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As Norman once posted, it's the whole of P&B against Rangers.

As a five-year-old could tell you, that would point to a fair bit of self-loathing, wouldn't it?

ETA: I'd be interested to see that post, BTW. I certainly believe it's every decent football fan in Scotland against rangers and their vile attitude and behaviour. I don't think I'd be daft enough to suggest that rangers posters were anti-rangers.

That would be like going on a forum and belittling all users of that forum - y'know, a wee bit stupid?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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As a five-year-old could tell you, that would point to a fair bit of self-loathing, wouldn't it?

Is that 5 yr old a child genius who can sniff out bigotry at a 100 yds by any chance?

Edited by bennett
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Hopefully Cameron will say...."and if you cnuts had paid your taxes like everyone else has to and hadnt cheated your way through Scottish football, we might even take your request seriously"


Edited by Sting777
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and the second part of his statement?

I do believe its history is firmly intact. I don't want to get in that argument

I take it you agree with this too? or is he now part of the succulent lamb brigade?

Of course Rangers history is intact. It just stopped when they died. Never doubted or disputed that. The new guise are on course for their first trophy. History in the making. Enjoy the ride. ;)

It's as in it is,not in it was,you lose.

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I'm not sure what's happening here, but I'm finding myself in agreement with these damned Rangers fellows.

This particular P&Ber has no need to tie himself in knots over dear old Thommo. He's been pretty much right in what he's said and uncovered so far. He's also wise to steer clear of the old club/new club pish. FWIW, I'm kinda with him in accepting that the club is in many important respects, still with us.

I also think the club is perfectly justified in its dealings with Alexander - a dick of a bloke and a ropey 'keeper who'd be very lucky to get offered comparable money elsewhere.

I'll maybe need to visit RM or something to get over this phase I'm going through.

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Yes you did.

Show me a link to Alexander's current wage and his new offer,plus one to the offer Rangers have made Bell

Don't know about Bell but we were on about the article from 2 pages back which included :

The 34-year-old was initially offered a new 12-month deal on around

£10,000-a-week but that was turned down because he wanted a two-year

contract, the same as fellow veteran and club captain Lee McCulloch

recently penned.

Alexander was stunned when Rangers returned with a final

take-it-or-leave-it offer, still for one season but less than half of

what the club initially tabled.

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A report in the DR today says " Craig White is lining up a new career as the boss of a bus company". Mark Dingwall of the rangers supporters trust has warned the employees " this man is an asset stripper and it wouldn't surprise me if this was his intention here".

Sounds kinda like the warning 'THE rangers' got from the blades last May when they heard Chuck was taking over at Ipox.

“CHARLES GREEN – he sells our team”. That was the Sheffield United supporters’ chant about their former chief executive.

The Rangers fans can only hope they’re not left singing the Blues after he completes his Ibrox takeover on June 6.

Green was unveiled as Gers’ saviour yesterday but just as the Light Blue legions saw light at the end of the tunnel, they were warned more dark days could be up ahead under Green.

The 59-year-old needed a police escort when he quit Bramall Lane in 1998, as raging Blades fans vented their fury.

In the midst of a promotion push to the Premier League, Green was responsible for selling off key players Brian Deane and Jan Aage Fjortoft.

That day is etched in the fans’ minds as “Black Thursday”.

As a result, ex-Gers midfielder Nigel Spackman quit as United boss before Green was hounded out of the club.

Along with then chairman Mike McDonald, the man from Yorkshire carried the can for the Blades’ failure to get out of the Championship.

That’s why the United support were desperate to see him go.

Alan Wright, head of the Blades’ Supporters Club, said: “Let’s just say we weren’t sad to see Green leave. He wasn’t interested in the fans.

“The club didn’t progress during his time and we had no dialogue with him.

“Some key players were sold behind Nigel Spackman’s back as we chased promotion. That was where the chant came from, ‘Charles Green, he sells our team’.

“When he left he needed a police escort out of the stadium, such was the bad feeling against him from the fans.

“I heard he’d re-surfaced at Rangers and I was surprised.

“I’m not sure why he was so keen to sell off our assets. I just think he was in it for himself, or someone else behind him.

“He certainly didn’t have the interests of United at heart.”

Green is the head of a 20-man consortium set to buy Gers, with investors popping up in the UK, Far East and Middle East.

As yet he’s refused to name any of his associates and United fan Wright believes that should worry the Ibrox support.

Wright said: “The Rangers fans will have a problem if they don’t find out who the money men are. That’s the question they should be asking now.

“He’s said he’ll be transparent but if his time here’s anything to go by, that’s unlikely.”

Fellow lifelong Blades fan John Bramall revealed Green tried to sell off club legend Dane Whitehouse – without the player knowing about it.

Bramall said: “He’d agreed a transfer to Birmingham City behind Dane’s back but Dane said, ‘I’m going nowhere’.

“Dane had been at the club since he was a boy – but that’s the type of guy Green is.”

Blades fan Peter Whitney said: “I met Green frequently as they set up fan forums which were very good. But he wasn’t an easy man to get to know.”

Maybe Dingwall should listen to his own advice. Or maybe not, fek it just let them get on with it.


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