. I guess that's the Spanish market fcuked for the share issue?

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I think across Scottish football, every club has a minority of people, you can't stand.

The problem with rangers fans is that with them it's the majority.

I have experienced rangers and Celtic fans winning the SPL. I worked in tesco metro on argyle street and had a couple of Celtic supporting mates. Celtic ad won the league that day under Jansen I think. And I went for a walk with them along to the barras at half 5. The atmosphere was great with the pubs filling out onto the streets, but when traffic went past every Celtic fan, to a man moved onto the pavement to let them through.

One rangers fan braved the top deck of a 62 and the Celtic fans clapped him, no hate no abuse. I was introduced to a lot of them as a thistle fan and they all asked me about how we were getting on. I didn't need to buy a pint for the couple of hours I was on the area. Guys I'd never met saying, no way, you've come down wi yer mates and your not even a Celtic fan, don't dare get your wallet out.

Quite a difference from the year before! I lived in lendel place in cessnock when rangers won 9 in a row. My dad had to drop me off at Harry ramsdens and I had to walk down paisley road west. Rangers fans ontop of bus shelters, jumping ontop of white vans, jumping on their roofs. Actually sitting in front of buses to stop them getting past with folk getting abused, on the bus. Beer bottles getting deliberately smashed on the road. It really was intimidating and built on an us and them mentality.

I think as a rangers fan you are taught to have some sort of arrogance, even when both support travel to firhill the atmosphere around the ground is night and day. Rangers fans came with this shoulders back, get out my way, we're the people attitude. A lot of Celtic fans just come across as football fans who are lucky to have seen success with their team.

Celtic fans hope for success, rangers fans expect it.

That's how they come across to me, anyway.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: How to out yourself in one easy step for the dim witted.

I't's been a while since i've laughed as much as this, have a few more :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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It does reinforce their belief that they are a global brand though ....

Unfortunately for them that brand is a laughing stocking :lol::lol::lol:

Young Dhenseboy preparing for another days socking it to the Rangers fans.


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Evening, Liar. Tonight's homework is to trot off and find anywhere where I claimed to only post about Killie on one forum, under one ID, and that the same one as I use here. Killiefc.com, like P&B, is not the only fruit. I explained this to you, but you were probably too busy thinking of your next moral crusade to bother reading. Why is it you never get offended about Loyalist extremism and racism towards the Irish in Scotland? You even had a fellow Killie fan swallowing your slander, until he and I had a quick chat, and he realised you for the poisonous fantasist you are.

That post up top of the page by PozBaird - I could have written that word for word, so closely does it parallel my own feelings and experience. Well said, Sir - just let's not go grey and old waiting for these idiots to see the light, eh?

1 post on the Killie forum, googles a wonderful tool Norman, 1 post about your team in how many months again? No one believes that you're a Killie fan anymore, sad to see you're now reduced to whataboutery in an inane attempt to divert attention away from your agenda.

When did you stop posting KTID at the bottom of every post? Are you waiting for an opportune moment to change it to hail hail?

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1 post on the Killie forum, googles a wonderful tool Norman, 1 post about your team in how many months again? No one believes that you're a Killie fan anymore, sad to see you're now reduced to whataboutery in an inane attempt to divert attention away from your agenda.

When did you stop posting KTID at the bottom of every post? Are you waiting for an opportune moment to change it to hail hail?

I dare say Celtic are everyone's "Big team" since the demise of your lot ! wink.giftongue.gif

Just to be crystal clear.................that was a joke !

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A certain Kilmarnock 'fan' on here recently used a similar line in that he only posted about Killie on a certain Killie forum(1) and not on here. After a quick google this was found not to be the case, as our killie supporting friend had only made one post on the Kilmarnock forum.

Who has been duped over Charles Green? Perhaps you would be good enough to show what i've been duped with and provide quotes from both myself on here and quotes from Charles Green which will verify your claim.

Still not sure how to take you, a concerned Morton fan wishing to debate on the biggest issue to hit scottish football in years or just another Celtic fan playing the "see even the diddies hates you lot" card. Which does affect how i deal with your posts.

Evening, Liar. Tonight's homework is to trot off and find anywhere where I claimed to only post about Killie on one forum, under one ID, and that the same one as I use here(2). Killiefc.com, like P&B, is not the only fruit. I explained this to you, but you were probably too busy thinking of your next moral crusade to bother reading. Why is it you never get offended about Loyalist extremism and racism towards the Irish in Scotland? You even had a fellow Killie fan swallowing your slander, until he and I had a quick chat, and he realised you for the poisonous fantasist you are.

That post up top of the page by PozBaird - I could have written that word for word, so closely does it parallel my own feelings and experience. Well said, Sir - just let's not go grey and old waiting for these idiots to see the light, eh?

1 post on the Killie forum, googles a wonderful tool Norman, 1 post about your team in how many months again?(3) No one believes that you're a Killie fan anymore, sad to see you're now reduced to whataboutery(4) in an inane attempt to divert attention away from your agenda.

When did you stop posting KTID at the bottom of every post? (5) Are you waiting for an opportune moment to change it to hail hail?

1. No I didn't. Lie.

2. Handing in your homework late is not impressive, Bennett. Especially as you had the obvious "B.b.but he's using multiple IDs" excuse which you continually pull out on here to explain that the vast majority of posters think your mob are scum - 'cos they're all aliases in your head, aren't they?1eye.gif Yet, when someone dos use multiple IDs, you refuse to accept the possibility. Round facts, square agenda, hmm?

3. Really grasping here, Liar. I explained all this to you, and others, on here. If I want to comment on this scandal, where better to do it? And what concern is it of yours what I do with the rest of my time? As I pointed out to another poster (Kincardine, I think), the only possible measure, unreliable as it is (ask Tediwink.gif) is the reputation given by fellow posters. I'm happy that the majority of posters on here respect me and my views.

4. ? Seriously, ?.

5. As I stated at the time, I stopped posting the KTID signature when it was unclear which way our chairman was going to act over rangers' situation, and I could not have supported a club which condoned criminality on this scale. I was ready to turn my back on Scottish football as a whole, and am still angry at the way your lot have been accorded special treatment.

Fortunately, Charlie Boy is well on track to finishing the job that Scottish football didn't have the stones for.biggrin.gif

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I dare say Celtic are everyone's "Big team" since the demise of your lot ! wink.giftongue.gif

Just to be crystal clear.................that was a joke !

And taken as such - see above for my explanation....

see my posting history for my feelings on the Green Sisters....

See Bennett for fantasies, lies and playground-level abuse.

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