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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not a member of the pedantic association are you?

f**k yeah.....

If waiting for someone to realise their shortcomings in literacy is being pedantic then pass me an application form and i'll make sure its not filled out ILLEGIBLY so that my membership doesn't make me INELLIGABLE to be pedantic...

...about people who use big words when under qualified to do so.

You see what I did there yeah? ;)

Edited by GreenockRover
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I am have no idea what the not guilty scarves were for, tax case? not ever fielding ineligible players? no sporting advantage gained on the pitch (if you exclude Laffery of course)?

I read this earlier today,oddly enough it isnt from a Celtic fan or zombie but from a Hibs fan.

Its probably the best letter i have seen so far.................

Yet again today we have Charlie demanding apologies, Sally going on about players being vindicated and Murray waffling pish about witch-hunts. Let`s get it straight here....RFC were guilty of tax avoidance on a massive scale and were let off by the FTT, by a 2-1 vote, on a point of law....a technicality. HMRC know there was more than enough evidence there to nail them and are appealing the decision.

The SPL commision found them guilty of breaching a million SPL/SFA rules and the mighty sanction of a £250 000 fine is placed upon OldCo. Another worthless punishment as it clearly will never be paid. They were found to have not gained an on-field advantage however, through using these deliberately undisclosed payments....so players who would likely have never given this football backwater any thought, never mind a second one, are given assurances about extra payments to augment their official salary and hey presto!....they sign for Rangers.

The FTT let them off because HMRC had said they didn`t see these as ' sham ' loans. A mistake...because they clearly were. There was never any intention whatsoever to see these monies repaid. This as i understand it was the point of law upon which the two judges found in Rangers favour......not declared innocent or not guilty, but found in their favour which means they felt their hands were tied by a legal technicality. Green, Sally, Murray and the usual suspects, aided and abetted by their stout underlings in the MSM declare to all that they were vindicated, innocent of everything and they would be expecting apologies from everyone who had wronged them. They read the document, as we did, yet no contrition or remorse or even the hint of shame or apology but just more arrogance and stomach turning conceit.

As for Nimmo-Smith.....no on-field advantage was gained he says.

Having better quality, improperly registered players on said field than RFC could otherwise have afforded by paying them through the proper channels, was not deemed to be seeking an advantage over its title rivals. Then what was the fucking point of employing an EBT system in the first place your honour? Do your qualifications not allow you to have any common sense? In fact, you dont even need common sense, it`s here in the FTT document..." So far as Rangers was concerned it [ the EBT scheme, therefor the undisclosed payments ] enabled the Club to attract players who would not otherwise have been obtainable. " That, to me, sound like a club seeking to gain an on-field advantage. Yet, Nimmo-Smith says that wasn`t what they were doing....utter shite.

So, RFC are found guilty on virtually every count but because of certain peoples " interpretation " they are let off. It is so obvious that someone with no brain could see they were cheating on an industrial scale that you have to wonder how these learned people could reach their decions. I want to believe in our system of justice....more importantly i want to believe that the distinquished types who sit at the top will dispense justice fairly and without favour. I dont believe that has been done here. A gang of cheats have commited a scam of staggering proportions and have walked away laughing at our whole game...and not only that but we have to put up with the odious cretin Charlie Green demanding apologies, Sally going on about his innocence being vindicated and to top it all, the cheat in charge...David fucking Murray spouting his pish about witch-hunts....and the MSM follow the party line.

Was there talk of civil unrest, rumours of prospective investors suddenly backing away from The Rangers if more penalties were imposed? I dont know...maybe thats pish and i`m seeing injustice and highly dubious decisions where there aren`t any, but i have to say that looking at this verdict, i am drawn to the same conclusion i had when i saw Billy MacKays incredulous f**k-up against the gunts which should have won the semi-final for Inverness.......it looks deeply suspicious.

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These Celtic minded columnists are fairly transparent - even with the BTC and LNS going in Rangers favour they were still liquidated with debts which would I imagine have been in excess of £20 million, but these columnists would sweep this under the carpet and let Rangers back in to the top division (lets bear in mind most sane minded Rangers fans are comfortable with being in Div 3 for the undeniable debts they ran up from PAYE to the corner shop).

In other words, Celtic need the quarterly bigot bowl back.

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Two 'good' Celtic men appear to believe that a terrbile mistake has been made, the P&Bers can hardly accuse those two of being pro Rangers.

This P&ber can.

Both these ignorant idiots are entirely pro Old Firm. That means that the game only has meaning for them in terms of those two big clubs.

Particular favourites of mine from Provan's piece, included where he implored us to trust the man who tried the Lockerbie bomber - Mmmmm.

I also liked when he described those who believe clubs should be required to ascend the leagues on merit, as Luddites. It's just wonderful stupidity.

That these guys get given such a platform, says dreadful things about intelligence levels in this country.

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No problem here,but they done a roaring trade at the Glue Camp yesterday selling 'Not Guilty' scarves.


The guys who sell those scarves will be at Celtics next home game selling Celtic and republican tat, so i suggest you have a word in their ear then.

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This P&ber can.

Both these ignorant idiots are entirely pro Old Firm. That means that the game only has meaning for them in terms of those two big clubs.

Particular favourites of mine from Provan's piece, included where he implored us to trust the man who tried the Lockerbie bomber - Mmmmm.

I also liked when he described those who believe clubs should be required to ascend the leagues on merit, as Luddites. It's just wonderful stupidity.

That these guys get given such a platform, says dreadful things about intelligence levels in this country.

I'm not that fussed really either way as whatever happens will outwith our control so i guess we'll just have to roll with whatever happens.

It seems to me that a lot of Celtic fans who bought season tickets this season haven't bothered turning up at games and Celtic must be worried that next season they won't renew - hence the about turn from pro Celts in the media.

Do we as a country continue to uphold sporting integrity and see this through or do a 360 about turn?

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Nimmo- Theyre guilty as f**k, 40 odd million funny money spent they could afford or didnt have or scammed from hmrc.....

Nimmos assistant- So will you hammer them sir? Strip all the titles?

Nimmo- No it gave them no competitive advantage at all!

Nimmos assistant- (shocked) What do you mean sir? 40million is alot of money for players!!

Nimmo- Look at the pish they spent it on lololol You must at the bigger picture in these cases. They only won when the big team were poor and they done nothing in europe except try to stop football being played, they have been pish for more than the last 20 years so no competitive advantage. Token fine for deadco though......

Excellent stuff. When it comes to bitter plastics - I do enjoy the ones absolutely choking on the verdict most of all.


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[quote name='bennett'

Do we as a country continue to uphold sporting integrity and see this through or do a 360 about turn?

A bit feckin' late.

This debacle has done nothing but illuminate sporting integrity, sporting journalistic integrity, political and judicial integrity are non-starters in Scotland.

Sadly integrity seems to be missing from the Scots dictionary, along with humility and contrition.

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In all seriousness though, I'll keep quiet about it now but lets see when they get to the spl for the first time how much 'competitive advantage' the funny money had because they dont have it anymore

Clearly the 'competitive advantage' is of variable potency. How else to explain the magical, invigorating nature of a side letter when they only worked some of the time.

God alone knows how we managed to win a single title prior to the introduction of EBT steroids.

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This P&ber can.

It seems to me that a lot of Celtic fans who bought season tickets this season haven't bothered turning up at games and Celtic must be worried that next season they won't renew - hence the about turn from pro Celts in the media.

Do we as a country continue to uphold sporting integrity and see this through or do a 360 about turn?


360 degrees???

Good grief. How the f**k do you even find Ibrox!?

Edited by GreenockRover
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These Celtic minded columnists are fairly transparent - even with the BTC and LNS going in Rangers favour they were still liquidated with debts which would I imagine have been in excess of £20 million, but these columnists would sweep this under the carpet and let Rangers back in to the top division (lets bear in mind most sane minded Rangers fans are comfortable with being in Div 3 for the undeniable debts they ran up from PAYE to the corner shop).

In other words, Celtic need the quarterly bigot bowl back.

Dream on sunshine,Sevco shouldnt even be in division 3,they have lied their way into the SFL,what have Spartans done wrong?

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A bit feckin' late.

This debacle has done nothing but illuminate sporting integrity, sporting journalistic integrity, political and judicial integrity are non-starters in Scotland.

Sadly integrity seems to be missing from the Scots dictionary, along with humility and contrition.

Nice edit of my post.

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