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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Diddy clubber (1a)in yet another let's not talk about a plastic's(1b) hate shocker. Should we assume(2) you're an apologist for his idea's?


1. Rapier wit yet again.

2. No you shouldn't, but yes, you probably will.

What are his ideas, Bendarroch? Because the argument on the other thread did not include a denial of the Holocaust on that thread, ye know - unless you know better, of course.

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Yesterday i posted about the Scottish Football monitors lack of interest in the Hearts crisis, as you'd think they'd have something to say about this, wouldn't you? I've just checked and they still haven't mentioned the troubles at the SPL's 2nd biggest club.

I also wonder when they'll start the Hearts Tasxcase Website...

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You would think that as a club we would put out a more professional article and indeed would have it proof read,wouldn't you. Tell me,just for the record,are both of you often taken in by a parody of something or is it because it's Rangers related that you both jumped right in and took it as genuine. Oh FFS.

Maybe they're still using the company that ensured Mr. Custard's PayPal account saw an unexpected boost.....

I miss Mr. Custard. Those were happy days.

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Clubs win trophies, they stay with the club, fans support clubs not companies, however we realise that in order to make the club successful the company needs our money

So since the company deals with the financial side any money due to the club for prize money is won by the club but goes to the company

As long as the club exists then the trophies and history belong to it, not the company

At what point is the "club" and the "company" seperate. If i wanted to buy the "club" how would i go about that without having to get involved or buy the "company"

Did Craig Whyte and David Murray ever own the "club" or did they only own the "company"

Why didn't Airdrieonians or Gretna simple keep the "club" and leave the "company"?

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He's a nasty piece of work all right and has been previously warned about anti semitic posts. What's stunned me is the guys (who are supposedly against bigotry) who are refusing to condemn the Jakey over this and are attacking anyone who has criticised the Jakey.

Well, Bennett, let's have a look at this. Holocaust denial is a) stupid and b)offensive in the extreme. When I see evidence of it, I'll address it. There was no evidence of antisemitism on the link which you gleefully posted last night. In actual fact, the poster you're attacking posted that his views on the subject were personal, and refused to be drawn into debate. What he referred to was "what you're taught about the holocaust"(my paraphrase). Quite a different thing.

For instance, while we all know what the Nazis perpetrated, there has been a repeated denial over the years about the less than concerted efforts of the Allies to destroy the likes of Auschwitz, coupled with a reluctance of resistance fighters (especially in Poland) to explain why higher priority was not given to disrupting the extermination.

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Maybe they're still using the company that ensured Mr. Custard's PayPal account saw an unexpected boost.....

I miss Mr. Custard. Those were happy days.

It's too obvious though that both of those posters saw that parody,thought it was genuine and jumped right in to try and use the big stick against the club just because it's Rangers,got their eyes' wiped though,methinks. Egg and face comes to mind.

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Yesterday i posted about the Scottish Football monitors lack of interest in the Hearts crisis, as you'd think they'd have something to say about this, wouldn't you? I've just checked and they still haven't mentioned the troubles at the SPL's 2nd biggest club.

I also wonder when they'll start the Hearts Tasxcase Website...

Wouldn't you be better posting on one of the threads relevant to the Hearts situation? Just a thought, like, seeing how keen you are for this thread to remain on topic......

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Dunno what the big fuss is about club/company any way. All you're keeping is a sectarian signing policy that lasted most of your history and a desire to get one over on everyone else which ultimately killed you.

Or is it this 'most successful club in the world' fantasy you want to keep?

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It's too obvious though that both of those posters saw that parody,thought it was genuine and jumped right in to try and use the big stick against the club just because it's Rangers,got their eyes' wiped though,methinks. Egg and face comes to mind.

Youngsy, are you trying to tell me you can tell the difference between fact and fiction in this whole saga? 'Cos I'm fucked if I can anymore.

I would have taken Charlie's Ulster Dinner (the one with the lovely tablecloth) as a wind-up had it not been for the jubilation of the more "traditional" rangers fans, delighted that the new owner was starting to "get" the whole rangers thing.

We're locked in for the ride now, though - it's gonna be bumpy and hell knows where it'll end.

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Wouldn't you be better posting on one of the threads relevant to the Hearts situation? Just a thought, like, seeing how keen you are for this thread to remain on topic......

It is on topic, thanks for you concern Norman.

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Always funny when Celtic fans start preaching about "sectarian singing policy"

Your own club`s history is equally tainted with this and other matters

The club does not have a sectarian singin policy other than "sing this stuff and we will ban you along with pass your details over to the relevant authorities" it is clearly announced just before kick off and printed onto every ticket

If you want to try and dredge this stuff up which is completely off topic, fine lets do it but I warn you, I will go well beyond sectarian singing when talking about both of our clubs dirty history ;)

Ted I wrote "SIGNING" not "SINGING"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Always funny when Celtic fans start preaching about "sectarian singing policy"

Your own club`s history is equally tainted with this and other matters

The club does not have a sectarian singin policy other than "sing this stuff and we will ban you along with pass your details over to the relevant authorities" it is clearly announced just before kick off and printed onto every ticket

If you want to try and dredge this stuff up which is completely off topic, fine lets do it but I warn you, I will go well beyond sectarian singing when talking about both of our clubs dirty history ;)

Fucking hell :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I disagree

Lord Nimmo clearly said ;

A club is treated as a recognisable entity which is capable of being owned and operated, and which continues on existence despite its transfer to another owner and operator.

You're going to have to get real, Tedi. You have been relying on that single sentence as if John Greig brought it down from Mt Sinai on tablets of stone.

Lord Nimmo Smith's Commission did indeed say that, as you have quoted word for word. Verbatim, if you like. Why didn't you carry on reading?

The club is a separate but non-legal entity which continues notwithstanding transfer from one owner to another. Rangers Football Club therefore continue as before even though ownership has been transferred. (Tedi likes this bit)

The SPL has no jurisdiction over NEWCO, but as it has power to impose sanctions on the club, owned by newco, newco has a direct interest in proceedings. (He may find this bit a tad confusing)

Therefore newco could face all of the punishments for the offences if proved, on the basis that the club it bought was guilty of them.

(I'm fairly sure he doesn't like this bit)

Anyhoo, my poor wee sevconian, the thing about all the above is that is part of an OPINION. That is a completely different animal to a judgment, a verdict, or a decision. Believe me, if you've sat in as many courts as I have over the years, opinions are far from definitive. I'm not saying this one is right or wrong, but if I were you, I'd be prepared for disappointment.

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Not at all I never said this, why do you insist on putting words into my mouth?

Should a club be deducted points for the company going into administration?

Should a club be thrown out of a competition if the club wrongly registers a player?

Should titles won by the club be stripped if the company buys, registers and pays players incorrectly?

If the company refuses to pay tax should the club be in any way impacted?

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