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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You know that episode of The Office when they had the pub quiz, and Finch's team lost, but he decided if he could throw Tim's shoe over the pub then his team would win?

In this thread the sevco fans are Finch.

Sevco are still in the 3rd Division. And now for apparently no reason.

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This may already have been answered but isnt the fine to the oldco a bit redundant since it is soon to be liquidated? Or does the newco pay this fine as part of the "settle all football debts" agreement?

Also, since The Rangers have a decision that they seem happy with does that mean that they want to join the SPL again despite Green's ramblings about never playing in the SPL under his regime?

I think I'll give answering this a shot whilst everyone bickers away.

I don't know what will happen, but it will be interesting. If OldCo owe £250,000 on top of the however many millions are owed, I reckon Gren will claim those are old debts, which he doesn't own. Rangers have been relaunched as a new company (no matter how many times their fans will deny it) and this means that they have no history, no debts and no £250,000 fine to pay for using an EBT payment scheme.

Their fans want it both, but they can't have it that way.

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You know that episode of The Office when they had the pub quiz, and Finch's team lost, but he decided if he could throw Tim's shoe over the pub then his team would win?

In this thread the sevco fans are Finch.

Sevco are still in the 3rd Division. And now for apparently no reason.

Who knows, we might be seeing you here next season. ;)

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Nimmo the Dimmo :unsure: has previous.

Nimmo Smith is the 'safe pair of hands' you need when you know you are in the sh*t and you need a bit of long winded whitewash.

Classic one is http://www.scotsman.com/news/fettesgate-magic-circle-spells-panic-in-the-police-1-1193291

He also held the enquiry into North Lanarkshire Council where in his view "there were no case to answer". This was a Council led by Harry McGuigan who was described by the Scotsman at the time as the 'lowest form of political pond life'.

In all cases the evidence hit him between the eyes but he still couldn't see it. The man who steps over the dead bodies before declaring nothing here of interest.

From the minute he was appointed it was clear why, and it was also clear what answer he would come up with.

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Where are the SPL`s accounts?

How much has this farce cost them and who is paying the bill?

It was the independent commissions decision, not the SPL`s

The fact it is an idependent commission didnt seem to stop Rangers fans complaining about the SPL trying to strip them of titles.

Yes there may be a large bill to go through this process, but isnt it better for everyone that it happened? At least now there is some sort of answer over the whole EBT dual contract thing and we can all move on. Is that not worth however much it will cost instead of the petty tit for tat arguing that has been going on for over a year?

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I think I'll give answering this a shot whilst everyone bickers away.

I don't know what will happen, but it will be interesting. If OldCo owe £250,000 on top of the however many millions are owed, I reckon Gren will claim those are old debts, which he doesn't own. Rangers have been relaunched as a new company (no matter how many times their fans will deny it) and this means that they have no history, no debts and no £250,000 fine to pay for using an EBT payment scheme.

Their fans want it both, but they can't have it that way.

No one has ever disputed there is a new company,the whole argument has always been about club continuity and recognition of that continuity by football authorities and going by the summation of the SPL Commission the club continuity is recognised as the same club from 1872. As for the fine,personally speaking i'd accept that being looked upon as a football debt to be paid by the club,no problem whatsoever.

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as I posted this morning......

Fingers crossed for a credible guilty verdict and appropriate title stripping punishments. Anticipating a fudged 'sort of guilty with slap on wrist naughty step' verdict and a 'please can we all move along now' message. This will be interpreted up by all Rangers / Sevco as We Wur Innocent. GIRFUY, WATP etc etc. No real Sporting Integrity in watching a club rack up titles by having a squad which was way beyong their financial means if they had properly registered and remunerated them as per the rules that everyone else adhered to. I paid a lot of money over the seasons to watch a rigged competition, and - to quote someone else earlier in the thread - That's The Bottom Line!



'administrative errors' my arse.

'Seething' and rightly so. What a fucking stitch-up.

Fitba's deid.

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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Nimmo the Dimmo :unsure: has previous.

Nimmo Smith is the 'safe pair of hands' you need when you know you are in the sh*t and you need a bit of long winded whitewash.

Classic one is http://www.scotsman.com/news/fettesgate-magic-circle-spells-panic-in-the-police-1-1193291

He also held the enquiry into North Lanarkshire Council where in his view "there were no case to answer". This was a Council led by Harry McGuigan who was described by the Scotsman at the time as the 'lowest form of political pond life'.

In all cases the evidence hit him between the eyes but he still couldn't see it. The man who steps over the dead bodies before declaring nothing here of interest.

From the minute he was appointed it was clear why, and it was also clear what answer he would come up with.

As your stating that "it was clear what answer he would come up with" are we to presume that you posted as such on this forum before todays verdict then? If so i'd like to see that post.

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as I posted this morning......

Fingers crossed for a credible guilty verdict and appropriate title stripping punishments. Anticipating a fudged 'sort of guilty with slap on wrist naughty step' verdict and a 'please can we all move along now' message. This will be interpreted up by all Rangers / Sevco as We Wur Innocent. GIRFUY, WATP etc etc. No real Sporting Integrity in watching a club rack up titles by having a squad which was way beyong their financial means if they had properly registered and remunerated them as per the rules that everyone else adhered to. I paid a lot of money over the seasons to watch a rigged competition, and - to quote someone else earlier in the thread - That's The Bottom Line!



'administrative errors' my arse.

'Seething' and rightly so. What a fucking stitch-up.

Fitba's deid.

Hahaha up ye sheepie!

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as I posted this morning......

Fingers crossed for a credible guilty verdict and appropriate title stripping punishments. Anticipating a fudged 'sort of guilty with slap on wrist naughty step' verdict and a 'please can we all move along now' message. This will be interpreted up by all Rangers / Sevco as We Wur Innocent. GIRFUY, WATP etc etc. No real Sporting Integrity in watching a club rack up titles by having a squad which was way beyong their financial means if they had properly registered and remunerated them as per the rules that everyone else adhered to. I paid a lot of money over the seasons to watch a rigged competition, and - to quote someone else earlier in the thread - That's The Bottom Line!



'administrative errors' my arse.

'Seething' and rightly so. What a fucking stitch-up.

Fitba's deid.

Poor wee mutton mollestors upset. Aww diddums.

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as I posted this morning......

Fingers crossed for a credible guilty verdict and appropriate title stripping punishments. Anticipating a fudged 'sort of guilty with slap on wrist naughty step' verdict and a 'please can we all move along now' message. This will be interpreted up by all Rangers / Sevco as We Wur Innocent. GIRFUY, WATP etc etc. No real Sporting Integrity in watching a club rack up titles by having a squad which was way beyong their financial means if they had properly registered and remunerated them as per the rules that everyone else adhered to. I paid a lot of money over the seasons to watch a rigged competition, and - to quote someone else earlier in the thread - That's The Bottom Line!



'administrative errors' my arse.

'Seething' and rightly so. What a fucking stitch-up.

Fitba's deid.

Fucksake make up your mind i thought the spl is booming??

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