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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Has the Scottish football monitor website posted or blogged anything about the Hearts situation yet? Afterall they set the website up for the good of Scottish football and not just to knock Rangers, i'm sure they'll get to the bottom of this Hearts business in no time.

Poor Bennet is feeling picked on.

There is a Hearts thread in the SPL forum, why not ask there? Are you just dragging this thread O/T for deflection purposes?

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The transparency things been done to death, i see nothing wrong with asking for it, Did you have a problem with Celtic demanding transparency the previous season or that Ch4 guy naming the members of tax tribunal? (1)

And a years transfer ban Norman for failure to pay Paye. A points deduction for administration. What did you want, Rangers players to be hung, drawn and quartered? (2)

You admit he's done a decent job and continues to do so yet you have a problem with him. He done exactly what Kilmarnock fans demanded of him by not voting in favour of Rangers staying in the SPL, again whats your problem? (3)

As for a connection between Rangers and Kilmarnock, any talk of Ayrshire h*ns is a nonsense spread by the green and greys and not something a Kilmarnock man would say.(4)

1. It was, as you know, not the same thing at all. It was a craven rabble-rousing episode, asking for information the club already had in order to stir up the hordes. The other two instances were regrettable, yes, and served no real purpose, but Ally's rant was despicable. Again, context is all. This was one of the first shotsa in the "Us against the World" campaign.

2. Transfer ban - overturned, remember? Points deduction - not a punishment. We've been over this ground so many times. What do I want? I want rangers dead, of course. We know that. The other Sisters too, but one thing at a time, eh?

3. He didn't do what we wanted - he did not vote against admission.

4. Yet you feel free to throw snide jibes at me(and others) concerning my "big team"? It comes from both Uglies, Bennett. If we're not one of those, we're one of them. Sorry to disappoint, but life isn't that simple - unlike the average Sisters fan.

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...i'm guessing he wants us punished further...

Your corrupt tax/creditor dodging cheating club have not been punished yet. And that is a fact. But you can be guaranteed that should The Green Consortium continue to push their 'Rangers continuation agenda', many events that mentally retarded deluded fans such as you may consider to be punishments to the new club for past deeds/actions of the old club are still to come. smile.gif

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There should be no further punishments, there should have been no punishments at all. Sevco should not be held accountable for anything Rangers have done.

If they do accept further punishments then it is the choice of those running Sevco, that has always been the case. Green should stop putting Sevconians through all of this instead of trying to use former Rangers fans' money to create the illusion of continuance.

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Such skewed logic could only ever be the product of a tiny mind. Step forward the board WKR (© Dhensebhore).



If you want the footballing history why not accept the financial history? Both are inextricably linked. Not one right minded person would argue against continuation if Rangers lived up to their obligations, and not just football related obligations.

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Looks like they have no faith in Chucky going with the fan ownership video


"Do you want our club to live up to the best shared values and traditions" That'll be thepolicy back then

"Only those with an appreciation of our history" Onlyprodestants need apply

Chuckys gonna take you's to the cleaners :lol:

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Such skewed logic could only ever be the product of a tiny mind. Step forward the board WKR (© Dhensebhore).


So even as an ardent Rangers fan you think it would be perfectly acceptable for you and your fellow supporters to claim continuity but the various authorities can't???

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Looks like they have no faith in Chucky going with the fan ownership video


"Do you want our club to live up to the best shared values and traditions" That'll be the policy back then.

"Only those with an appreciation of our history" Only protestants need apply.

Chuckys gonna take you's to the cleaners :lol:

What is that shitty music playing along with the text?! wink.gif

Yes indeed, Chucky and friends are gonna rip them to shreds, but he will be gone by the time the deluded people see the chib marks on their accounts.

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What is that shitty music playing along with the text?! wink.gif

Yes indeed, Chucky and friends are gonna rip them to shreds, but he will be gone by the time the deluded people see the chib marks on their accounts.

Just watched it and the orcs just don't get it that their club failed a C.V.A and is bound to die. Which will be Tuesday 11 or the 12 of December this year is when the BDO has made an conclusion of why the company/club failed and gun down previous owners of the club. Now they can sell the assets from CG and that's all folks! wink.gif

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Just watched it and the orcs just don't get it that their club failed a C.V.A and is bound to die. Which will be Tuesday 11 or the 12 of December this year is when the BDO has made an conclusion of why the company/club failed and gun down previous owners of the club. Now they can sell the assets from CG and that's all folks! wink.gif

Fortunately we have this very impressive resource today called the web, internet, etc which permits us to record everything that shysters have been saying and doing for a very long time now. Reminding people of the most recent lies that their false messiahs, idols, peers, etc, have spoken is fun. Had this super resource that records all of the lies and inconsistencies spouted by the shysters of this world been around for millenniums rather than just a couple of decades what a wonderful world this would be today. smile.gif

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