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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Enough already with the inappropriate advances. I've already told you you're not my type.

In so many ways.

You remind of a guy i used work with, any excuse to vent his views on gays and he'd be full flow. Anyway to cut a long story short, i remember reading the local rag a few years ago and my old chum was in the paper - up in court after being caught performing sex acts at a local gay pick up/cruising spot.

It made me chuckle.

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We have all seen how the 'newbies' have conducted themselves since appearing here AFTER the demise of their institution. No genuine or meaningful input, no inciteful contributions, no concern of future direction, no acceptance of wrong doing, no alternative theories for solving their problems. Just immature name calling, constant deflection or outright blanking of often raised, sensible questions. They aren't here to debate or discuss, they are here to troll, abuse and otherwise attempt to fill this thread with shite..... mission accomplished really. I've asked for sensible debate with genuine fans before but to no avail really so their childish pish is easily ignored and says more about them than they'd like to think. WRK's little outburst is neither surprising nor effective really, but it may be a spleen venting issue that helps him continue the debate about this country's most disgraceful chapter in our football history. Long way to go yet.... :D

Yeah we should have endless posts of Sevco, new club, you lot are died etc, much more meaningful imo.

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You remind of a guy i used work with, any excuse to vent his views on gays and he'd be full flow. Anyway to cut a long story short, i remember reading the local rag a few years ago and my old chum was in the paper - up in court after being caught performing sex acts at a local gay pick up/cruising spot.

It made me chuckle.

'chuckle' and 'gag' are related aren't they? ninja.gif

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You remind of a guy i used work with, any excuse to vent his views on gays and he'd be full flow. Anyway to cut a long story short, i remember reading the local rag a few years ago and my old chum was in the paper - up in court after being caught performing sex acts at a local gay pick up/cruising spot.

It made me chuckle.

I thought since you perport to be a part of a minority who are still socially unaccepted, to a degree, in this day and age would feel empathy with the guy. He was obviously trying, in his own way, to reach out to you for help. It is no surprise to any of us that you shunned him in this way. Even so far as to recount his muffled cries for help in you mocking, unfeeling tone and to beat him with his sexuality and social problems as if it were a weapon to humiliate the man even more.

Are you really gay? Or were you just too scared to go down the usual West of Scotland downtrodden route and become a Celtic supporter so you lumped for pretending to be gay to get your share of sympathy and of being a victim?

Either way you really are a sad individual and we do feel pity for you, but not because you enjoy foreign bodies up yer chuff.

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Yeah we should have endless posts of Sevco, new club, you lot are died etc, much more meaningful imo.


1/ What is your opinion of how David Murray ran your club in the final ten years of his custodianship?

2/ Should the outcome of the investigation go against your club, what penalties would you deem appropriate?

3/ Having had your club publicly identified today as being involved in sectarian offences, what penalties should be levied against a) the club and b) the individuals?

4/ Do you think Greens spat with Murray is truly over? Seriously?

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I thought since you perport to be a part of a minority who are still socially unaccepted, to a degree, in this day and age would feel empathy with the guy. He was obviously trying, in his own way, to reach out to you for help. It is no surprise to any of us that you shunned him in this way. Even so far as to recount his muffled cries for help in you mocking, unfeeling tone and to beat him with his sexuality and social problems as if it were a weapon to humiliate the man even more.

Are you really gay? Or were you just too scared to go down the usual West of Scotland downtrodden route and become a Celtic supporter so you lumped for pretending to be gay to get your share of sympathy and of being a victim?

Either way you really are a sad individual and we do feel pity for you, but not because you enjoy foreign bodies up yer chuff.

To continue the story ...

The guy in question was one day reading the Sun, some bishop had been ranting about how all gays were evil and numbnuts was spouting this off, only to be overheard by one of the managers (who happened to be a lesbian) and sacked him on the spot.

Pretty sure he complained to the CAB who told him he was a fud and to do one.

I had a wee chuckle about it.

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Or..... 1/ What is your opinion of how David Murray ran your club in the final ten years of his custodianship? 2/ Should the outcome of the investigation go against your club, what penalties would you deem appropriate? 3/ Having had your club publicly identified today as being involved in sectarian offences, what penalties should be levied against a) the club and b) the individuals? 4/ Do you think Greens spat with Murray is truly over? Seriously?

Not very well

Impossible to answer without knowing all the ins and outs

The fans in quesstion should face arrest, i believe the SFA has stated as long as a club can prove that they're doing all they can to stop it then they wont get involved. (Celtic fans and IRA songs)


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To continue the story ...

The guy in question was one day reading the Sun, some bishop had been ranting about how all gays were evil and numbnuts was spouting this off, only to be overheard by one of the managers (who happened to be a lesbian) and sacked him on the spot.

Pretty sure he complained to the CAB who told him he was a fud and to do one.

I had a wee chuckle about it.


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You appear to be confusing homophobia with a feeling of disdain for someone who happens to be homosexual.

There's little room for confusion over the hate and bile you offer up here - all the while castigating others for what you don't care for.

As has been noted time and again - those double standards of yours continue to fly high.

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Or..... 1/ What is your opinion of how David Murray ran your club in the final ten years of his custodianship? 2/ Should the outcome of the investigation go against your club, what penalties would you deem appropriate? 3/ Having had your club publicly identified today as being involved in sectarian offences, what penalties should be levied against a) the club and b) the individuals? 4/ Do you think Greens spat with Murray is truly over? Seriously?

1. Murray behaved like a c**t.

2. Murray jailed.

3. None - the right to freedom of expression is of more importance than some being vocal about distaste for a religious cult.

4. No. Murray will be punted when convenient for all in a face-saving exercise.

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Or..... 1/ What is your opinion of how David Murray ran your club in the final ten years of his custodianship? 2/ Should the outcome of the investigation go against your club, what penalties would you deem appropriate? 3/ Having had your club publicly identified today as being involved in sectarian offences, what penalties should be levied against a) the club and b) the individuals? 4/ Do you think Greens spat with Murray is truly over? Seriously?

I'll have a go at this. Feel free to disagree.

What is your opinion of how David Murray ran your club in the final ten years of his custodianship?

Murray's ego outran his finances. Most of we Bears bought in to his ambition even if we had a gut-feeling that something wasn't quite right.

I'd say us fans are guilty of not calling foul.

Should the outcome of the investigation go against your club, what penalties would you deem appropriate?

The investigation is a complete joke and, as I've said before, the last hurrah of a moribund organisation. What punishment should they mete? Charles Green to snog Neil Doncaster.

Having had your club publicly identified today as being involved in sectarian offences.

Stupid question.

Do you think Greens spat with Murray is truly over? Seriously?

Couldn't give a f**k..

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Well, firstly, congratulations on some level headed replies...I knew you had it in you :;):

It appears you all accept that David Murray started the whole shitfest and that the winning far outweighed the reasoning. Guess you could say that was natural at a large club used to success.

You clearly also feel that the club should go unpunished on the basis that some disconnect between "owner" and "club" is present? If you think that one through carefully gents you know that can't possibly be right? The extrapolation of that theory is that any club can 'do the dirty' without fear of consequence. That simply cannot be allowed, as it is only adherence to proprietal business practice and law that prevents financial anarchy.

Mr Green.....well, many many warning flags have been hoisted about his dubious credentials and I'm sure that if you really care about your team you have looked into these as well. It's got to be a massive concern that you've replaced one business charlatan with another, but the question now is.....what can/will you do to ensure the survival of the latest incarnation of your club?

For the record gents, I think that Rangers' 140 existence could be maintained. But the questionable ten year period surely needs to be rewritten in some way that reflects the seriousness of the offences if found to be in breach of the rules.

Accusations of kangaroo courts and conspiracies is just playing to the crowds, grandstanding for the masses and drags your club and it's fans back to a place I'm sure you'd rather not habit.

Hopefully, this whole sorry and sordid episode will be over soon. However there will be, in many peoples eyes, a lasting reputational rift that will be a seriously long time in the healing. CEO's and Board members spouting the type of utter nonsense Green has, merely serve to give ammunitionto the less desirable elements of club fanbases to perpetuate hate, fear and loathing.

All in the name of.... Sport.

Edited by GreenockRover
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Well today justified me pulling the plug on my espn sub when we went in to Admin.

I would say another channel riddled with *****s.

Quite simple just unsubscribe.

I wont be having them in my living room.

Burley and Walker are bams.

I'm glad now I cancelled espn.i agree some the songs are border line but not any worse than I here Celtic fans singing at away games.ive never heard any commentators ever talk about what fans were singing fucking joke.f**k espn and there shity commentators
We will see if ESPN do or say anything the next time **** sing out the constant bile about our Queen and country at the next game they broadcast from the pedobowl
Although I find some of the chanting distasteful at worst, I find ESPN's conduct in this matter very suspicious indeed. Maybe even pre-meditated ?

I hate conspiracy theories but they do happen to exist when you are the victim of a conspiracy. Never before have I seen ESPN or sky sports mention any of the chanting in ANY football match they have broadcasted. The only occurrence of this kind of thing I can remember is Pat Nevin scorning Celtics IRA chanting in the scottish cup, that was on the BBC station. And the criticism was directed towards an act that is committed by Celtic fans at just about every away match they play. That is a fact that cannot be reasonably argued with.

So why all of a sudden have ESPN taken it upon themselves to point out discretionary chanting in a third division match that can only be deemed minor at best ?

Yet we are sure to be treated to a filthy repertoire of mass-murder glory by the scum-ridden Celtic away support every other week ? Why ? Why no mention of that ever ? Celtic away matches are shown on ESPN quite regularly ?

I look forward to the next occasion of ESPN hosting a Celtic away match, as no doubt the stupidity of their fans will consume us and will be tempted by the natural urge to sing about child-bombers and faecal-smearing psychopaths, again. I will be closely examining how ESPN utilise their new-found fan-chant morality in that inevitable instance. Although you'll be shit out of luck if you ever hope to find any sort of consistency with Rangers-hating amateurs, anywhere.


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