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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You were pretty clear in your post, you asked Mason if he had paid back the creditors yet.

Maybe you should just answer the mans question and stop the whataboutery plsh.


Bring up McConville's professional issues - arising from something completely unrelated to sport,

bang on about them endlessly on a football forum,

totally ignore the millions that rangers have avoided paying,

accuse others of whataboutery.


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Curious. You seem to be more than happy to be creating a poppy issue to dodge the perfectly valid points I was addressing. Diddy clubbers and plastics want to insult, lie and debase in any way they see fit and want no response other than what they deem acceptable.

The Killie liar being the most notable example of late.

Take your fake outrage and ram it. smile.gif

Have a wee look back over the last couple of days. Who raised the poppy issue*? Who started throwing the old "terrorist sympathisers" line around? Who raised child abuse?

Aaaanddd, question 2. What have ANY of the above to do with rangers' criminal activities and the consequences of same?

* And made a complete c**t of himself to boot.laugh.gif

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Just been looking at the stuff from the start of admin here. And have. Noticed loads of rangers fans at the start but look at it now and it's only the same 4 or 5. Was there a mass suicide pact that the 4 or 5 missed or have all the true blue rangers fans walked away from this site

The truth of the scale of rangers' wrongdoings became obvious to most people pretty early on. Most sensible rangers fans realise there's no point on trying to defend the indefensible, and have moved on from denial and anger to acceptance that the situation is now in the hands of a few dodgy money-men. As there is not much they can do to influence the future, they are just waiting to see how things pan out. Others, the more easily duped, believe that the worst is over, and the Tribute Act can start their inevitable climb "back" to the top of Scottish Football.

Many rangers fans feel that, now there is a team playing at ibrox, the shitstorm is over. These are the "special" ones we are all waiting to see crumble when things warm up again. This would be in real life, by the way, as I don't think we'll be seeing them on here.

As for the 4 or 5 still posting on here - outside of Kincardine, No.8,and occasionally bearwithme, the pickings are pretty slim. Insults, abuse, whataboutery, zero self-awareness or humour and a blanket refusal to discuss their club's situation without deflection. These are the people? Yes, they are, and more and more it appears Craigie, Charlie, D&P, (S)DM and the rest have chosen extremely well.

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Validity now? As valid as, let see now, wild fantasy tales of savage beatings because of your religion.

Have a look at the thread title you two-faced fuckwit.

And thanks for that - a perfect example of the blatant hypocrisy I mentioned.

Yer heads so far up the arses of the plastics you've lost sight of the sole of your shoes. And they were referring to you only yesterday as the 'Ayrshire ****'.


Two-faced? Explain that one, then. I have never made any secret of my loathing for rangers, and my disgust at the whole green/blue bigotry which shames our country.

"Savage beatings" - Oh, you wouldn't be trying to put words in someone's mouth, would you? Again, I have, on more than one occasion, suffered physical assaults by followers of your "institution", based purely on sectarianism. I mentioned this (among many other reasons) initially as a riposte to one of your mob questioning why I hated rangers and all they represent. I do not believe I am unique in my experience.

I repeat - I despise both of the Business Partners. Until recently, your lot were slightly ahead in on the scumometer, but since the scale of rangers' criminality became clear, along with the entire organisation, from boardroom to "fans" blaming everybody else for their comeuppance, nothing would make me happier than to see the whole fucking lot wiped off the face of the earth.

Clear enough?

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Have a wee look back over the last couple of days. Who raised the poppy issue*? Who started throwing the old "terrorist sympathisers" line around? Who raised child abuse?

Aaaanddd, question 2. What have ANY of the above to do with rangers' criminal activities and the consequences of same?

* And made a complete c**t of himself to boot.laugh.gif

The first person to mention poppygate on this thread was a Kilmarnock fan. Yes indeed. laugh.gif

It has as much to do with this thread as fantasy beatings at the hands of savages. You think the double standards are fine - the Killie liar can rattle on about anything he desires no matter how far off topic.

You are - without question - a bitter, bitter hypocrite.

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See Sally is issueing his threats again!



The Ibrox boss said: “If there has been wrongdoing then every one of the individuals should be made accountable.”

Maybe Ally should be careful on that one - "shadow directors" and all that. He has been paying attention, hasn't he?

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I mentioned this (among many other reasons) initially as a riposte to one of your mob questioning why I hated rangers and all they represent.

Well, that's ok then. You should have said.

I only mentioned poppygate as a riposte to one of the plastics peddling ill-informed hate about the Rangers support.

I feel much better now you have clarified when it's cool to wander off topic.


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Bring up McConville's professional issues - arising from something completely unrelated to sport,

bang on about them endlessly on a football forum,

And so, so different from you fantasising about sectarian beatings again and again and again.

Two faced diddies - wtf are they like?


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Conversely, the plastics have no objections to support for the IRA. The annual poppygate scandal about revisit your dear, dark place. Crazed supporters panning people windows in. I could go on.


As I've said endlessly - we'll be taking no morality lessons from the sporting wing.

The first person to mention poppygate on this thread was a Kilmarnock fan. Yes indeed. laugh.gif

It has as much to do with this thread as fantasy beatings at the hands of savages. You think the double standards are fine - the Killie liar can rattle on about anything he desires no matter how far off topic.

You are - without question - a bitter, bitter hypocrite.

Bitter? Maybe? Hypocrite? I like to think not.

You, on the other hand, are just a stupid, bigoted fuckwit unwilling to acknowledge the truth about your "institution" and your own narrow-minded views. You can't even remember what you posted yesterday, FFS.

Back on topic - did those creditors get paid yet, d'ye know? Any sign of the prospectuses? Should the SPL follow the UCI's example?

Answer them one at a time - no rush.

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The first person to mention poppygate on this thread was a Kilmarnock fan. Yes indeed. laugh.gif

It has as much to do with this thread as fantasy beatings at the hands of savages. You think the double standards are fine - the Killie liar can rattle on about anything he desires no matter how far off topic.

You are - without question - a bitter, bitter hypocrite.

Well, that's ok then. You should have said.

I only mentioned poppygate as a riposte to one of the plastics peddling ill-informed hate about the Rangers support.

I feel much better now you have clarified when it's cool to wander off topic.


It was a Killie fan!

Eh, no it wasn't - it was you.

Aye, mibbes, but ah only sed it coz wan o' thame wiz huvvin' a go at the gers!

So, you're a liar and a bigot. Thanks for clearing that up.laugh.gif

Oh, and by the way, you want to get that selective quoting issue cleared up - it might make people think you're cherry-picking parts of posts to suit your own agenda. *

*Doesn't work, BTW - not everybody on here is thick enough to fall for that one. You, maybe.wink.gif

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Bitter? Maybe? Hypocrite? I like to think not.

You asked who raised the poppygate issue - I told you it was a Killie fan. One of your own.

Immediately you are done with the subject because the outcome no longer suits despite getting an honest and accurate answer.

Hypocrite? Exactly what you are.

Whalloper laugh.gif

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Well, that's ok then. You should have said.

I only mentioned poppygate as a riposte to one of the plastics peddling ill-informed hate about the Rangers support.

I feel much better now you have clarified when it's cool to wander off topic.


That was me saying. Or, to put it another way, clearing up a misunderstanding you may have got from either

a) Unquestioningly repeating a post from a fellow Sevconian, or

b) Having the comprehension skills of a particularly thick Orc.

I've always found it polite to ask if something's actually true before making wild accusations. Also to take things at face value until proven otherwise, rather than accuse people of lying without proof. Proof like the "poppygate" shite you just made a twat of yourself over for the second time in less than a day, for instance. And then tried to blame on "THEM"laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Things are, apparently, different in Orc-Land.

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It was a Killie fan!

Eh, no it wasn't - it was you.

No, it was a Killie fan. Fact.

He said this: "The point is that Lawwell is a slimy hypocritical liar. People will continue to bring up "Poppygate" as an example of his scumbaggery."

I'm guilty of plagiarism. You're a two-faced liar.


PS: I didn't see you rattling into your fellow Killie fan for daring to stray from the thread title. I can't begin to imagine why...


Edited by Bendarroch
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ALLY McCOIST: “If there has been wrongdoing then every one of the individuals should be made accountable.”

Glad to see he is demanding accountability.

I assume he will now be coughing up the tax and national insurance payments he avoided the first time round by being paid via an EBT.

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You asked who raised the poppygate issue - I told you it was a Killie fan. One of your own.

Immediately you are done with the subject because the outcome no longer suits despite getting an honest and accurate answer.

Hypocrite? Exactly what you are.

Whalloper laugh.gif

Which Killie fan? Is this your way of saying Killie are your Big Team? Because, seriously, we do NOT want you. mad.gif

Done with it? Oh, hell, no.

First mention of "poppygate" by anyone yesterday - Bendarroch at 15.32hrs.

Last posts by a Killie fan - me, between 7 and 8 or so yesterday morning. Mentions of poppies - nil.

So, maybe you mean the first EVER mention of "poppygate"? Well, little fella, I am not going through the whole thread (although I have been through the whole thread once, unlike somewink.gif), but I'll give you long odds against it being a Killie fan who raised the subject. What with us being football fans, and this being a football forum, and this thread being about the OTHER Business Partner (RIP) and all..

Time to stop digging and step away from the shovel. Liar, bigot and stupid. Your family must be SO proud.laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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No, it was a Killie fan. Fact.

He said this: "The point is that Lawwell is a slimy hypocritical liar. People will continue to bring up "Poppygate" as an example of his scumbaggery."

I'm guilty of plagiarism. You're a two-faced liar.


PS: I didn't see you rattling into your fellow Killie fan for daring to stray from the thread title. I can't begin to imagine why...


I repeat - which Killie fan? If you know what he said, you've obviously got it from his post. So quote it.

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Bring up McConville's professional issues - arising from something completely unrelated to sport,

bang on about them endlessly on a football forum,

totally ignore the millions that rangers have avoided paying,

accuse others of whataboutery.


You've got that the wrong way around Norman, again.

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