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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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1351181399[/url]' post='6745662']

I'd like to know what Rangers did to him prior to him taking over, as he seems hell bent on taking them out of the game totally!

Promised him a fat pay off down the line , now are trying to stiff him except Craig's boy has a few aces up his sleeves.

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To June...

But nonetheless very positive figures up until June. Since which time they have (in their own words) seen "a significant increase in season ticket sales", and the average so far this season is up on last season's overall average; reduced their debt an additional £225k in July; and "made progress in significantly reducing its overall wage costs and this will be reflected in the next financial statements". Cutting debt from £5.5M to £3.9M will also save money.

They've also been able to remove the 'note of going concern' that was needed in previous accounts, on top of which their chairman has said regarding Rangers demise:

"It has not had a huge effect on us I must be honest," he told BBC Scotland. "It's certainly not had the Armageddon scenario that was predicted. In fact we had a game here on Saturday versus Aberdeen, I thought it was a great atmosphere, open football, a great game and a great advert for Scottish football. "Things move on in the world.

In short, things certainly appear healthy, without any sound of fear about struggling to keep going.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I'm happy for you to prove me wrong but my recollection of this thread is that Kincardine and Bearwithme had a few decent things to say and the two No8's posted semi-regularly between medication but I always thought yourself and those two roasters Tedi and Bendaroch started your regular posting in here round about the start of the season. I certainly don't remember Rangers fans being suspicious of D and P and getting shot down or red dotted for this. Just my hazy recollection like and not particularly important anyhoo.

Now, that's my recollection as well - with the addition of Knightswood Bear. They were lapping up everything that came out of ibrox, and treated every chancer with a suit like the Chosen One. Laughing their little cocks off at the hardships and elimination our wee clubs were facing. All because we had "victimised" their poor wee "institution". Well hell mend them.

Bennett won't be able to prove you wrong. I'm not even going to accuse him of lying this time - he's just making this statement in the hope that no-one can be arsed in checking the entire thread. A bit like his "I never said I was leaving P&B"......laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

It's one of the strongest Stereotype Reinforcers on here that Tedi and Bendarroch were nowhere to be seen before Charlie's Travelling Players got a licence to play, and since then they've been two of the most idiotic posters on this thread. I doubt we'll be seeing much of them after Christmas.

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Now, that's my recollection as well - with the addition of Knightswood Bear. They were lapping up everything that came out of ibrox, and treated every chancer with a suit like the Chosen One. Laughing their little cocks off at the hardships and elimination our wee clubs were facing. All because we had "victimised" their poor wee "institution". Well hell mend them.

Bennett won't be able to prove you wrong. I'm not even going to accuse him of lying this time - he's just making this statement in the hope that no-one can be arsed in checking the entire thread. A bit like his "I never said I was leaving P&B"......laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

It's one of the strongest Stereotype Reinforcers on here that Tedi and Bendarroch were nowhere to be seen before Charlie's Travelling Players got a licence to play, and since then they've been two of the most idiotic posters on this thread. I doubt we'll be seeing much of them after Christmas.

Who? B & T or Charlie's Travelling Players? Or all of them? ohmy.gif

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In terms of utd figures we also turned down a joint bid of 1.5 mill for gms and Russell in the summer. If we were in financial trouble we would have taken the money and ran. Instead we branded it an insult.

Not out the woods yet but as the MSM had us with a debt of 10 mill (peaked at under 7 mill a few years ago) in the 'summer of armaggedon' we are doing ok and certainly are beyond reproach from fans of a zombie institution like sevco.

Edited by Dublinarab
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In terms of utd figures we also turned down a joint bid of 1.5 mill for gms and Russell in the summer. If we were in financial trouble we would have taken the money and ran. Instead we branded it an insult.

Not out the woods yet but as the MSM had us with a debt of 10 mill (peaked at under 7 mill a few years ago) in the 'summer of armaggedon' we are doing ok and certainly are beyond reproach from fans of a zombie institution like sevco.

Let's face it - the Sevconian idea of being "fucked" is a wee bit different from everybody else's. As I've stated before, I've followed Killie up and down the leagues for years - full-time, part-time, piss-poor to acceptable. Most other fans have had similar experiences. Even in Traynor and the MSM's worst-case scenario, most clubs would have survived in some form.

There's only one (or two, Dhenwink.gif) club that's been fucked this year, and they're getting fucked again. And it's delicious. Over four decades (for me) of triumphalist bigoted shite - this year has been the most succulent Karma any of us could have wished for - apart from them being completely wiped out. And that remains a possibility, as Agent Whyte covers his arse and lists the bodies he can deliver.

Pleasing is, I believe, the word.

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So beacuase your old club died and went down the drain and your new club is now also fucked beyond belief, you want the same to happen to everyone else ?

Typical orc mindset :bairn

Typical diddy clubber mindset - they can dish it out but how dare we respond in kind.

Good luck with that.


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Typical diddy clubber mindset - they can dish it out but how dare we respond in kind.

Good luck with that.


Difference is, my thick little Orclet, there's only one club/company/consortium/institution that has been shown to be a set of lying, cheating, thieving, bigoted scum. Who, by the way, have been "punished" by being shoehorned straight into Senior Football, in defiance of all fairness and existing rules.

Can you tell me why you would want any other team to be driven out of existence? Because I can give you plenty of reasons why there should NEVER be any kind of a facsimile of rangers anywhere near our game again.

Stereotypical bitter, twisted, uninformed, unintelligent, arrogant scum. Christ knows where you and the rest will direct your anger when this is all over.

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we could absorb losses if required whilst restructuring ....

I doubt that can be said of many SPL clubs ...

Telling. laugh.gif

After months on end of tales of how everything in the garden is rosy, all it takes is a flippant comment from a diddy clubber for the plastics mask to slip.

As ever, the truth will out.

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Genuine question - why did you use the word might?

Bhairnforever and Dhensebhore never qualify their rocketry as a comparison.

Genuine question

Did you lift a finger to help stop Rangers from going under, If not why not?

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Telling. laugh.gif

After months on end of tales of how everything in the garden is rosy, all it takes is a flippant comment from a diddy clubber for the plastics mask to slip.

As ever, the truth will out.

I think you'd be better off worrying about the truths starting to emerge at your own mob. Your biggest worry:

Orcs: "Aye, bu'-bu' but lokk at THAME! Look whit they're daein'!"

HMRC/BDO: "Why would we give a f**k? So, rangers then, now and forever is it?"

whistling.gif"Happy days are here again,

the execution's near again,

And the decent folks will cheer again,

Happy days are here again"whistling.gif

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